Just read this article. Does anybody know if this means it'll be more beneficial upgrading my GPU rather than my CPU for WoD? With the release of the 9xx series from Nvidia the 970 looks really tempting; I was previously considering upgrading to an i7-4790k due to WoW being so CPU intensive but I'm not sure anymore.
The two I currently have are in my sig.
Just wanted to point out in case it's something you're into. You can use Justice Points to buy commendations for the wotlk reputations aswell, which apparently they're getting rid of in draenor (or at least the vendor doesn't sell them on PTR) so you might want to buy those if you don't have the reps but might want them in future.
if it's the 2500k, then i dont think you've got anything to worry about. If its overclocked, that should still last you years to come.
Where do I go for this? I like my achievements so this might help.
Unfortunately it's locked. I've heard they're still overclockable, just never really gave it a go since I've always had a stock cooler which was recently replaced, although it's still only a Raijintek Aidos.
Just completed the sigils this evening. And then spent the rest of the night in an eternal queue for Terrace... Hopefully I can get in tomorrow.
Yeah, whatever you do be sure you do it this week, otherwise it's an extra week for the valor part.
Yeah, I know. Even though the Valor requirement is being removed with 6.0.2, if I waited until then it's just make the timing wayyy too tight until the WoD release.
Edit: Now I just need the gun to drop from Lei on Terrace so I can finally move from this 450 ilvl crossbow. Here's to hoping it drops the same time I do the quest tonight eh? Probably notAlso working on getting exalted with the Klaxxi for their gun and also farming Timeless Coins for the weapon from there, so hopefully I won't have the 450 weapon for much longer.
Minimum System Requirements:
NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT or ATI Radeon HD 4850
Recommended Specifications:
NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M or ATI Radeon HD 6750M or better