Your bad driving encounters

In a regular queue of traffic yesterday I let someone out to join from a side road. So I'm stationary, I've not entered the gap across the side road and they had maybe 2 car lengths in front of me to turn, the queue had moved on...

The driver managed to run BOTH left wheels over the pavement. I'm talking 2 feet in from the kerb. You really have to worry about some people. I think they're scared of the size of their own car.
There is one thing cutting the corner when entering from a major to a minor road and there is another whole new level where half of the car's width is on your side of the road. :rolleyes:

Cutting corners is so much now that it has become the norm and you can't pinpoint to any class of vehicle either.
There is one thing cutting the corner when entering from a major to a minor road and there is another whole new level where half of the car's width is on your side of the road. :rolleyes:

Cutting corners is so much now that it has become the norm and you can't pinpoint to any class of vehicle either.
Even the police are up to it around here. No lights or siren and they weren't in a rush so assuming they weren't on a call but just ambled around the blind corner at the end of our road the other day half on my side and then stared at me as they figured out they should be on their own side.
Two funny things for me the last few days..

60mph NSL road in the country, turns into a 50 for about 2 miles after winding a bit. 50 road is quite rough as suprise suprise it's rural and East Sussex council don't care (or can't afford to fix it). 4x4 with an empty trailer in front of me in the 60 banging along over every bump, it's bit breezy and on several occasions the trailer is clearly pulling his 4x4 left and right, does 60ish in the 60. One car in front of it doing the same quite a distance in front. Road changes to the 50. Mr 4x4 with empty trailer catches the car in front and sits about 1 ft from it's bumper (car in front is doing 50). It's dark, it's breezy. Mr 4x4 is really pushing it. Then overtakes the car in front in the 50. He must have speed up to 70 ish with the trailer whipping around behind him. Catch him up at a set of lights a bit further on, he made up one cars length. That car he overtook was driven by my Dad... shook him up a bit as the 4x4 when overtaking.. the trailer almost wipped over into his car. Idiot.

Second... Main road, it's a 40. Road goes into two lanes approaching a roundabout. I want to go right at the roundabout onto a 30mph road. Car in front goes in the outside lane, I follow it. I indicate right. Car in front doesn't indicate. On the roundabout traffic coming the other way has two lanes.. one car goes straight on a fair way before him.. he beeps his horn but keeps going the same speed. Two more cars have already made it through the stop lines and almost hit him. Both cars abs clearly kicked in. He beeps constantly, then drives off around them..goes nuts weaving left and right.. floors it to about 50 in the 30 that the road we enter turns into and almost bins in into the other side of the road round the first corner. Before the roundabout he'd sat in the outside lane on a two lane section of road with nothing on the inside. He was miles back from me doing the same speed,, then suddenyl he must have done 60 to catch me up and sat in my boot whilst I did around 40 as it turned into one lane. Plenty of traffic around. I decided I wanted him out of my boot so at a set of lights before the roundabout pulled into the inside lane.. he went past.

Something happens like the above literally everytime I step into a car these days. The roads are full of complete numpties.. who no doubt tells all their friends about the idiots on the road as well.. when it's them that cause accidents.
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Learner failed his test today right in front of me.

I'm travelling on the major road, 40mph limit. Staggered junction ahead, first junction on left. I lifted just because my spidey senses told me to and lo and behold learner pulls out and I have to hit the brakes (and the airhorn for good measure because 12ton double deck bus), learner then moves into right turn filter box. As I pass the car I look over and in the passenger seat someone who looks to be an examiner, white as a sheet.

Had I not lifted I reckon I'd have clipped the rear NS even under braking. Thankfully the lift scrubbed enough speed.
Even the police are up to it around here. No lights or siren and they weren't in a rush so assuming they weren't on a call but just ambled around the blind corner at the end of our road the other day half on my side and then stared at me as they figured out they should be on their own side.
Yes, I have seen the police do it too where I live. You could give the benefit of doubt when the give way lines were blurred due to wear but it still happens when they are freshly painted now.
Even the police are up to it around here. No lights or siren and they weren't in a rush so assuming they weren't on a call but just ambled around the blind corner at the end of our road the other day half on my side and then stared at me as they figured out they should be on their own side.

