So you can wipe out entire sectors, would structures come back? As in you need to constantly destroy them? And in this case can you make your own shipyard and manufacture ships? As if you make everyone an enemy you wont be able to buy more ships. Would love to take over a whole sector with an infrastructure to support it. Does ore run out from asteroids? Guess lots of questions for my new goal of taking over the universe
On the side note, tried fighting with an M6 again in my M4, epic fail... Per flyby I can do about 5-10% damage to shields, by the time I come back for another they regenerated while I slowly take more and more damage.
So decided to back down and avoid such missions, on other news did manage to finally get enough rep to buy an M6 myself, but then realised I was 9mil short... Bugger so bought a Kea M3 instead, not that fast but 5 shields, two turrets and 6 or 8 front weapons. So I am pleased, just need to buy the kit for it now. Hopefully I won't need to sell my M4 for it but at least should have a decent chance against M6's now that I got actual fire power.