***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

I hear you. I am a casual raider, I currently do Flex with some guildies twice a week. I think variable difficulty is always the best option and tbh I thought they had some new hard modes for WoD?
I certainly have no current qualms with it based on how I play.

They have added a new difficulty, but its basically the same as heroic mode now.

Raid finder in MoP is still raid finder in WoD (10-25man)
Flex in MoP will be normal in WoD (10-25man)
Normal in MoP will be heroic in WoD (10-25man)
Heroic in MoP will be mythic in WoD (20man)
So they've basically just renamed it. Brilliant. I do miss the old really hard raids, like you knew very early on if you were able to progress in TBC raids or not.
I always think that I miss the old hard raids (I was raid leader in a guild that did 9 bosses in Naxx in Vanilla and killed C'Thun, then cleared all of TBC), but when I think about it now I really don't think I would enjoy sitting down for 4-5 hours a night entirely focused on a raid. I guess I'm just past the hardcore raiding stage, still glad I did it but I think that's me done with it.
I did Onyxia, MC and BWL in Vanilla but at the time I was young and could spare the time to do those instances at the level of commitment required. These days, being a father, I don't have anywhere near that amount of time to dedicate in a session and to be honest, I wouldn't want to spend hours trying to take a boss down now. I'm happy to be a casual player. I understand my classes, I know how they work, and I can contribute well in dungeons and PvP and these days that's all I stick to really. In fact I'm only doing dungeons tanking on my DK at the moment because I'm levelling him up. Once I'm 90 with him (which should be tonight) I'm not sure whether I'll do anymore dungeons with him. The shorter dungeons you get whilst levelling up are perfect but anything past 30 - 45 minutes in a sitting is a bit much for me now.
SouthEastBlue, thanks for the heads up on Oqueue. Will have to give that a nose :-)

It's great to see other Vanilla players posting here! My guild had everything up to BWL on farm and we were halfway through AQ40 when it was time up. In the Burning Crusade, we only did Kara, Gruul's and Maggy's. This was due to guild politics - smaller raid sizes, and DKP (dragon kill points) getting replaced by the Loot Council which created a core of elitist players. By the Lich King expansion, the elitist core created their own splinter guild appropriately named "Schism", and the rest of us were able to do Naxx for the first time. Then I took a break for about 4 years, skipping Cata completely and rejoined recently, late-Mists era. Now ilevel 529.

So yeah, that's my life story in Azeroth :p
SouthEastBlue, thanks for the heads up on Oqueue. Will have to give that a nose :-)

It's great to see other Vanilla players posting here! My guild had everything up to BWL on farm and we were halfway through AQ40 when it was time up. In the Burning Crusade, we only did Kara, Gruul's and Maggy's. This was due to guild politics - smaller raid sizes, and DKP (dragon kill points) getting replaced by the Loot Council which created a core of elitist players. By the Lich King expansion, the elitist core created their own splinter guild appropriately named "Schism", and the rest of us were able to do Naxx for the first time. Then I took a break for about 4 years, skipping Cata completely and rejoined recently, late-Mists era. Now ilevel 529.

So yeah, that's my life story in Azeroth :p

I think that must have happened to quite a few Vanilla guilds unfortunately. My old guild, Fearsome War Engine on Dunemaul had pretty much the same problems: the hardcore raiders wanting to go even more hardcore and the rest of the raiders not wanting/able to commit. Eventually they split off and due to a lot of friendships inevitably splitting at the same time, things got very sour. I had left soon after that, even if I wasn't a raider. This must have been about 6-12 months after Burning Crusade had come out.
There is no best server. Some prefer high pop servers, some prefer balanced horde/alliance ratios, some prefer RP, etc.
I think that must have happened to quite a few Vanilla guilds unfortunately. My old guild, Fearsome War Engine on Dunemaul had pretty much the same problems: the hardcore raiders wanting to go even more hardcore and the rest of the raiders not wanting/able to commit. Eventually they split off and due to a lot of friendships inevitably splitting at the same time, things got very sour. I had left soon after that, even if I wasn't a raider. This must have been about 6-12 months after Burning Crusade had come out.

Happens to all guilds at some point sadly. My friends guild on hellscream EU called "Redmoon" was a vanilla guild that made it all the way into mists. They had all normal mode stuff on farm, but the guild fractured when people decided against doing heroic stuff or switched to PVP etc. Seems daft to have a guild that has lasted for that amount of time to just wither and die, especially when some of the core members from vanilla still played :S My friend quit the game due to it, as its just not the same for him without the community.

I've been a pure lone wolf since cata as I've just been a pure casual player, doing LFR and the occasional normal PUG group to see content and get loot, but thats literally it. I'd be exactly the same if I tried WOD too, so I'm not sure if I will or not yet to be honest! My new job will really put a strain on me getting addicted to the game again, so its probably best I don't bother lol.
Yeah, 540 is a really low requirement, you should really be at least 555 or so, unless your getting carried.

540 is about the minimum I would want to take for flex Garrosh let alone normal.
is it worth just doing loads of dungeons and convert to honor to get PVP gear, or should I just get PVE gear and concentrate on timeless isle farming coins and rares to get burden, just started a horde char as a few of my friends use horde chars so i'm doing this now, i'm only ilvl 502.
Tried oQueue last night. Could not seem to find anyone doing 25-man Normal Garrosh kills without wanting a ridiculous ilevel like 540+. I'm only on 505 :(

It was Tuesday night so it would have been last chance saloon for all the groups going for Garrosh this week and they wouldn't want lower levels!
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