***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

It wont be.
Remember about the proc, even if its tuned down accordingly.
This was a major upgrade for everyone and good dps/hps boost.
My question is, what about legendary meta gems for helmets.
Are they going to fit into WoD gear etc :-)
I would miss that haste proc...

I could see them doing the same thing they have before with gems, having a certain ilvl of gem needed, so the legendary meta probably won't be used.
It wont be.

It's Blizzard's stated philosophy that gear from the previous expansion is always rapidly superseded when a new expansion hits. You might occasionally find an item remains relevant in the first tier of raiding if you're unlucky with drops, but otherwise not. Didn't they outright nerf Thunderfury back in the day because the proc itself would have always been useful in spite of the raid tier?
Re-subbed and playing Enhancement Shaman. Enjoying playing again but forgot how boring it is to run around everywhere :), roll on my mount. Playing on Chamber of Aspects (Horde) if anyone else is on there.
I've only done the gem part of the quest line for the cloak, is it still reasonably easy to get the cloak? I quit a few months after release if it makes any difference.

Very easy. Everything can be done through LFR and they introduced a buff which gives an increased drop chances for the items needed to progress. Shouldn't take too long if you do all of them across the weeks if you get lucky with drops, obviously apart from the static requirement of 3k Valor some way down.
on PTR my legendary cloak was good upto 97 when i replaced it with a green quest reward which upgraded itself to blue.

Also for the other guy asking no sockets on helms in WOD from what ive seen
Why stay subscribed if you are no longer enjoying it? You've got just over 2 months until WOD hits.

Already cancelled mate, got 10 days remaining on it. I did a pug raid of SoO normal the other night and quite enjoyed it, plus got some loot. Think my priest is in a decent enough position now for WOD leveling so pretty much done.
Already cancelled mate, got 10 days remaining on it. I did a pug raid of SoO normal the other night and quite enjoyed it, plus got some loot. Think my priest is in a decent enough position now for WOD leveling so pretty much done.

If you haven't already you should at least try to get a flex heirloom, will make leveling easier.
Playing on Chamber of Aspects (Horde) if anyone else is on there.

Thats the realm i'm on though playing alliance atm. Will eventually get some horde characters though may not be for some time.

Ive ended up stopping my xp gains with the guy from stormwind as i was out-levelling the whole of Northrend having only played the first zone and didnt want the same to happen in Cataclysm as well.

I've had some people in dungeons tell me i need to sort my gear out, but not entirely sure how you would go about this as i play the current dungeons that i can and get the loot from them along with my quests, so not really sure how else i would get good gear other than those two methods.
When you move the cursor over an item in your bags and have the char screen open should it compare the 2? I'm sure it used to or am I just dreaming?

Only been playing for a couple of days since re-subbing but seen quite a lot of alliance high lvl pvp-ers killing all the npc's in low lvl areas. What do they get out of it (apart from winding people up)? I want that character from the South Park episode!
Maybe you're right, I just assumed it would get increased.

Well it sort of does when they add additional levels. I think they want to keep the time to reach level cap relatively constant when they add additional levels so they balance this by bossting XP gains across the board... Recently took a character through 80-85 and didnt even have to finish the second zone to get to L85.
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