Your bad driving encounters

People in SUV type vehicles that they can't drive, can't follow lines like a simple roundabout ...or park, hell I'm not sure how they start the things in the first place.

Maybe we need to introduce a new test for the larger cars..

It worries me how many people consider the Qashqai I have a larger vehicle and say they'd be worried about driving it and/or have had to drive one or similar and comment about struggling with the size of it and ask me how I manage, etc. I don't really find it much different to the average hatchback.
It worries me how many people consider the Qashqai I have a larger vehicle and say they'd be worried about driving it and/or have had to drive one or similar and comment about struggling with the size of it and ask me how I manage, etc. I don't really find it much different to the average hatchback.

I occasionally drive the works can or hire vans and have zero problem, but prefer smaller cars for my own use.

Our gaffers missus just got the large Tesla car whatever it's called, she's a terrible driver, she even admits to it so she wanted a bigger car to feel safer..

Mind boggles.
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Another one on the way to work today - nearly took a cyclist out by going to overtake approaching the brow of a hill then had to abort due to a truck appearing:


They did actually swing out wide to go past but when they were right on top of the cyclist... and still without good visibility of what might be coming the other way, or at least not sensible by my reckoning.

Coming home nearly got hit by someone in I think a Jaguar on a roundabout and they gave me no space then took off - their driving style seemed very panicked, a couple of minutes later a pair of Mercedes AMGs went bombing it past so I reckon they were chasing them, probably drug deal gone bad or something.
I saw someone doing a turn in the road last night, however it was a main road with lots of traffic with plenty of side roads. It was also a fiat 500 so I'm fairly sure they could have just done it as a U.
Sunday afternoon i was coming down the M1 & notice a police car in rear view mirror far in the distance, outside lane with lights on, not going overly fast, maybe 70 in a 50.

The fiesta behind me on the inside lane suddenly swings over into lane 3 & guns it, weaving between cars in 2 & 3 as it goes from a 50 back to NSL.

I remember thinking he's either wanted or stupid & not spotted the cop car that he's doing this in front of.

Seconds later he clips a car & spins out, right in view of the plod.
Sunday afternoon i was coming down the M1 & notice a police car in rear view mirror far in the distance, outside lane with lights on, not going overly fast, maybe 70 in a 50.

The fiesta behind me on the inside lane suddenly swings over into lane 3 & guns it, weaving between cars in 2 & 3 as it goes from a 50 back to NSL.

I remember thinking he's either wanted or stupid & not spotted the cop car that he's doing this in front of.

Seconds later he clips a car & spins out, right in view of the plod.
Instant karma
Yesterday on the M6 while traveling to the Lakes,
I wanted to overtake a slower car in the first lane and hence began indicating to move out in the middle. Spotted a Blue a Polo hogging the middle lane with vipers on at 2nd speed when it wasn't raining. I had chance to pull out but stayed in my lane to allow that car to pass.

While following I noticed the Polo was weaving a bit in the middle lane, hence decided to overtake to move ahead and see what's up with the driver. While overtaking I noticed the lady driver had her gaze fixated straight ahead. Not sure if she was drunk or high. Left that car behind to get away rather than being in a spot and be involved in an incident.

Further ahead, probably about 2 miles spotted the same blue Polo in my rear view, again in the middle lane with vipers on belting at around 85+ mph.

Afterwards it started to rain very heavily with my vipers at full speed, I catch up with this car to see only their fog lights switched on but thankfully in the first lane.

The whole scenario with this car was very weird.
Further ahead, probably about 2 miles spotted the same blue Polo in my rear view, again in the middle lane with vipers on belting at around 85+ mph.

I've not infrequently had it between Tebay and Carlisle where the weather closes in with torrential rain and visibility down to single digit car lengths and you still get people coming past at 85+ often the offenders being large Range Rovers.

Dunno how there aren't more incidents because of it, the only one I've seen was someone doing it going into a jackknifed caravan, sucks for the caravan owner but could have been much worse.
I'd support that. My first 9 years driving my phone went in my back pocket or in the door of the car. Entirely out of reach. Just don't touch it.

Now that I live outside London I have a phone mount and again, don't touch the flipping thing. A handful of times I've waited for an opportunity to touch it to clear a notification blocking the sat nav, or turn brightness up.

It's not hard? I just don't understand why people feel the need.
It’s not like texts get destroyed if not read within 5 seconds of you getting it.

Then if it’s a call/text from your friends and you explained that you were driving at time you texted me. If they don’t understand this, they are pathetic
Yesterday evening. Waiting to turn right at a mini roundabout. Saw a car approaching MR indicating left (where I was leaving) and drove off. Yet car decided to go straight ahead almost colliding with me. Why on earth would they indicate left? There’s no other left turn going on that side of the road till the end which is another quarter of a mile.
I've not infrequently had it between Tebay and Carlisle where the weather closes in with torrential rain and visibility down to single digit car lengths and you still get people coming past at 85+ often the offenders being large Range Rovers.

