Your bizarre quirks/traits

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Originally posted by astralcars
a) Say I were to scuff one shoe when walking along the pavement, I'd have an urge to do the same to the other shoe just to even things out. Or if I were to hurt my arm/leg/whatever, I'd want to do the same to the opposite limb - very strange.
i always have to do that, also if i like a chick i will have the possible scenarios planned in advance of them happening, eg i will know exactly what i will say, and when and also what will happen in a few hours, exactly what i will order if i buy her lunch, what i will be drinking, ...

edit: care to help me with nessessarilarly then fusion? i'll change when im finished cooking, gotta get back and sort stuff out now.
Originally posted by 1337_KR3W
i do all of that, i think the throwing thing for me comes from working with knifes all the time, i always catch them, same with stuff like hot soldering irons, screwdrivers, anything. keys and mobile too:D
I do that with knives while sitting at the computer all the time :)

Originally posted by 1337_KR3W
I go out most nights, and people who sit at college and claim they went out last night to whereever i was and i know for a fact they werent there, it gets me agro, they will almost always claim to of gone there and then got layed etc, and i know they were never even there - why do people think they have to lie just because they dont want to go out in the evenings, or enjoy just watching TV or whatever.
Kind of related, I hate it when people at college ask me what i'm doing tonight/at the weekend/whenever or what I done over the weekend, I don't need reminded that I have no social life

Originally posted by Lopéz
How utterly strange that so many of us do the platform game/skateboard type thing on bus journeys.

I really thought I was the only one....
same, I'd expect it from children, but not from so many adults :p
I'm on a hoverboard not a skateboard in my mind, either that or some sort of super roller blades :D
Originally posted by Lopéz
I count. Everything. All the time. Be it number of people wearing a certain type of clothing, stairs in a house, banister rails, number of paving slabs or kerb stones down a section of roads, footsteps it takes me to reach the post office. I have no idea why I do this.
I guess that makes me a freak just like Gilly.

When I used to spend a lot of time on buses, I would look out of the window for the entire journey, imagining how I would traverse the landscape on a super-duper skateboard type device. For example, imagine looking out of your bus/car window and seeing the landscape transformed into a Super Mario type 2D constantly scrolling platform game landscape. If you had a skateboard (just like in Wonderboy) you could skate along a rail, ollie up onto a telegraph pole, bounce of successive signs or car rooftops and so on. I still do this if I find myself a passenger on a long journey. How bloody bizarre.

I talk to myself. A lot. When nobody is around, I genuinely "LOL" at things I see on the internet, I commentate to myself on various household activities, and I have been known to narrate my way through an activity to a non-existent audience as if I'm a TV chef or something. This ties in with my another freakish habit, which is basically running about the house like a deranged 5 year old. When I'm home alone I never walk up the stairs, I run at full pelt, sometimes jumping several steps at one time. Should I need to traverse the living room I actually sprint in, jump over the footstool and do a sideways "heelclick" in mid air. When I get to the bottom 3 or 4 steps I put my palm on the banister nob and jump in a 180 degree arc onto the hallway floor. I constanly throw knives/forks/tools/whatever I have to hand in the air like a majorette would with a baton and catch them. If you ever speak to me in real life you'll notice I do it with my mobile, keys, pens, whatever I have to hand.

Waaah, Mr Flibble has reminded me. I constantly play out "virtual scenarios" not only in my head, but out loud with simulated accents and everything. I end up going off on a total tangent most of the time, playing out what did/could/would/should have happened. Combined with this I daydream about what I'd do in some sort of "post-apocolyptical" world, or if we were under occupation from invaders like France was in WWII. I used to be terrible for doing it on my paper round becuase it was a lot of time spent walking about the countryside on my own, giving me more time to think up this crap. Now I drive instead of walking everywhere I don't do it as much

I = odd.

Apart from the counting thing....that describes me! :o
being deaf in my right hand side, I always have to sit / walk on the right hand side of everyone so I dont have to keep turning my head :)
People (mainly groups) who dominate the pavement, must be destroyed. Quite often, I just walk fast, and barge through them. There's no need to walk at 1 pace a min, along a long, wide pavement.

I walk very fast, and the "running up behind someone" thing worries me.

I bite the skin inside my mouth. Try doing this walking down the street, you get the oddest looks.

As soon as hot food hits my tongue, my nose runs. You have no idea how inconvenient, and utterly repulsive this is, at some sort of "posh" meal.

People who climb stairs like a gazelle, welcome me as your brother. I don't walk, run or vault though. I will run, take my hands, put them on a step at about head height, and "vault" up, where the process carries on. Imagine a Gorrilla running ;)

When listening to my MD Player, my breath goes funny at different moments at certain songs. Now walk down the street, sounding like you're having an ahstma attack.

And that word, I hate it! Asthmah or whatever the hell it is. Every single job application form, I always spell it wrong. I'm sure that's a major factor in my unemployment.

Coughing when cleaning ears... yep.

I always have a wad in my pocket. Mobile phone, bus pass, inhaller and hankerchief in the left, money and keys in the right. On no day should the two cross.

