Xbox Scorpio

Has this been actually confirmed? 2.1
Hmmm, doing a bit of digging there's some sites saying HDMI 2.1 and some 2.0b...

**Edit** looks like it can/will support 2.1 once it's ratified, in the meantime it can only claim 2.0b (as 2.1 doesn't actually exist yet as such)
As in, surely there is no such thing as too smooth for when it comes to gaming?

You shouldn't be getting a soap opera effect from 60 fps games unless have Sony/Microsoft got some form of frame interpolation that is implemented in certain games???? Or perhaps that is just how 60 fps feels on console with their settings/configuration for motion blur etc.?

Next time I'm playing a 60 fps game on a friends console, I'll have to keep an eye out for this, can't say I noticed it before tbh, certainly not like TVs motion interpolation setting i.e. soap opera effect. Outside of the motion clarity benefits of 60 fps, for me, the other thing that is just as important is the responsiveness of 60 fps over 30 fps, it is night and day with the difference being around 16ms.

And on that topic, I also can't stand the stutter in films either which is why I use madvr's smooth motion (not like TVs motion interpolation)

Could be as I don't get the same feeling from PC and there is no processing enabled for the TV.
Am i right in thinking that Xbox One S is the Scorpio? S for Scorpio im guessing.

So what is the Xbox one X ? or is the X this codename scorpio everyone is talking about and Is it more or less powerful than PS4 Pro?

Getting confused with all these consoles! 4/slim/pro/one/S/X :confused:
I saw a post on reddit saying the One X video output supports free-sync, which might be nice as that might open the door for turning off v-sync and allowing 30-60fps with no tearing..??
So it's all about graphics then? Are games companies really going to spend extra time on xbox x versions. Like say if fifa 18 comes out, its only going to be held back because of first xbox. I can't see ea making two different versions of fifa.
Well it will always be held back by the lowest common denominator ie the Xbox One.

That has been the case this whole generation to be honest as you can tell from PS4 exclusives.

Regardless, I got the Pro and I'll get the One X as I'm a sucker for new hardware, must be the PC gamer in me.

£499 is taking the complete **** so I'll likely sell the X1 to accommodate it.

Kinda annoying that they removed the Kinnect port, clearly the final nail in it's coffin. They really didn't put enough effort into supporting the device and it was the right move to drop it from the bundles to kill it completely grates on me since I had to purchase it with the damn thing.
So it's all about graphics then? Are games companies really going to spend extra time on xbox x versions. Like say if fifa 18 comes out, its only going to be held back because of first xbox. I can't see ea making two different versions of fifa.
But xbox system is based on windows, so they won't be doing multiple versions, just adjust quality etc. I wouldn't think that's too much to do if they already have PC, full spec, version of the game.
I haven't played a pc game since i stopped plaging Starcraft 2 multiplayer. I have a gtx670 i7 3770k 16gb gb ramand i mainly use it as a glorified browser nowadays. Guessing its too old too play new games at decent settings hence I would consider this new xbox depending what games come out as I already have the pro.
I haven't played a pc game since i stopped plaging Starcraft 2 multiplayer. I have a gtx670 i7 3770k 16gb gb ramand i mainly use it as a glorified browser nowadays. Guessing its too old too play new games at decent settings hence I would consider this new xbox depending what games come out as I already have the pro.

A simple GPU upgrade would be plenty to bring that system up to date. The CPU is still very good especially if you overclocked. 16Gb ram is plenty. A GTX 1070 would be a perfect fit for future proofing 1080p or 1440p
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