X3:Terran Conflict has arrived

GAAAHAHAI from me as well. Went to buy the game and:

1. My hard drive died
2. OCUK sells out of Saitek X52's

The world is conspiring against me. I don't think I'm meant to play this game.
Well, installed this and updated it. Found a pdf manual but it isn't very comprehensive.

Just completed the first tutorial mission, and PC is struggling like hell with it. Had to turn settings to medium and max res at 1280x1024 but at least its playable now :)

Just one of those games I always feel lost in :S
Whilst I'm waiting for the aforementioned issues to be resolved, can anyone suggest a list of must-have mods for TC? I'm after more ships, helpful scripts etc. I'm looking to play a Terran so anything that will help with that may be good.
download the bonus pack from the egosoft site, that and the improved boarding (just for the "eject all marines" button rather than doing it one by one manually) are all i use
Well the vanilla game works, thanks for the help with that, and I am getting back in to it although I am back before getting the Springblossom so have to go through all that again.

Main problem I have now is managing my ships and complexes what with 86 or so ships, most attached to complexes, checking they are fully upgraded, have jump drives, have the right commands etc.

I used to catalogue with a spreadsheet but it is getting that initial data out to start with that is a pain. Anyone know how I can export the stats of my ships and stations / complexes to excel or csv ?

Also, what naming conventions are people using for their ships / complexes ?

I use the following;

For my first main weapons producing complex

"WC1 - Weapons cplx 1"

For attached ships
"WC1 - B-ECells - Mistral SF - FU-FS-JD"
"WC1 - S-PPC - Falc Hauler - FU-FS-JD"

The first being [Complex/Station id] - [B/S]-[Product short name] - [Ship type] - [Upgrade codes]

Upgrade codes;
FU/PU/NU - Fully Upgraded/Partial Upgraded/Not Upgraded (Steering/speed/storage).
FS - Full shields (Max shields that model can take).
JD - Jumpdrive installed.

From this I can see what the ships homebase is, what it's orders are, what type it is and roughly what it has installed or if it still needs an upgrade. I do need to rename it every time the orders change though which thankfully is rarely.

My naming convention for my military branch is not yet finalised :D. Any suggestions ?

I really need to go through my stuff and name it properly/sort it out atm it's just cobbled together badly :p

If you dl the bonus pack the CSL software helps greatly with dealing with stations, once the pilot is fully trained up (like levelling a sector trader for a UT) he will buy resources, and sell products for a factory and even top up/sell surplus intermediate products in a complex (but you can stop him doing that if you like)

So much more efficient having one ship buying all the resources and one selling, or what i do have 2 assigned and they both buy/sell as needed and wil lswap between the two jobs.

they even check your satellites and avoid areas that your sats say have pirates in.

I'm reaching the point where I'm going to have a few military ships now, whats the best way of using them as a fleet? (only small things like fighters/m6's/ a m7m (which i'll probably sell/store once i;ve capped that ****ing Hyperion.
I remembering trying the CSL software last time I was playing but never really got on with it. I now have ships filled with ore in a complex which also has its max ore and is waiting for it to be used so I think another look at it may be well worth a punt. Cheers. Does the bonus pack work fine with the Steam version as well. I have the disc (X3 Gold) version but have registered with Steam so would like to only use mods which work with both if possible.

My Military is limited ;).

One Destroyer (capital offensive), one missile Frigate (Capital offensive), two corvettes (anti-fighter) and a hand full of fighters. The Destroyer is very slow, the Frigate is a little better and the two corvettes are much better speed wise. They all turn like a shovel down a slide though (very slowly). I was disappointed with the missile frigate though, I though it would fire salvos (10/20) of missiles rather than just one per turret mount. I was hoping more for an arsenal ship rather than a missile frigate I suppose ;).

