Young boys and their Noisy cars

It's a difficult one.

We're all young once. I thought I was awesome because I drove with front fog lights on for 'style'. I had an awesome car stereo setup too.

If they drive around it's annoying. If they gather in car parks it's annoying.

They will never know how they affect people until they are on the receiving end, 20 years later.

If we enforced 'black boxes' in cars, I would hate that..

Maybe there isn't an answer?
I should be grumpy and complain about them, but instead I say you're only young once.

However ad described in the OP, they do seem ott
The past 6 months or so I've had this guy driving round and round 24/7 in his modified car with his aftermarket exhaust and it's getting to me now, everytime he drives by, which is like every 30mins or so by blood pressure goes up, he's still out there even in the wee hours of the morning.
Does this guy drive a tesla ? :cry:
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The young guy was out there all day yesterday more frequent than ever grrr, I just fear once we hit the summer months it'll reach a peak.
Not heard him today so far.
Old fart a couple doors down has an admittedly rather nice collection of vintage racing bikes.....which he starts up and revs every single weekend.

Doesn't bother me that much, but it drives the old dear next door insane.....
Is there any billboard space nearby? Take out an ad, use a pic of a similar car, and say "Please keep your loud exhaust noise for the main roads and drive with consideration when in residential areas. Thanks, the Residents." Might be worth a few hundred quid if it's bothering you? ;)
I feel your pain OP. The summer time in my old place was painful, a family of scrotes would site and rev their chav mobiles for hours on end when the sun was out.

That's right, they never even drove away.
Your local council should have a webpage for reporting of various types of antisocial behaviour. Interestingly in some London boroughs idling cars are reportable and their owners can get fined for doing so.

I would get a clear note of the registrations, and some form of photo of time and sound recording. Call the council to complain, provide number plate and history plus what you’ve gathered. They’ll do FA about it if it’s your first log and an isolated experience, however if others log too then they’ll investigate.

I would also report to local police as if they are driving carelessly then that’s a criminal offence. You can’t judge speed by yourself accurately but videos of careless driving is something you can definitely do.

I would not suggest reporting along the lines of you’re worried the vehicles are stolen or drivers on drugs etc as you can’t prove it and also you don’t want to risk being dishonest when you’re the victim.
Not sure why people think its OK to do it just because they are young. I was raised to have consideration for other people and to not think I am the main character who matters more than everyone else. Even when I was 18 I managed to have the level of self awareness to realise that my enjoyment of something shouldn't take priority over someone elses.

Having an overly loud car or bike and intentionally making it noisy is just a massive dick move no matter your age.
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