I need to fly miles to get the transporter upgrade toughcan nay ship have it or there is a container type requirement? I.e I can't just fly there in a split M5 at 600 m/s and warp back?
as long as the cargo bay of the ship you are using is big enough you can do this.
Now the choice is to save up for an M7 or the huge thing that can take stations? Or can you hire one? Is there a guide avaliable as to how you can build things? Looked around the developers forum, but most posts that are relevant look to be from 05...
M7 or TL the choice is yours, what do you want to build? ill give you some tips.
You can hire TL's to transport stations for you, its only when you really become serious and start making your own self sustaining complexes that you really need your own(NPC TL's are very slow), saying that the Split Elephant used to make a good cheap carrier ship in X3:R but a M7 is the weapon of choice now.