X3:Terran Conflict has arrived

Anyone got any tips on a decent trading route to start this game with? I started as a humble merchant and sold one of my ships and my shields etc so now I just need a good little trade route to start me off ;)

There's a trade route in the manual with 14 stops designed for the humble trader start, check page 32 (and the step before for a bit of extra cash on the page before), the pdf is in your x3 steam folder.
Anyone had any nasty stuttering just after coming out of a jump gate. Also I get just a black screen everytime I jump, I'm sure there used to be a jump animation in the previous game.

Would look on their forums but they seem to be down.
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I've noticed some stuttering and only a second or two of the jump animation.

They have temporary forums up at

I've just been doing what I did for the first few weeks of reunion... yarring :)

The mission directions are light on story I guess but at least mission objectives get highlighted so it's easy to navigate. Although as usual when they ask you to 'investigate' or 'follow' or 'scan' it is pretty vague what you actually need to do.

Generally to scan things just get very close - like <500m if it's a station, if you're following a ship stay at least 10km away.

The various icons on the HUD next to stations and ships help with knowing where to get different types of missions now though.

It's still a long way from a more action orientated space shooter though, these games are far more Elite than Wing Commander :)
Not sure if it's just because I've played the other X games, but to me this feels like the easiest one to get into so far. But I do remember how difficult I found the original X-BTF to get into so I have sympathy for any first timers.

As others have said, there is a good section in the manual listing a very specific trade run example that gets you a nice bit of money to begin with. Also the tutorial and missions are nice and easy to find, between the mission log and the fact that there are yellow pointers on screen showing you exactly where to go next. My plan is to do numerous trade runs and build up about 2 million credits, then I can start my empire with it's first factory.

The game seems to run really nice for me, the only issue I have is with lighting, sometimes objects in the game world go instantly light when in the center of the screen but as I move my view and the object gets closer to the edge it's like someone flicks off a light and the object instantly goes darker, it's staring to bug me a bit now.

Great game though for fans of the series or those who are prepared to try and work through the initial difficulty in getting to grips with the game.
I've been a fan since X-BTF and a beta tester a few time too, I love the X-Series, but by God; the Terran start is murder, the 4x5MJ shields could be paper wrapping on the hull for all I care, and the Electro-Magnetic Plasma Cannon is a load of horse poo! Tried taking on 3 Xenon N's (M5 fighter, easy peasy) and I got roasted. Couldn't even hit them, the Plasma Cannons fire so slowly! (I've reconfigured the controls to be just like X3 Reunion, no Freelancer rubbish :P) It's a hard game to get into, just 'cos the Terran's have their own weapon, I can't use any other weapon.....argh! But I'll stick at it.

Loving the soundtrack, especially when in the Pluto system!
The problems with the release version of X3 were fixed within a week of release. They have updated the game a lot since release and even added new content.

The game is officially released on the 17th but my copy is already in the post to me.

Pfft.. No they weren't I tried and tried with that game but up until several months after release I still had the same recurring bug that caused the entire game to freeze when I tried to get through a certain point! :(

Kinda put me off this one, would love to play it, but don't fancy wasting anymore cash like I did last time round..
Ok I dont mind steep learning curves but this is silly.

The interface is impossible and confusing. For example docking at a station and clicking trade... I'd expect a ton of products and merchandise. I get this ridiculous little menu thing hardly displaying anything?

The menu down the side is not too good, communicating with other ships I seem to have to chase them around with the mouse cursor to LEFT click on them to bring up a menu (right click fires weapons....).
There's a trade route in the manual with 14 stops designed for the humble trader start, check page 32 (and the step before for a bit of extra cash on the page before), the pdf is in your x3 steam folder.

Ah right, there it is! I ckicked on the X3 icon under games in steam and selected view player manual but it just took me to the 'purchase game' section in steam!!!

Nice of them to make it easy to find :(

Cheers for the heads up though ;)

Bet there are no decent maps out for this game yet with the extra sectors on?
Ok I dont mind steep learning curves but this is silly.

The interface is impossible and confusing. For example docking at a station and clicking trade... I'd expect a ton of products and merchandise. I get this ridiculous little menu thing hardly displaying anything?

The menu down the side is not too good, communicating with other ships I seem to have to chase them around with the mouse cursor to LEFT click on them to bring up a menu (right click fires weapons....).

Different stations sell different things, you wouldnt expect a power plant to sell raster oil or a cahoona bakery to sell weapons would you. You need to shop at the right store for the stuff you need.

an easy way to target a ship is to bring upi the sector map "." select the ship you want and click "t", job done.
Come on guys, the worst thing about games these days is that it leaves nothing to the player. Most of the time before you have even played the games theres some map out there telling you where everything is and what to do.

Heres your chance to explore! Take it because you know every other game will come packed with a map and a step by step guide telling you how to play their game.
Aye, the exploration is half the fun imho. I started a game as a Terran so it's been great seeing the new sectors around the sol system. Haven't managed to find earth yet, but have got as far as Mars but got chased off by the military there for some reason. Been doing the first few missions and it was a nice surprise to get given a new ship for one of the beginner missions. Also been hunting pirates and the Xenon, all in the beginner ship without any added stuff yet. Although I think you get it quite easy with the starting equipment sa a Terran.

A few pics of my travels so far:

Aye, the exploration is half the fun imho. I started a game as a Terran so it's been great seeing the new sectors around the sol system. Haven't managed to find earth yet, but have got as far as Mars but got chased off by the military there for some reason. Been doing the first few missions and it was a nice surprise to get given a new ship for one of the beginner missions. Also been hunting pirates and the Xenon, all in the beginner ship without any added stuff yet. Although I think you get it quite easy with the starting equipment sa a Terran.

A few pics of my travels so far:

Don't be so sure; the Terran weapons on the M4 you get aren't that good, sure they're powerful, but bloody hell, it's actually trying to hit what you're aiming at is the problem. M5's are just too small and fast for the refire rate of the Cannons you get. They're better for larger ships.

(Oh, and for nicer pictures; try pressing Shift+H to turn off the HUD, it's amazing watch the universe go by with SETA on 1000% with no clutter :))
Come on guys, the worst thing about games these days is that it leaves nothing to the player. Most of the time before you have even played the games theres some map out there telling you where everything is and what to do.

Heres your chance to explore! Take it because you know every other game will come packed with a map and a step by step guide telling you how to play their game.

Yeah but I did all the exploring playing X:BTF, X2 & X3. Now I want a map as it's just the same sectors etc with a few more added on and I want to build my empire as quickly as possible ;)
so hows every one getting on i started as a terran and am about 11 game hours in, ranked Fighter cheif, and petty retailer.

Im now flying a fully equiped M3 nova raider, worth about 2.5mill with all the weapons and equipment.

got about 4mill's worth of other assets and a good 5mill in the bank.
Anyone figured out how to transfer pilots over. They have changed it once again. :rolleyes:
(loving the rest of the game though, just feels a lot better. And the interface is miles better)

Edit: and i mean the ST/UT pilots not the player ;)
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Ok so im finally starting to get the idea how how to trade ....so iv started a new game (Mercury trader) ...now im trading in Energy Cells ..buying for 12 and selling for 19 where possible. My plan is to max out its storage...which im not far off but obviously i want to move onto other struff.

So how about this....i buy a Mobile Drilling System, Asteroid Scanner & Ore Collector...and mine the local nebular. My question is. ...with these three items is it possible to scan, break down & store basic ore..then sell it to the local stations that are low on the stuff.... or will i be totally waste of my time?

And whats the profit margin when say compared with Energy Cells?
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