Your bad driving encounters

Think I annoyed a van driver tonight - not an unusual one for me - got onto a dual-carriageway where the first bit is still 30 due to business entrances and the van behind me accelerated up to about 50 and moved out to go around me but by the time they were about to catch me the limit change to NSL came and I put my foot down leaving them sitting in lane 2 :s then the next 10+ miles they were doing this weird thing of speeding up until they caught me, getting right up behind me like 2 foot from my bumper and almost immediately slowing down so I'd leave them a good mile behind, repeat.

EDIT: Weird thing is they seemed to be sticking to the van limits in the NSL sections but doing 50-60 in the 30s and 40s... some people I just don't understand (I don't think the van was limited to 56 or 60).
Yeah, you didn't do anything wrong but to the unobservant van driver it probably looked like you sped up just to stop him passing.
People who slow down massively on slip roads (still on the motorway). Yes, you need to brake for the roundabout in a mile but I think you’ll make it ok.
Honda Jazzes, Nissan Notes & Micras and Vauxhall Corsas seem to be the mount of choice for the blue rinse brigade round here.

Other warning signs are a tartan blanket and box of tissues on the parcel shelf, National Trust, RNLI or a bumper sticker of some type of small dog’s head.
I just came to ask people what they think the worst time of day to drive is. Was going to say around school drop off or pick up time or between 10am and 2pm. Your post and Panthro's seem to confirm it.

Don't forget Hyundai i10s from your list.
Today's kids don't understand the Green Cross Code or road safety.

Yesterday morning, I was driving down a road then suddenly 4 teens from the local academy just walked across the road without looking first. Had to do an emergency stop. The driver behind me shouted at the teens to watch what they are doing. Never turned round etc.
I nearly got a kid (6 or 7 years old maybe) tonight driving home from work, came flying out of a junction on his bike into a 'main' street where there are parked cars all around, literally saw him at the last second. If I'd been a second or two earlier I wouldn't have been able to stop. He didn't give a ****. His mate who saw what happened looked a bit shocked.

Also nearly got a pedestrian on the way to work. At a busy junction they decided to step out on a red man while the lights had changed to green for me. I was trying to keep an eye on a car trying to turn right into the same junction that was unsighted by another car turning right the opposite way. That was an emergency stop for me too.

Also nearly rear ended someone coming home because someone a couple of cars forward decided to be 'helpful' and let someone out of a side road when the lights we'd previously been at changed to green so everyone was accelerating away from the lights. There was nobody behind me so they would have gotten out fine without the help.

What a day :D
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See a lot of pedestrians these days expecting other people to look out for them, scares me a bit as I'm very much expecting people to do the common sense thing I'd do in that situation and not put themselves in a dangerous position so I can get caught out by it if I'm not careful.
A lot of it is people just not looking. This crossing is also sort of in a bad place, they could move it ten yards up the road and it would be much safer but people would still try to cross there anyway.

At this junction cars can literally come from four directions but the pedestrians seemingly think, “there’s not a car right this nanosecond so I’ll just cross anyway”.
Right after posting that had this video pop-up in my YouTube reccomendations LOL:

"Woman doesn't give way at junction then crashes and starts swearing" (channel hello835)

On her phone, ignores the give way signs then blames anyone but herself. I really hope the book got thrown at her.

EDIT: Not sure on speed actually - looked a fair bit higher than the 20 limit but quick calculation puts 17MPH average over the last 6m to the impact.
It’s amazing she thought she was in the right. I found the contrast between the relaxing music and her swearing somewhat amusing.

The thing I hate now is the early morning trip to Morrisons - We have to turn right at a T junction and if a newish car coming from either way has indicators on I can't see them in headlight unit -If they flash me out I only see them when turned out on raod.
I think a white van was the worst -It had a little tiny indicator light right in centre of unit.
I find that but with rear indicators in the headlamp units. They seem to be quite small now and hard to make out in some circumstances if the rest of the light is illuminated.

On the fronts (at least on my car) the DRL goes off when the indicator goes on.
yeah everyone was ok, the biggest injury was to the guy who hit the ambulance and i think that was mostly airbag bruises.

i didnt see him, but my wife said he was quite young, but really shook up and actually seemed a nice guy...... everyone makes mistakes, no one was hurt and it wasnt my ipace ;)

I hope they took him to Specsavers. Seriously, should be banned from driving.
I'd have thought most modern cars, even 8-10 years old have an automatic light option where the conditions and light level decide when the lights come on? I've had it on most past two cars, from 2012 and 2015? The DRL's on my current car (the 2015 one) are pretty bright, but generally if it's any way gloomy and I have the wipers on the headlights come on too.
They do but you can switch the automatic function off (at least in my car).

Driving home from work the other week I met a car at one of those ‘give priority’ points and there was a car with no lights on so flashed them (with my car headlights :p) but think they thought I was just thanking them for stopping. :D
Encountered a “no lights wonder” on a dual carriageway. Flashed them a couple of times (no other cars around them) then got in front and switched my lights off and on again. No reaction from them, completely oblivious.
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