Does anyone else seem to find that the Vauxhall Moka, is THE car to fear when driven by anyone? Usually drivwn by very young mum's with a full cars worth of kids?
I had one jump a 5-10second gone red light at a 5 lane motorway roundabout junction (I was at the back of the que) - so by the time I finally crossed (still green) she then flew blindly across all 5 lanes, to which we had to slam our brakes on and nearly hit the cars behind us, all whilst she swore and threw something out of the window, whilst smoking out the car with the kids in with her window having to be wound down
Ever since this has happened, those car's have become jinxed wherever I go, and I see the maddest behaviour, and it as cliche as it sounds does seem to be all from very young mums with packed with kids.
I genuinely haha, cannot think of a single one i've seen since that motorway incident 5+ years ago, that hasn't done something strange/dangerous/speeding.
This definitely tops the old people that indicate right and drive straight forward, or brake for people on the other side of a road miles away when going up or down a hill!