Are there any mods for storage space in complexes ?. Building flail barrage missiles and hammer heavy torps for my missile frigate is fine but they stop at around 16 as the stores are full. I don't want to build more quickly so would rather not build another factory to produce them. The only other option would be to use a mammoth or the like to act as storage.

yeah bonus works fine on steam.

I've got the disk one but registered with steam too.

I was disappointed with the missile frigate though, I though it would fire salvos (10/20) of missiles rather than just one per turret mount. I was hoping more for an arsenal ship rather than a missile frigate I suppose

You can set it to fire a barrage of however many missiles if you like iirc.
You can set it to fire a barrage of however many missiles if you like iirc.

A barrage fires missiles from every launcher simultaneously. Assuming your M7M has 8 launchers then setting a value of 3 will fire 3x8 missiles.

If its hammers then thats 24 each doing 300,000 damage giving a maximum of 7.2m. enough to take out any M7 or take out the shields of most M1 and M2's

For Flails its 24 x 8 warheads each doing 5000 damage, giving a maximum of 960,000. Thats enough to wipe out a wing of fighters or destroy several M6's
Barrage turns on a single shot barrage or sets to barrage mode ?

It is under the special command menu as I though there was something like it around but didn't find it last night when working away at the CPU ship.

Might have to get a couple more if the barrage works out and explore the xenon sectors ;).


Barrage turns on a single shot barrage or sets to barrage mode ?

It is under the special command menu as I though there was something like it around but didn't find it last night when working away at the CPU ship.

Might have to get a couple more if the barrage works out and explore the xenon sectors ;).



It fires n number of barrages
Anybody know how to hand in a "Return Abandoned Ship" mission? I am new to the game and started a custom game. The first mission I picked up was to deliver an abandoned Pegasus ship back to a particular station. I claimed the ship and flew it back to the station. I saved the game and tried docking, undocking and even ejecting from the ship but there is no finish mission option when I open the mission window or speak to the person who offered the mission. Oh, and I am at the correct station.
Anybody know how to hand in a "Return Abandoned Ship" mission? I am new to the game and started a custom game. The first mission I picked up was to deliver an abandoned Pegasus ship back to a particular station. I claimed the ship and flew it back to the station. I saved the game and tried docking, undocking and even ejecting from the ship but there is no finish mission option when I open the mission window or speak to the person who offered the mission. Oh, and I am at the correct station.

You cant end the mission if you are flying the ship.

Get in another ship and order the return ship to dock at the station. You can do the same thing from your space suit.
You cant end the mission if you are flying the ship.

Get in another ship and order the return ship to dock at the station. You can do the same thing from your space suit.

Ok thanks, I'll try that again when I get home. I don't fancy the space police chasing me for stealing the ship (at the moment).
am i right in saying thre is not Xtended mod for terran conflict yet?

should i play Reunion with Xtended, or just get terran conflict from steam even though i have reunion?

is this right?

Terran Conflict > XTM: Reunion > Reunion
I believe X3TC is an update of X3:R but they both share the core workings including missions. X3TC just adds a bit more.

X3:XTM I understand to be an enhancement for X3:R (depending on how you look at it :D).

I would suggest going for X3TC as you get everything that was in X3:R (minus some bugs).

Got my first carrier last night. Can anyone point me to a good carrier guide (weapon configs that work, wing configs that work etc). Been searching but not really finding anything.

am i right in saying thre is not Xtended mod for terran conflict yet?

should i play Reunion with Xtended, or just get terran conflict from steam even though i have reunion?

is this right?

Terran Conflict > XTM: Reunion > Reunion

No XTC just yet but it is in development, TC was actually made by the XTM mod team as they were kind of contracted by egosoft.


That was the last big news update but the team still post often.
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am i right in saying thre is not Xtended mod for terran conflict yet?

should i play Reunion with Xtended, or just get terran conflict from steam even though i have reunion?

is this right?

Terran Conflict > XTM: Reunion > Reunion

I would play Terran Conflict. Xtended mod was good, but personally I preferred TC.
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