Worst places in England.

Swindon has been on a decline for decades though. The town honestly haven't had any serious investment in at least 20 years. There have been a number of big employers who have pulled their HQ out of Swindon. If Nationwide closed down half the town would be unemployed.

They were supposed to be having a big brand new shopping center built even with an indoor ski slope. But as expected that flopped when the investor pulled out.

The problem they have is that after years of no investment people travel to Bristol or Oxford for shopping etc, so there's very little money spent in the town.

I live in Swindon, and what you say is all true.. But it is by no means the worst place to live - it is a safe place to bring up a family (expect perhaps a few areas), has lots of nice residential areas, it is positioned perfectly between areas like Bristol/Oxford/Cotswolds/Bath, etc (and yes, thats why people go to those places when they want a nice out).. Not much going for it, yes, but still a lot better than some of the other towns in the UK. :)
I live in Swindon, and what you say is all true.. But it is by no means the worst place to live - it is a safe place to bring up a family (expect perhaps a few areas), has lots of nice residential areas, it is positioned perfectly between areas like Bristol/Oxford/Cotswolds/Bath, etc (and yes, thats why people go to those places when they want a nice out).. Not much going for it, yes, but still a lot better than some of the other towns in the UK. :)

Yeah I wouldn't say it was one of the worst places to live. In some ways they're lucky it's on the main line between Bristol and London, as both cities are commutable and housing is certainly cheaper if you don't mind the commute.

I no longer live there, but the town center was dying years ago a typical high-street death. I don't think greenbridge has much going for it now. The only thing they've managed to hang on to is the outlet village.

It really just needs the council to get in some investment.
Surely you could say that about most places now. Every time I drive through my (used to be quaint) village it looks like they've built another housing estate...
Expanding with new builds isn't the same. Yes the quaint village may grow, but it can still be a developing community.
Wynyard is mostly gated driveways and walled gardens. The village is pretty but really any choices for food and drink etc.
There are poverty traps in any town, In my experience. But Bradford, Rochdale and Burnley are just Total depravity.

Bradford has many places that are pretty much no go zones ,it does have some nasty, nasty areas, but i have enjoyed going to the photography museum and imax there, also the nearby places like Saltaire and Haworth (one of my favorite walks is from the Bronte parsonage to top withens
Worst place I've been in England was a mate's wedding in Shropshire. As someone that grew up in middle-class rural village, riding horses and the like, I'm no stranger to toffee-nosed ****s, but this family was the absolute worst. I'd happily have pushed the lot of them down a well.
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