Dunno how there aren't more incidents because of it, the only one I've seen was someone doing it going into a jackknifed caravan, sucks for the caravan owner but could have been much worse.

Speaking of Land Rovers, there was a new shape Defender that overtook me when the 3rd lane was closing in on 400 yards in the same journey. Big car = bully everyone out of your way.
Yesterday evening. Waiting to turn right at a mini roundabout. Saw a car approaching MR indicating left (where I was leaving) and drove off. Yet car decided to go straight ahead almost colliding with me. Why on earth would they indicate left? There’s no other left turn going on that side of the road till the end which is another quarter of a mile.

I try not to use other people's signals as any statement of intent. Had similar recently where someone about to join the road on my right was indicating left, in the lane for left only and angling towards taking the road I was exiting from but then swerved and came straight across, just as I was easing off the brake to start moving.

Drives me up the wall when people don't indicate left in a left and straight on lane at traffic lights, etc. either at all or the completely useless flick the indicators on when they are already a quarter into the turn. If I knew they were turning I'd hold back a bit more and/or use the other lane.
Guy travelling opposite direction to me, driving like a tool, no surprise to see him holding his phone with his right hand just away from his face (window was down so it was easy to see).
Ive spent the last 6 months doing a regular early morning drive to drop kids of at school. The driving standards are so poor round towns,schools and city centres in general. Last 2 road rage incidents have come from women in SUV's. Today was annoying and embarassing, karen in a Kuga undertook me at a merge in turn, its a funny junction where the right lane is the main lane and the left lane merges, generally it works well. After the undertake she then brake checked me, in hindsight i shouldn't have pap'd her! But i did blurt out a swear word or two, not a good look in front of the kids :(
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Saw someone making increasingly bad decisions trying to go the wrong way out of a carpark against an increasing stream of incoming traffic, I think someone even intentionally parked to block her cutting through a parking space to leave, and then ran out of options and had to do a painful multi-point turn and go around the correct way anyhow.
As we don't have a general car thread - realised today it is almost 20 years since the last time I did any parallel parking - wonder how badly I'd mess it up with lack of practise.

The Qashqai I have actually has Intelligent Parking Assist with auto parallel park in the computer but it isn't an enabled feature in the UK for some reason.
parallel parking Still have some side roads in Cambridge with double parking and only space for a single car down the middle where I can't believe any automated system would help,
and having over-shoulder view of rear of car is the only way

First cycling incident I've ever had where a head-cam would have been a sure dangerous driving prosecution - group of oncoming cars on NSL stuck behind a horse van,
as I was near adjacent with this, gold coloured rolls royce decided somehow overtake was possible must have gone past a meter away > 60mph,
didn't really even register he was oncoming until last seconds, as had decided horse van would prevent any craziness.

after reading about prosecuteds x3 overtake and i20 head-on collision fatality does make you wonder if suv's have massive survival advantage
parallel parking Still have some side roads in Cambridge with double parking and only space for a single car down the middle where I can't believe any automated system would help,
and having over-shoulder view of rear of car is the only way

My Qashqai has this feature but it isn't enabled - dunno if due to UK regulations or something. AFAIK it will do all the steering even in that circumstance as long as you operate the pedals and reverse/forward as indicated even with cars both sides.
Saturday nights are always interesting people think the rules of the road don't apply anymore theres always something going on and all you can do is try and stay out of the way. Coming into town last weekend theres a bunch of police cars and car on its side in the middle of the road and diversion in place. Theres no other vehicles involved so how someone managed to put an suv on its side in a 30mph zone boggles the mind can only assume he was going too fast and couldn't take the corner and tipped it over. Bonkers

I've not infrequently had it between Tebay and Carlisle where the weather closes in with torrential rain and visibility down to single digit car lengths and you still get people coming past at 85+ often the offenders being large Range Rovers.

Dunno how there aren't more incidents because of it, the only one I've seen was someone doing it going into a jackknifed caravan, sucks for the caravan owner but could have been much worse.
Probably mentioned this before but joining the dual carriageway theres a slip lane on the left that leads to the main London road and cars and its almost always SUV's and Range Rovers and the like come bombing over the brow of the hill behind doing well over a ton haa to be 110, 120mph something like that they come from the outside lane cut across 3 lanes into the left without signalling and all you can do is try and keep out of the way using shouting "holy craaaaaaap!!!" if anywhere could do with cameras or a gantry its there and and of course there isn't a copper to seen for miles
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