Been tailgated by police cars now and again, they definitely should know better.

Obviously I don't know what they might have been tasked with, etc. but last week saw a police car using its blue lights to pass a slow lorry, though to be fair with the standard of driving of the lorry it might have been 50/50 if they were thinking of pulling them LOL.

Something happens like the above literally everytime I step into a car these days. The roads are full of complete numpties.. who no doubt tells all their friends about the idiots on the road as well.. when it's them that cause accidents.

Yup :( coming home tonight had to take a diversion due to road closure, NSL but road is only suitable for doing about 40 for a lot of it, coming into a 30 limit in a village where the road narrows and car coming the other way easily doing 70 - I had to speed up a bit to clear the narrow bit in time or they'd have hit me - they made no attempt to slow down, then I saw them put their foot down as they vanished behind me. There is a few big red signs as well warning of high risk accident spots along that road...
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Obviously I don't know what they might have been tasked with, etc. but last week saw a police car using its blue lights to pass a slow lorry, though to be fair with the standard of driving of the lorry it might have been 50/50 if they were thinking of pulling them LOL.
That reminds me a few days ago I pulled over to let a fire engine with sirens past, and it cruised around to the left... Down to the dead end lane the fire station is on. Maybe lunch was getting cold?
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I drive a large long wheel base Transit van with my company name and contact details written all over it.

A few months back I looked both ways, the pulled out of our trading estate; seconds later a car pulled onto the other side of the road along side me, rolled her window down, leaned across her child who was sat in the passenger seat and started yelling that I'd pulled out on her. The road is a 20mph and she must have been doing 50 as she wasn't there as I started moving out. She was shout obsenities and getting irate, to which I responded with " you werent even in view when I pulled out". I should mention the junction is on a bend so visibility is limited, hense the 20mph speed limit.

She proceeded to pull infront of my van and stop dead in the road. Cars behind me couldn't see what the hold up was and assumed I'd stopped for no reason, which resulted in the cars behind me beeping like crazy. After a minute of her sitting there I eventually tried to manouvre around her, and she sped off.

Fast forward 10 minutes, she rang the work phone which my wife answered, absolutely crying her eyes out. She said that I'd pulled infront of her, called used a profanity infront of her child, then beeped continuously. She said that If I wasn't fired (from my own company....) that she would ring the police. Madness.

Luckily I have a dashcam to back up my side of the story.
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I drive a large long wheel base Transit van with my company name and contact details written all over it.

A few months back I looked both ways, the pulled out of our trading estate; seconds later a car pulled onto the other side of the road along side me, rolled her window down, leaned across her child who was sat in the passenger seat and started yelling that I'd pulled out on her. The road is a 20mph and she must have been doing 50 as she wasn't there as I started moving out. She was shout obsenities and getting irate, to which I responded with "**** off, you werent even in view when I pulled out". I should mention the junction is on a bend so visibility is limited, hense the 20mph speed limit.

She proceeded to pull infront of my van and stop dead in the road. Cars behind me couldn't see what the hold up was and assumed I'd stopped for no reason, which resulted in the cars behind me beeping like crazy. After a minute of her sitting there I eventually tried to manouvre around her, and she sped off.

Fast forward 10 minutes, she rang the work phone which my wife answered, absolutely crying her eyes out. She said that I'd pulled infront of her, called her a **** infront of her child, then beeped continuously. She said that If I wasn't fired (from my own company....) that she would ring the police. Madness.

Luckily I have a dashcam to back up my side of the story.
It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

In a vaguely similar vein I had a guy in his fully sign written company van brake check me because I'd beeped him after he'd cut me up on a roundabout, we then got to the lights on the round about which were red so he pulled up alongside me and started being a smart arse "Oh I braked because I thought you wanted to chat".

