Ive had every wow expansion to date but i think this will be the one I finally give up with. The same old with no change. And there planning on keeping it going for another 10 years :S
How is it the same old with no change?... They've removed/added so much...
Ive had every wow expansion to date but i think this will be the one I finally give up with. The same old with no change. And there planning on keeping it going for another 10 years :S
Ive had every wow expansion to date but i think this will be the one I finally give up with. The same old with no change. And there planning on keeping it going for another 10 years :S
I think my son (9) would love this game but it would mean divorce I fear
Got my DK the Garrosh 2h yesterday, well chuffed, thats his 2H pretty much sorted to 100 i guess, really tempted by a Hunter for WoD though, i have a 90 Mage and 90 DK ready to go, but i fancy a hunter as well.
I wouldnt bother, Hunters arent in a good place right now. No real difference between the specs and a dull playstyle means I have given real thought into switching my horde main but well the other 90's I have horde side are just as dull to me. And I'll be ****ed if Im forking over 40 quid for a boost to 90.
I fear someone's not read any patch notes at all?
If you get WoD tho pre-order you get a free 90