Wah do tell how. A friend told me to get out of the way, wait for the enemy to attack the station and try to solo the M3 before it gets there.
i use a similar strategy, the ships will head for the station not you use this to your advantage.
I use a joystick if you are using a mouse then my stratagys may not work/be harder. You should by now have mk2 fight software if not get it and press k until auto aim is on. Fire when the target receptacle is blue and it will do the rest for you.
accept the mission, head directly for the nearest gate to the station this is where they will spawn.
as they pass try and pic off as many m5's as you can, dont worry if you dont get them all kill them later. do the same with the m4's
now the easy part is over its the turn of the m3's / m8, you must take out the m8 before it gets to close to the station but if you can take out the m3's first. Falcons are easy just get behind them and keep pounding them until they go bOOooo0000m.
m3's with turrets, you need to be a bit more careful with these. You need to use your strafe drive to avoid the turret fire.
once all the m3's and m8's have been killed concentrate on the m6, you can skip the m3's and take out the m6 first but you MUST take out the m8's before they fire at the station.
The best method is the spiral attack easy with a good joystick, use the rudder to rotate the ship on the z axis, use the x and y to keep the ship pointing at the target. while doing this hold down 1 or more of the strafe keys, should now be doing spirals if you get it right then the incoming fire will just miss you.
Once you have taken out the big guns mop up any left overs