If he hadn't of doubled down on being a potato I'd have just gotten on with my day but he'd peed me off so much I got home and pinged my dashcam video off to the company email address just letting them know that they might want to have a quiet word as I'd have been well within my rights to submit it to the police.
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It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

In a vaguely similar vein I had a guy in his fully sign written company van brake check me because I'd beeped him after he'd cut me up on a roundabout, we then got to the lights on the round about which were red so he pulled up alongside me and started being a smart arse "Oh I braked because I thought you wanted to chat".

If he hadn't of doubled down on being a potato I'd have just gotten on with my day but he'd peed me off so much I got home and pinged my dashcam video off to the company email address just letting them know that they might want to have a quiet word as I'd have been well within my rights to submit it to the police.
Yeah it's a strange one, she may of been an absolute n*b, or she might of been having a bad day (or both I guess). But a dashcam is absolutely essential nowadays either way.

In terms of your experience, I just can't wrap my head around how they think it's a good idea to drive like that in a marked van. I drive all day and I find van drivers between 9am - 5pm to generally be the more courtious drivers (not all of them clearly), the most trouble I seem to have is with people which are so old they don't know what day it is, and parents dropping kids at school parking like nutters.

Anyhow I like your response, stay calm and dish out some nice cool revenge.
I drive a large long wheel base Transit van with my company name and contact details written all over it.

A few months back I looked both ways, the pulled out of our trading estate; seconds later a car pulled onto the other side of the road along side me, rolled her window down, leaned across her child who was sat in the passenger seat and started yelling that I'd pulled out on her. The road is a 20mph and she must have been doing 50 as she wasn't there as I started moving out. She was shout obsenities and getting irate, to which I responded with " you werent even in view when I pulled out". I should mention the junction is on a bend so visibility is limited, hense the 20mph speed limit.

She proceeded to pull infront of my van and stop dead in the road. Cars behind me couldn't see what the hold up was and assumed I'd stopped for no reason, which resulted in the cars behind me beeping like crazy. After a minute of her sitting there I eventually tried to manouvre around her, and she sped off.

Fast forward 10 minutes, she rang the work phone which my wife answered, absolutely crying her eyes out. She said that I'd pulled infront of her, called used a profanity infront of her child, then beeped continuously. She said that If I wasn't fired (from my own company....) that she would ring the police. Madness.

Luckily I have a dashcam to back up my side of the story.
Post dash cam or you are talking BS
What we get with work's vans is the endless attempts at insurance fraud from people falsely claiming their parked car got hit or wing mirror knocked off. The funny thing is the number who double down after caught out - unfortunately I'm not senior enough to know what the outcomes are.
What we get with work's vans is the endless attempts at insurance fraud from people falsely claiming their parked car got hit or wing mirror knocked off. The funny thing is the number who double down after caught out - unfortunately I'm not senior enough to know what the outcomes are.

Despite the cameras covering 360° on buses we still get claims of this nature, although not so many since the company started referring to IFED.

We also get passengers claiming on-board injuries. I've got one on the go at the moment, claims I braked hard and he hit his TEETH (not mouth, teeth) on the crossmember separating the seats from the wheelchair space.

Couple of issues: CCTV doesn't show him even on the vehicle, GreenRoad (telematics) shows no hard braking & he waited 16 days to contact the company (obviously believing that the CCTV would have been overwritten, it's kept for 45 days)

So far he's not willing to let it go so there will be a referral to IFED. I'm guessing it'll be dropped when he's told about it.
Post dash cam or you are talking BS
No, I don't think I will.

It's not a particularly exciting story so I don't feel the need to embellish it or have to prove myself.

And also as stated in one of my previous posts, her erratic actions and tears afterwards may point to a bad mental state which I don't want to be posting on the internet. Nice try though
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No, I don't think I will.

It's not a particularly exciting story so I don't feel the need to embellish it or have to prove myself.

And also as stated in one of my previous posts, her erratic actions and tears afterwards may point to a bad mental state which I don't want to be posting on the internet. Nice try though
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