X3:Terran Conflict has arrived

hit a brick wall with the Terran plot now
have to get though a xeon sector and it's chock full of hostiles AT the gate!

You can always bypass the xenon sector just go the long way ;) you will also map a large part of the galaxy doing it.
I really shouldn't have started reading this thread. I'm getting the X3 itch really badly now... I love the x-series, but have resisted TC so far.

The thing is, when I start playing these games everything else tends to fade into the bacground, and I waste hundreds of hours on it. Not sure how much longer I can resist though :p I already have it installed and ready on steam as well!

play it you know you want to :D


I noticed the universe map link on the OP was broken so ive found a new one http://eng.x3tc.ru/x3_tc_map/?c=NDQ1MDQxOQ#1 OP updated
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anyone know if there's a way to transport command software upgrades from one station to another (to install in another ship) of if I have to get the ship to the 1st station?

The only way to transport software is by installing it on a ship.

so you have 3 options

1) buy a fast ship (m5) install the software and send it to the station.

2) order the ship you want the SW to the equipment dock to buy the software

3) if you have the proffits to spare. Buy a TM and several fighters fill the TM with them, fully equip the TM. Install the software you want on the fighters and jump the TM to the station.

Transport the software from one of the fighters to the new ship then jump the TM back to a EQ dock to re supply with software. (hope this makes sence)
yeah when I've the rep to buy one and find a system selling one!

You should already have enough rep for one,

Stations that sell jump drives

Terracorp HQ - Home of light
OTAS HQ - Legends home
Atreus HQ - Queens Harbour
Torus - Earth
I've played the whole x series up to x3 reunion but i can't bring myself to buy TC because as much as i like the games i feel they've gotten a bit stale, all they do is add more of the same, more ships, sectors and stations, i might get it if i could find it for around £10.

TC is more than just a few more ships/sectors.

1) Lots of new ships inc 5 new ship classes. There must be over 100 new ships available.
2) Lots of new sectors inc the entire earth system. Without counting there must be over 40 new sectors.
3) a new easier to use interface
4) An M0 you can actually get and use without scripts.
5) complete rework of the entire weapon chart, gone are the days of alpha beta and gamma weapons.
6) addition of 10+ new weapons.
7) 10 or so different plots for you to follow at your will.
8) new mission types and rewards
9) cant think of any more but im sure there are a lot more.

They need to add more depth to the game, something genuinely new and interesting, perhaps some fps elements for stations and planets, they could do something like mass effect but focused mostly on trading and stuff, it needs something new for someone whos been playing all these years, i hate to feel this way about a series i love but sadly i do. :(

Just wait they are working on something new its going to be big... really big.
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well its finally here. :D:cool:

X3TC 2.5 Update

Give those precious X disks a rest!

We are pleased to announce that X3: Terran Conflict 2.5 is now available! In this update, you can expect the usual host of new features and improvements. One of the most noticeable is the keenly-awaited removal of the Copy Protection, allowing you to either play without a DVD or install the Online Activation version on an unlimited number of systems.

Additionally improvements have been made to marine training and boarding operations and the boarding of Xenon ships has been rebalanced. Menus have also been tweaked to access factories in complexes, to show wing orders in the wing's context menu as well as showing marines in the player's property menu. There have been improvements also to a number of commands, including Defend Station, and some additional commands added to the Script Editor and Mission Director.

We've also taken a Plasma Burst Generator to some of the more annoying bugs - Universe Traders should no longer wander into enemy territory, ships and wings should now properly use the 'jump and fly to' command. Also fixed are the 'attack shields' command and issues surrounding the launch of multiple marines, the resupply of missiles on boarded ships, the wing jumpdrive energy display and a quite a few more.

As has been the case with recent updates, the testing of this update has involved our friends from Devnet level 3, so to them and the level 5+ regular testers and volunteer developers, we owe a debt of gratitude for making 2.5 the update it is. We at EGOSOFT hope that the improvements, fixes and features in the update meet with your approval and enjoyment!
So how big is everyone's empire, some of you must have put hundreds of hours in by now?

Well in my current game i have a few 100m credits and a reasonable sized fleet nothing special.

MY fist game i had several billion credits and a massive empire. But things become to easy at that stage so i restarted.

It would be nice to get a mk3 trader up and running as fast as possible to begin with, so any new or old advice for TC would be great! :D

Fastest way to get a mk3 up and running is to claim some abandoned ships sell some to get a mk3 and some credits. Then with one of the abandoned TS's send your mk3 to trade.
How far can you go in the m4 with the terran missions at the beginning?

Im putting most of my money into mk3 traders and have 5 now but i want to start doing a bit more fighting, do you get a good ship from any missions or elsewhere?

If you are doing the Terran missions then you wont need to buy anything better than a m4.

Rewards for Terran missions include a M3, M6, and a TP. So you can just upgrade with the freebies. These will keep you going until you need a M7
Ultimate ship is the Boreas but that is probably too big for even most BBS missions. It has so many guns and turrets in tightly packed systems, friendly fire is almost always unavoidable and last time I played, the game engine is very unforgiving. A routine patrol can quickly end up with most of the stations in the system against you and your race rating dropped like a stone!

Use the right weapons for right job and you can minimise FF.

The boreas might be the best M2, but a M1 with full fighter complement will make mince meat out of a it.
Dont sell the vidar, its the only one you will ever get in the game.

Keep the ship safe until you have the PHQ, then you can reverse engineer it and build a fleet of them.
Anyone here completed the hub?

The amount of stuff you have to collect for one blooming boron is ridiculous, it must work out to hundreds of millions of credits worth, they should have at least made it more realistic, how does he alone have time to use all that 450000 units of ore and 250000 crystals and so on exactly? :p

Ive not played in awhile keep meaning to complete that mission but never have.

The only reason to bother completeing ot is to get the PHQ mission.

There are scripts that make the hub easier.
Re The Hub, this is the mission that really keeps me drifting away. I'm on the Teladianium at the moment and despite having three freighters out buying the stuff, my own foundry and going round collecting it myself, I've still got another 70,000 units to find. I know from the FAQ's that ore comes next, so I'm quietly stockpiling that but I'm currently only looking at the game two or three times a month.

I know thats one monster of a plot and you have to finish it in order to get the player HQ.

I much prefer the early small man against the universe stage :D, this time i decided to do the Poisoned Paranid start.

For those that dont know it start with its own mini plot, you need to make 25million credits in 3 days. If you manage this you get a overtuned Hyperion and a Advanced Perseus.

I managed to complete this plot in 12 hours and am now about 3 days in with 100million in the bank and about 200million worth of assits.

Im about to start the hub plot, i might even finish it this time ;)
that much that fast?

Its easy if you know how.

I started with a ts and a few 1000 credits, sold one of the shields from the ts giving me enough money to start trading you can easily make 100k profit per run.

Traded my way to the nearest abandoned m3 (in this case the mamba) once i had a m3 i started doing combat missions while i did remote trading with the ts, 20 or so missions later i had enough to get my hyperion.

3 days in ive got a space fuel mega plex pumping out 1m proffits per hour, several UT's running around and my personal flagship Xenon Crusher (a bores). With my combat rank as it is now i make about 10 per mission.

Recently found 2 patrol missions in the same sector, made about 30 million from the mission and another 40 million in dropped equipment. Thats 70million for a few hours work.:eek:
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