X3:Terran Conflict has arrived

Just my luck, when I first started playing on Thursday I managed to get a fair few Pirates to eject from their Craft but didnt know how to claim them, now that I know how to claim, not a single pirate has ejected ;(

Camping farms atm waiting for defense missions to come along, nice cash to be earned, some give 150k+ but I just wished those damn pirates would have the decencey to eject ;)

They also dont shoot back as much as they did, going to reinstall to see if it aint broken in some way.

a whole 150k for a defence mission, mine can be 4000k+ now still not really worth doing. :p

what you want is a nice patrol mission, last one i did netted me 38million.:D
They can be difficult though, I think I'm in the wrong area of the galaxy to be trying them, only seem to get Khaak corvettes appearing and things like that.
They can be difficult though, I think I'm in the wrong area of the galaxy to be trying them, only seem to get Khaak corvettes appearing and things like that.

yes the missions are difficult but the reward is worth it.

Khaak corvettes are nasty things, i wouldnt go near a khaak mission without a M7. even that wasnt enough for the last one i did but then 2 Khaak destroyers will decimmate a M7.

I need a bigger / better ship.
Got an Argon M7 finally its so much fun. Not that well equipped yet, but seems to be quiet good at taking out other M6's. Shields it uses are such an improvement over M6's. Can't wait to try an M2. What's a good weapon load-out on an Argon M7?
Got an Argon M7 finally its so much fun. Not that well equipped yet, but seems to be quiet good at taking out other M6's. Shields it uses are such an improvement over M6's. Can't wait to try an M2. What's a good weapon load-out on an Argon M7?

All depends on what your fighting,

you want concussions for the front when taking out corvettes+, and something else for taking out the smaller stuff.

the turrets need to be a mixture of PRG's and flaks for taking out fighters, and even some concussions for when your taking on lots of corvettes
Hmmh, I prefer to throw a ton of missiles from a far really (Prefer to be out of range). Actually about that, what are recommended missiles and where can I buy their manufacturing plant? Mostly against M6+. The little tiny M5-M3's don't damage me enough to kill me. But I did have a lot of fun using wasps, bought 1,000 of them and just kept flinging at small fighters. But they are useless at best against anything better then M5. So looking at getting a manufacturing plant somewhere, probably a pirate sector somewhere.
not looked to much at the new missiles, but from x3:R

My preferred anti anything > m4 missile was the typhoon swarm missile.

If you can find them then get some hammerhead's. 1 would take out all m6's within a about a 1k radius of the explosion a similar thing with the firestorm torpedoes. They are slow moving but if they hit say BB to the enemy.
Aha, I see will check them out. Maybe I can be cheesy and pawn the M7 in favour of 3-5 M8's loaded with decent missiles set at 50% fire rate :D. Currently trying to get to another unknown sector where I can build a base for manufacturing of missiles.

M7 is awesome, but so so slow, recently discovered that the Teladi M5 can carry medium things so it can have a jump drive. Having around 5 M8's loaded with missiles or maybe even invest into a single missile frigate might be a good idea. Il just fly about at 600+ m/s and when I need fire power, missile throwers will simply jump into the system, fling their missles and jump back o_O :D. Although I can do the same in the M7 too hmmh.

Does AI generally fire right missiles for the right ships, so if I get some anti-fighter and anti-capital ship missiles, would they use the correct missiles for the correct target?
Does AI generally fire right missiles for the right ships, so if I get some anti-fighter and anti-capital ship missiles, would they use the correct missiles for the correct target?

Dont know, not used a m8 or m7m yet. Hmmmm can you dock a m8 at the Cerberus?

But the real question is what do i spend my 50 million on. A m7m, another m7, or split panther and fill it with fighters. Or do i just continue to save up and get a m2.
Tried M7, and no M8's and freighters are too large. Personally in hindsight il go for an M1 for a proper carrier. Sure its slower, but just stick a ton of missiles into it and all is good. Generally I found missiles to be quiet good fun (especially as they auto aim and means I can stay out of battle as my pc is uber uber laggy during them) and after my missile factory, my next investment will be an M7 missile frigate (if it can carry a fighter that I can use to actually dock with stations/explore).
Tried M7, and no M8's and freighters are too large. Personally in hindsight il go for an M1 for a proper carrier. Sure its slower, but just stick a ton of missiles into it and all is good. Generally I found missiles to be quiet good fun (especially as they auto aim and means I can stay out of battle as my pc is uber uber laggy during them) and after my missile factory, my next investment will be an M7 missile frigate (if it can carry a fighter that I can use to actually dock with stations/explore).

