X3:Terran Conflict has arrived

find a safe spot eject from your ship and use the repair laser in your space suit to repair the ship :D

Found a "home made hax" for reparing M6 that way (they have way too much hull you will die of boredom before you repair it, and that doesn't take into account bigger ships). Exit the ship, target the mouse get a coffee/tea mug, place it on your fire mouse button so that the mouse doesn't move but the laser fires.

Go do something else for a little bit and when you are back your ship is in top notch condition :D
Found a "home made hax" for reparing M6 that way (they have way too much hull you will die of boredom before you repair it, and that doesn't take into account bigger ships). Exit the ship, target the mouse get a coffee/tea mug, place it on your fire mouse button so that the mouse doesn't move but the laser fires.

Go do something else for a little bit and when you are back your ship is in top notch condition :D

the left ctrl button is also a fire button, much easier to put something heavy on that.
OK, I just bought a solar power plant, have set it up and everything, couple of questions...

How do I keep it supplied? I bought a bunch of crystals and manually dumped them at the plant, so it's producing for now, but how do I keep it in crystals? Secondly, it's only been going for a little while and its stock is halfway full - will AI ships come and buy the energy cells themselves, or do I need to assign a freighter to actively go out and sell them?

Edit Q3: And why might I want to give it money? I've given it 1m because I assume that must be there for a reason, but I can't figure out why it would need it.

You can assign trade ships to the station, and have them either buy in crystals, or sell the E-cells. For crystal buying you will want a fast ship - no need for a large cargo hold. For energy selling you want a series of very large ships. Your cargo vessels will buy / sell for the best price within the jump-radius you set.

You can give money to the station, and it will use this money to buy resources. Any money you make selling goods will also be added to the station budget, and can be used to buy resources.

To be honest, a SPP is not a good station, *on its own*. The main use of SPPs is to support larger complexes. A good starter would be a space-fuel distillary. Add a wheat farm and a space-fuel distillary to your solar power plant. Set the price one or two units below average, and the NPC ships will come and buy the stuff. You will still need to buy in crystals with this setup, but they're small and used slowly, so you can buy them manually as required for a while.

Later on, you should look into self-sustaining complexes. A SPP, a silicon mine, a crystal fab, and one of each of the two food factories will be a self sustaining factory. You should then have some energy cell production left over to power other factories. These will then be effectively producing "free" money.
Dr F, much obliged for the complex building tips, thanks.

So - I set up a spacefuel complex in a Teladi border sector, it ran for an hour or so, then all the ships in the entire sector turned hostile and attacked me. I couldn't figure out why until I googled the legality of certain goods and realised that spacefuel was illegal in Teladi space.

Oh well, live and learn. Apparently it's legal on Argon turf, so I built a second complex in Omicron Lyrae. That one ran for about an hour or so, and then... all the ships in the entire sector turned hostile and attacked me. Wtf? Is spacefuel illegal everywhere, or has something else happened to trigger a mass attack on me?

I jumped in an M2, M7 and two M6s to deal with the attackers, and after they killed all the hostile Argon ships, nothing else seemed to happen. All the stations were still friendly and all the ships (including Argon military ships) that arrived in the sector after that were nonhostile. What's going on?

Edit: I loaded up a past save and ordered my two ships that were set to 'defend station' to a different sector, and this time, I've only been hostiled by one Argon Minotaur. All the other Argon military ships in the sector are nonhostile. My complex has the exclamation mark icon next to it and is flashing red to indicate that it is being attacked, but the Minotaur isn't actually firing on it. I am completely baffled.

More edits: I just went over to the sector and had a look. There's just that one hostile Minotaur sitting next to the complex. He doesn't fire on me, or the complex, or anyone going in or out of the complex. I can comm him and apologise for friendly fire (eh?) and he unhostiles me, then after about ten seconds hostiles me again. This works 2-3 times after which he doesn't unhostile me any more. He doesn't seem to be doing any actual harm, but I wouldn't mind knowing why I have a gigantic hostile battleship camping my only factory complex.
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I have just installed this an hour ago and had a quick play.

What have they done to the controls? I play with a mouse and I had no trouble with X3s setup but I cant fly or hit a thing with the TC controls, I have tried to play around with the options but I am not having much luck so far. Its seems so imprecise, am I just going to have to play it this way now?
I have just installed this an hour ago and had a quick play.

What have they done to the controls? I play with a mouse and I had no trouble with X3s setup but I cant fly or hit a thing with the TC controls, I have tried to play around with the options but I am not having much luck so far. Its seems so imprecise, am I just going to have to play it this way now?

You should be able to switch back to the x3 hud and controls if you want to. There is a option is buried in one of the menus.
Found it now, its shift N. I have played around with the controls a little more and got a useable setup. I cant seem to find the commands to tell my ship to move to position etc but I will play a bit more first.
managed to get a decent game going with the trader start. Just bought two adv satellites. Do I just fly about 25km above the centre of the sector and ejject one?

Im assuming these will relay station/factory prices to me whereever I am, when I have the trader extension that is.

edit: nvm, just did some experimenting.
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Im in 2 minds about this.

1.Do i start with x3 Reunion which i have had for some time but never played it or ..
2 Buy x3 Terran Conflict and start from that ?

Help me make my mind up please :D.
Start with X3R. TC still has bugs which need sorting whereas X3R is pretty much a finished product. And it will acclimatise you to the game so you won't be completely lost when you start TC (You'll be completely lost when you start X3R instead :p).
got my sector trader upto lvl7 so far

when I have made a little bit more cash I want to do a few fighting missions

whats a decent ship and setup for fighting <600,000cr ?
Tanker has far higher cargo capacity than the normal Mercury, at the expence of other factors e.g. slower speed acceleration etc

I see. I just passed 600k so I will get the Mercury Tanker M. Then start saving for my first factorys, I plan to put one or two plankton factorys in Argon Prime. I noticed that the cattle farms in the neighboring sectors seemed to be out all the time.
anyone looking to mine there's a 90 yield asteroid in Antigone memorial and aslo 2 x 64 yield silicones in Ore Belt. The Ore one is amazing if you can afford to use it to feed 2 firefly missiles fabs in Argon prime and cloudbase South East (wares can be sold indefinitely at the equipment dock, they never fill up with stock as its not a stocked item ;) )

hmm got my trader to lvl8 and set him off as a UT

he bought a load of power cells sold them then bought loads of beef which he can't sell, hes sat on standby for ages :/
Its a known problem. UTs buying goods, trying to sell but the station is then full by the time it gets there and then it goes after other goods even though its hold is still full of other wares. Egosoft are currently trying to patch it for patch 1.3
I ordered the ship to elsewhere and sold his cargo

set him off on UT again but he just sat there on standby :confused:

sent him to home of light as an ST and he is trading like he possessed

something isn't quite right I think
Just my luck, when I first started playing on Thursday I managed to get a fair few Pirates to eject from their Craft but didnt know how to claim them, now that I know how to claim, not a single pirate has ejected ;(

Camping farms atm waiting for defense missions to come along, nice cash to be earned, some give 150k+ but I just wished those damn pirates would have the decencey to eject ;)

They also dont shoot back as much as they did, going to reinstall to see if it aint broken in some way.
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