***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

My game goes to a black screen when launching now for some reason, If I leave it alone for 10-15 seconds or so the game will kick in but if I click or anything it crashes.

4 days to go :)
Ive had every wow expansion to date but i think this will be the one I finally give up with. The same old with no change. And there planning on keeping it going for another 10 years :S
Ive had every wow expansion to date but i think this will be the one I finally give up with. The same old with no change. And there planning on keeping it going for another 10 years :S

Quite the oposite for me. This expansion has me interested again in it. I quit when Mists came out because I just did not like the setting the story. I don't know why but Mists just did not "click" for me.

Warlords just has that "something" which makes me want to come back and play. I've been playing since Vanilla, every expansion always had a story or something I was into. As mentioned Mist's I didn't get that feeling so I just faded out.

I've dusted off my good old Death Knight (my first char Shaman will forever stay at level 60 lol) Got some new bits of kit and looking forward to diving into Warlords :)
I quit about 2 months in to MOP due to real life stuffs. However I did struggle with the pandas, I kept up to date with the story and really enjoyed how it panned out.

I have now been resubbed for 3weeks now and getting my boosted character ready for WoD which i am really excited about. Lets hope real life can be normal this time round, im ready for some raiding :P
Got my DK the Garrosh 2h yesterday, well chuffed, thats his 2H pretty much sorted to 100 i guess, really tempted by a Hunter for WoD though, i have a 90 Mage and 90 DK ready to go, but i fancy a hunter as well.
Got my DK the Garrosh 2h yesterday, well chuffed, thats his 2H pretty much sorted to 100 i guess, really tempted by a Hunter for WoD though, i have a 90 Mage and 90 DK ready to go, but i fancy a hunter as well.

I wouldnt bother, Hunters arent in a good place right now. No real difference between the specs and a dull playstyle means I have given real thought into switching my horde main but well the other 90's I have horde side are just as dull to me. And I'll be ****ed if Im forking over 40 quid for a boost to 90.
I wouldnt bother, Hunters arent in a good place right now. No real difference between the specs and a dull playstyle means I have given real thought into switching my horde main but well the other 90's I have horde side are just as dull to me. And I'll be ****ed if Im forking over 40 quid for a boost to 90.

If you get WoD tho pre-order you get a free 90
I fear someone's not read any patch notes at all?

Thats not the case,

I just do not see the new character models of any use for starters a complete graphics over haul for the modern times would be more of a feature. Are they really gonna keep this the same for the next 10 years?.

What else the removable of around 5+ abilities from all my classes dumbing down game play even more was dissapointing.

Once you get to 100 it will be exactly the same as current live wow. Im not dissing this game its the only game i ever got into and like i said ive played from the start. Personally feel a big decline in the game since cataclysm.

New people to game most probably love it though:p
Just came back to wow after a year to try it out again "casually", hoping I don't get bitten by the bug again.

Played Horde on another server, but servers dead and the guilds pretty much gone, i saw 3 people over the weekend.

So decided to roll and Worgan druid on Silvermoon to see the Alliance side of things, which I havn't done since vanilla. Do you have a minimum lvl requirement on the guild? Completely understand if you do, if the universe is kind to me, I'll get bored and quit in a week. :p
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