Xbox One X

Having already got a Xbox One Elite I was originally going to get the X for Christmas, but now decided to get the Nintendo Switch instead.
Still plan on buying the X to replace my Elite but it be sometime well into the New Year now.
I been trying to decide over the pass few days wether to stick withy pre order or now.. As I just don't think it will out class the PS4 Pro game wise.
A number of my Xbox friends are holding off to see how it goes, they are hoping for post xmas bundles like the currys one.
I don't have that patience when it comes to new stuff, never have.
Your looking at someone who had a HD DVD add on here.

Though i see this more like buying a Amiga 1200, it will have its advantages even if it isn't the main stream. I think the support will be there from most developers.
To be fair, the best format won as Blu-ray had higher storage capacity and higher bit-rates.

Was funny reading this on Wikipedia
In November 2007 the popular audio-visual discussion site AVS Forum temporarily closed its HD-DVD and Blu-ray discussion forums because of, as the site reported, "physical threats that have involved police and possible legal action" between advocates of the rival formats

Why do people become so tribal about things like that?
Yeah just checked on the Xbox website and found details of what's inside. Glad I found out now rather then on the day. Just to confirm there's no mic included
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