I enjoy the feeling when you "almost" fall down the stairs, but don't quite leave the floor.
On a similar note, I once tried to run down the stairs like a dog, wondering how they do it. I fell, it hurt. To this day, I still don't see how it can be done.

I act out conversations, and "own" in them. Come to the real situation, I'm as fluent as a Frenchman with a lisp.

People who watch the shopping channels. Not so much QVC and the like, but the channels with ONE advert on a 24/7 loop. Like my Mum, who can sit and watch the timelife music ad for hours on end. HOW?
Wow, so I'm not the only weird peerson here:

For me, everything must be in perfect order. On all my desks and tables, everything is always arranged in perfect order, lined up nicely. If anyone messes around with these, I throw a fit. So now people don't.
I hate unsymmetrical things. Plants, flowers, anything deviating slightly from perfect symmetry which cannot therefore be integrated into my nice ordered surfaces has to go out, or at least out of sight.

I also think to myself. And by this I mean I have converstions with myself in my head. And I think the craziest things at times. For example, a typical one might go like this:
"Hmm". "What do you mean, hmm?". "I mean hmm, you moron". "Shut up you idiot". "What do you mean, 'idiot'? You are me, therefore you are an idiot". "Oh shut up".
It just gets worse from there... And this means I can sometimes have trouble distinguishing the converstion in my head from what others are saying, which is patly why I never remember anything right!
Another thing I passionately hate mobile phones.

I cant stand the ring tones, the way people shout at them when they are using them, those stupid little LED's that flash to let you know that they are in signal. The fact that everyone has to have them on display and they have to have the latest and greatest model and if you don't you are some sort of sad lamo loser that has no reason to be out of your house let alone with friends. I hate the way that people expect you to answer your phone when they ring and if you don't they assume you hate them or are ignoring them or something not that you are taking a crap and don't fancy being disturbed.

I hate it how people can't understand that if they want to get in contact with me before 6:30 PM they should call my work line and after 7 they should phone my house. in between that time I am riding my bike and cant talk anyway.

I hate it how people cant seem to fathom living without their mobiles. I mean 10 years ago it was a rarity to have one. How did people cope 20 years ago???

I hate it that people with pay as you go phone will ring on and ring off to save credit. **** off, if you want to speak to me then you can ****ing pay why the **** should I pay through my nose to speak to you when I don't know why you want to speak to me or how long it will take.

I hate it how people will text you with the simple words txt back. I hate it more when they get arsey because the reply is no. Do these people not understand Irony?

I hate it how people see using their mobile as their god given right and if they happen to be driving at the same time so be it. It really ****** me off to see people have such little regard for their own personal safety and the safety of others.

I even hate the sound of them when they vibrate against something.

As you can see I hate mobiles. A lot.
I used to wash my hands quite a few times before going to bed (about 3~4) - I had to stop doing that as my hands got VERY dry...

Also, I don't like it when people sit on my pillow on my bed - I like it to be as clean as possible, so I wash it either once or twice a week.

I *always* check that my door is locked before I go to sleep - so much so that I drew a mark on the locking mechanism with permanent marker so I can see when it's locked from my bed, if need be.

When cooking, I'll tend to wash things up as soon as I finish using them - i.e. having a bowl of washing up water while I cook - makes the after-meal washing very much easier.

I will always lock my computer before I leave it - not really sure why, I live in a house where I can trust the people I live with...

I've started reading on the way to/back from my lectures - people get the hell out of your way when they think you can't see them!

Yeah, as most people do, I also run up stairs two at a time...
I get the hot food runny nose thing to. And the skate board on the bus one. Loads of the mentioned ones in fact.

The only unmentioned one is when in a car (not whilst driving;) ) I'll find a bit of dirt or drop of rain on the windscreen and then line it up with the gutter or lines in the centre of the road, then try and keep it there. Great fun, untill people notice your head waggling all over the place.
Oh boy, going through your lists reminded me of more:

The even numbers thing is terrible for me - the number of times I've wished the car radio went '0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10' instead of '1, 2, 3' is ridiculous - I will insist on listening to the radio in units that end in '5', no matter how loud it becomes. And the TV is even worse - it doesn't have a numerical display, so I'll move the bar all the way to the left of the screen and count 5 steps forward when I'm using something (e.g. satellite box) with its own volume control - even in the middle of a program!

And imagining I'm in a game - the number of time's I've imagined what I'd do if I were the guy in Vice City is worrying - running over pedestrians, shooting and taking someone's car because he honked at you - this can get very worrying at times!

1. When I lock the house to go out, sometimes I have to go back and check that I did actually lock it, even though I checked at the time. Sometimes I go back even if i'm halfway down the street!!
Not only will I go back several blocks to recheck whether I've locked the door, I always type passwords several times: I will type, then backspace it out, retype and repeat as many as 4-5 times!

I walk quite fast, and as a consequence of this I tend to catch people up quite often. When I end up following someone, say in an alleyway or some such narrow passageway, I become acutely worried about what they're thinking. Do they think I'm a rapist? Do they think I'm about to mug them? I end up trying to walk quietly so as not to scare them, although in reality this just probably scares them even more.
Oh yeah - I'll be about half their size and I'll be tiptoeing past them, or making as much noise as possible so they don't think I'm hiding, about to leap at them!