Only the Yaki Shenshi has slots for fighters, but it has no turrets. Think im going to get a Panther light carrier next, its cheap reasonably armed and is fast for its class at 121.6 ms, oh and it can carry 32 fighters
How cheap is it and what race sells it? From my experience so far of this game is that sooner or later (rather sooner now) the battles will get too hardcore for my PC to fight, so my plan is to get a carrier that can launch fast but painful missiles from miles away while looking away from the battle.

So I will only really need turrets for enemy missiles/fighters that venture close. To be fair, Shrike (Argon M7) is perfectly adequate for use as a carrier with only flaw that it cannot dock with most stations, BUT apparently a Teladi M3 Falcon Hauler can carry XL containers, which you can use to buy things from stations, and the kestrel can carry M class cargo, so in reality that's the only 2 "personal ships" you need.

Cargo hold has space for 7 ships I believe which leaves you with 5 more decent fighter escorts and so far the terran starting M4 is the best ship I have piloted (No idea as to how good AI is with it). It is the most fun and efficient for dogfighting other fighters. Although recently tried with a Teladi Kestrel (M5) with full speed ugprades 600+, two front guns and one turret o_O, pretty good at taking down other M5's, as anything bigger is slow enough to get picked up by the M7.

How good is the AI of your allied ships? And I hope there is a way to "scramble" my defence fighters in a nice and easy way :D. Plus maybe keep a couple of M8's on standby to jump into your system to help out if you need to. (Last night captured an M8 with the jumpdrive intact o_O)

Edit: Oh yeah, recently discovered jump drive, and IT IS AWESOME! Best way to "explore" the map, even one you don't know just get to the point where you can target the gate and jump to it. Jumping cost is incredibly cheap.
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How cheap is it and what race sells it? From my experience so far of this game is that sooner or later (rather sooner now) the battles will get too hardcore for my PC to fight, so my plan is to get a carrier that can launch fast but painful missiles from miles away while looking away from the battle.

the panther is a split ship, it costs 36,461,288. you cant buy any yaki ships.

If you haven't already down load the ships spreadsheet, there are some errors in it but its mostly accurate (see OP for link)

How good is the AI of your allied ships? And I hope there is a way to "scramble" my defence fighters in a nice and easy way :D. Plus maybe keep a couple of M8's on standby to jump into your system to help out if you need to. (Last night captured an M8 with the jumpdrive intact o_O)

ship AI is never as good as you can be but its not to bad. When under AI control a carrier will auto launch its ships if its attacked.

Edit: Oh yeah, recently discovered jump drive, and IT IS AWESOME! Best way to "explore" the map, even one you don't know just get to the point where you can target the gate and jump to it. Jumping cost is incredibly cheap.

Jump drive is the only way to travel.
Has anyone else reached the point with combat missions where they've become unplayable? I can't remember what combat rank I've got to, but Xenon defence missions now spawn in four or five pages of enemies on the sector list, and as soon as combat begins framerate immediately drops to around 1 or 2. Frequently the mouse and keyboard actually stop responding for seconds at a time.

I left CCC and taskman up on my second monitor and took a screenshot during a combat mission. When this was taken I was getting about 1-2fps with a peak of maybe 4.

I can see no reason at all for performance levels to crash so disastrously, no part of my system is really being stressed. Is this happening to anyone else? I have patched to 1.2.1, fwiw.
Did notice my performance drop a lot in big fights, but my system is crap so its expected (hence my plan to control the combat from some other safe place). What I did notice is silly increase in performance when I got rid of asteroids and civilians.

So much nicer, ok some systems still suck and think il install the draw distance mod next but decrease it instead of increasing it, that should help. Think anything over 20km is pointless to actually see for me.
There are known performance issues that hopfuly will be fixed with the next update.

Setting the texture level to medium tends to work for some.

Some codecs have been known to cause lag in the game as well.

If you goto the egosoft tech support forums, there are a whole load of stuff you can try until the cause is solved.
There are known performance issues that hopfuly will be fixed with the next update.

Setting the texture level to medium tends to work for some.

Some codecs have been known to cause lag in the game as well.

If you goto the egosoft tech support forums, there are a whole load of stuff you can try until the cause is solved.

For some strange reason my game plays exactly the same regardless of res or textures. o_O
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