Your bad driving encounters

All I see of Golf Rs is them go warp speed off the lights then quickly catch someone up in the outside lane and tailgate them extremely close until they can get past :s aside from that I don't generally see bad driving from Golf Rs.

Yep, that’s what I mean, drive very fast (I don’t hang about, usually always at the speed limit) then tailgate very close.
I’m convinced the rollover protection regulations resulting in much thicker A pillars, some that will easily hide a car on an initial glance, are the cause of many side turning accidents now.
My car is absolutely ***** for that, especially at roundabouts. Massive blindspot on the A pillars, I really have to crane my neck around to see properly.
Had one earlier, Police car pulled out on me at a traffic light controlled roundabout. Didn’t put the sirens on until they were already emerging but I’d seen the movement in my peripheral vision so was already covering the brake.
Are women the most aggressive drivers now? If there’s someone glued to my boot lid 99% of the time it’s a woman, the other 1% a boy racer.

Had two women doing it this morning, I was travelling at the speed limit. One in a Q3 nearly went into me on a roundabout. Put my foot down off the exit and she couldn’t keep up so assume it was the base model (I haven’t got a fast car).
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idiot boy racer on wrong side of the road hit me on Thus morning going to work. This is in a 30 mph zone. He drove off once he regained control of his car. Any help getting his number plate greatly appreciated please. Turns out the in built cameras on a bmw are all **** for getting number plates off. Was better off with the 3rd party dashcam in my old car tbh.

Too blurry for me even at 0.25x playback speed to see the plate. Did you report it to the police anyway?
Corner cutters is another i encountered today at a junction. Near enough took out my front end and had the audacity to give me the finger like i was in the wrong :cry:, gutted for them its all on dashcam which will be uploaded to youtube.
Upload it to the police website :ninja:
Got an "am I the idiot?' scenario for you guys. Every time I travel on this road people try to drive into me. :D. This is the road in question:


Imagine you or I are in the exact position of the Google maps car. There are nearly always cars parked on the left hand side and varying amounts of cars on the right. You're committed alongside the cars on the left (there is no gap to slot into) and approaching the white Vauxhall van on the right. Another car approaches from the opposite direction and you'll get to the Vauxhall at pretty much the same time. Whose right of way is it past the Vauxhall?

In this case it wasn't quite as bad as in the picture as there weren't as many cars on the left past the Vauxhall.
Looks like plenty of space to drive inside the centre line, even moreso on the white van side. Has either party crossed the line, is that what you mean by commit?

Drive to your left of the centre line and you're fine IMO.

I wouldn't say there's plenty of space, you probably can pass but it's very tight.

Yes, by commit I mean already passing cars on the left and partly over the white line.
I agree about mini roundabouts. It's so common now for people not to give way to the right and not even realise/acknowledge they are in the wrong. It's as though they don't think normal roundabout rules apply on them.
I get the opposite on mini roundabout, people who have right of way to my right stop to give me priority. Everyone sits there a moment until someone goes for it.
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