X3:Terran Conflict has arrived

Oh dear,

I have reinstalled the Gold edition (X3TC) from disc, tried to register it with Steam only to be told the key is not valid :(.

I then moved my old save game files from Dec 2009 (X3TC v2.5) to the X3TC folder and started X3. After a minute or two the game hangs :(. It is on a Win7 64 Ultimate machine.

I am still searching around but if anyone has any info of how to fix then please let me know. I would hate to have to go back to the start again :(:((currently at 4 mammoths, stacks of cargo ships and fighters, a couple of military capital ships, the Springblossom from the missions and around 332Mil in the bank and around 10 large complexes). Have tried two saved games and both hang.

Would love to be able to carry on.

Key is sorted and registered with Egosoft and Steam so that is one out of the way.

I suspect I has a complex script which built blocks rather thant he complexes with all the tubes to try and increase the frame rate. I will have a look around for it unless someone knows of hand.

Would the saves under the vanilla directory not work, not that I know how far in I was at that point ?

edit: Found the script (one of them I remember at least) - Complex Cleaner

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Vanilla saves will work. But any save that has any mods or scripts running when it was saved needs those put back or it will cause the game to hang.
As much as I wanted to love this game I couldn't get in to it at all.

I think it was purely the size of the game and the fact I had no documentation to read through. Feels like it should have a massive game manual, which i'd love :D
I does have a massive manual 120 pages of it.

Also search this thread i;ve posted a great little quick start guide for the first bit of game play to set you up with some traders and your own military ship.
I had a copy of Reunion a few years back but lost the disc. I'm tempted to get TC and a Saitek X52 Flight Controller And Throttle to fully enjoy it but seem to remember the flight model being a little... meh. How would you describe the combat and what game is it most similar to? I've always liked games with Newtonian physics (Frontier, I-War, B5: I've found her etc) but also non-newtonian games like Tie Fighter and Starlancer.
the forums over at egosoft contain a headache inducing amount of information.

there are a number of FAQs and guides over there such as one by Apricot Slice which can be useful.

A slightly different style is the story (correct term?) threads to give you ideas (rather then a how to). These can be an interesting read even once you've got a good grip on the game. Squiddy Mcsquid's possibly short life is one that springs to mind.

The two I have mentioned by their nature these contain spoilers, so might not be suitable if you are trying to keep your experience pure, but will give you a good push against the almost legendary learning curve.

this is currently my favourite game/social life killer, stick with it and you've got a fantastic game which will keep you hooked for a long time.
I had a copy of Reunion a few years back but lost the disc. I'm tempted to get TC and a Saitek X52 Flight Controller And Throttle to fully enjoy it but seem to remember the flight model being a little... meh. How would you describe the combat and what game is it most similar to? I've always liked games with Newtonian physics (Frontier, I-War, B5: I've found her etc) but also non-newtonian games like Tie Fighter and Starlancer.

Well freelancer had the if you go in a straight line then turn to the right quicky you'll be flying right but for a while you'll still be going in your old "straight on" sideways.

in this there is some "inertia cancelling" device or something so basically it's like a typical flight sim turn right you go right (inb a curve) rather than still strafing along in your old direction.

Bujt if you like you can use WASD to strafe while Turing etc which lets you pull off some good manoeuvres.

it's more like tie fighter than anything but you can also fly capital ships which obviously aren't so nimble :p
Well freelancer had the if you go in a straight line then turn to the right quicky you'll be flying right but for a while you'll still be going in your old "straight on" sideways.

in this there is some "inertia cancelling" device or something so basically it's like a typical flight sim turn right you go right (inb a curve) rather than still strafing along in your old direction.

Bujt if you like you can use WASD to strafe while Turing etc which lets you pull off some good manoeuvres.

it's more like tie fighter than anything but you can also fly capital ships which obviously aren't so nimble :p

If it's anything like Tie Fighter I'm sold! :D

The capital ship's sound like a lot of fun too but do you actually fly them yourself? If so, is it akin to flying a brick?
Yes, they fly like bricks but they can destroy anything in the right hands. You let the turrets destroy everything else.
The capital ship's sound like a lot of fun too but do you actually fly them yourself? If so, is it akin to flying a brick?

yup & more like a super tanker, M1's ( large carriers ) are ponderous beasts, M2's ( large destroyers ) are not much better, M7's ( frigates ) are a lot more manageable, but still hefty.
yup & more like a super tanker, M1's ( large carriers ) are ponderous beasts, M2's ( large destroyers ) are not much better, M7's ( frigates ) are a lot more manageable, but still hefty.

Basically the big ships have turning circles the sizes of small moons and they don't go very fast in a straight line either... But they're pretty fun to fly especially when loaded out with the MARS software :)
If it's anything like Tie Fighter I'm sold! :D

The capital ship's sound like a lot of fun too but do you actually fly them yourself? If so, is it akin to flying a brick?

well i fly an m6 which is a corvette which is good still nippy but packs a lot of punch.:D
GAAAHAHAI just cannot capture that dam Hyperion, so I've bought a cobra M7m trained up a bunch of extra fodder marines, and I'm going to keep firing boarding pods as they die till it gets taken!
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