As soon as hot food hits my tongue, my nose runs. You have no idea how inconvenient, and utterly repulsive this is, at some sort of "posh" meal.
Luckinly this seems to be on the decline for me, but it still happens *way* too often!

I often act out situations in my head a lot about anything.
People (mainly groups) who dominate the pavement, must be destroyed. Quite often, I just walk fast, and barge through them. There's no need to walk at 1 pace a min, along a long, wide pavement.
I bite the skin inside my mouth. Try doing this walking down the street, you get the oddest looks.
I enjoy the feeling when you "almost" fall down the stairs, but don't quite leave the floor.
I act out conversations, and "own" in them. Come to the real situation, I'm as fluent as a Frenchman with a lisp.
I divide the ground up into squares, draw an imaginary X on them, and try not to tread on the lines of the X. Very sad. I only tend to do it when I'm actually walking.. along. I don't often do it around the house, but I find myself doing it quite a lot when I'm actually walking along the street or something. And I don't know if anyone's mentioned this, but most of the time if I, say, scratch my left cheek, I get an irresistible urge to scratch the right one too. That happens a lot.
Edit>> I chew my inner lips too.. Get some funny looks. I also have trouble *not* going down stairs at about a hundred miles an hour. It's led to me being nicknamed 'twinkletoes' and similar by loads of people who hear me thunder down stairs like an elephant day in, day out.
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Originally posted by Deadly Ferret
I can't stand the smell of butchers or fishmongers. As soon as I begin to detect it, or if I spot one coming up a few doors away, I hold my breath until I get completely past it.

I hear you. The smell of butchers makes me retch, I have to hold my breath.

Thinking about it, I am slightly obsesive about seeing things clearly. I am always cleaning my monitor/TFT (and everyone elses), my car windows must be as clean as possible (though I have never washed the rest of the car in the 2 years I have had it). The same applies to lights on cars, they must be able to provide as much light as possible, by being totally clean. This also applies to the window in my computer - jesus, I had never actually realised just how far this "clear" obsession goes! :o
As a child, I used to not like being in the same plane as doors - I'd move if it happened to me..

I seem to comment on the way that people cook a lot, drives them quite, quite mad.. (understandably)

Often, I carry out conversations in my head, taking the role of somebody else - usually it's quite funny...

I like to point out when there isn't enough light on people's desks when they work - I don't see how they could do, when it's so dim! :confused:

Going back and checking doors are locked is one of my favourites - I *KEEP* going back to my car and checking it - it's made me late a few times!

I save all my conversations in Messenger, I have a rather large collection now... It's sometimes good to go back and read through them...

Speaking of which, I love to make lists of things - there was a time when I had a log file of all the sent/revcieved bytes for every time I'd gone online for the last year - it was quite sad...

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The Personality Disorder test
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Originally posted by Lopéz
How utterly strange that so many of us do the platform game/skateboard type thing on bus journeys.

I really thought I was the only one....

Its beginning to dawn on me that either everyone in OcUK Forums is a freak or, all the little personal quirks we think are perculiar to ourselves really are not that odd at all.

Its everyone else thats weird!! :D
Ooh, just thought of others on my way back from the shop.

• When I drink a pint, every so often I'll rotate the glass a 1/4 of a revolution, so that when I finish the pint there are no streaks of foam residue left on the glass. I like to have a clean glass at the end of a pint, plus it means absolutely no wastage ;)

• Ever since I learnt that the last two digits of an old-style number plate are dependent on where the car was registered, and that the codes for my home town is YA, YB, YC and YD, I've been looking at number plates when walking, driving or being driven to see if any of the cars were 'born' where I was. I also end up looking for things in windscreens like out-of-date tax discs when I'm walking somewhere. I tend to get bored easily when just walking.
I talk to myself when alone ( pretty basic one )
Im always fidgety when sitting still.
I cant stand still without feeling slightly sick, i can walk around with ages without feeling anything but as soon as i have to stand still for 2 minutes i feel sick ( this is probably something wrong with my health :p )
I always have an urge to babble incoherent words and act like a spaz.
I cant, and i mean CANT walk up stairs, they are just too small to take a step at a time.
I used to not be able to get to sleep unless i wrapped the duvet completely around my body so that no part of my body touched the matress and still do sometimes.
I love lieing down on floors, whether they are carpet or wood ( carpet is better though )
I've been told i talk rubbish when i sleep.
I HATE it when i have 2 seats either side of me empty on a train/bus and then someone sits in either seat. It REALLY gets on my nerves, its not that i dont mind sitting next to people, its just when i have 2 seats either side.
When drying myself after a shower i cant put any clothes on until im BONE dry, this normally means wrapping the towel around me and leaning out the window or just waiting for about 20 minutes before i put any clothes on.
Whenever I go into a supermarket with my own money ( with the intention of buying something ) i ALWAYS have to buy some kind of bakery product.
Thats about all i can think of right now.
Numerical volume levels, must be even, on the tv or in the car.

I read things backwards, I'm very good at manipulating words in my head, I like to do anagrams of things I read on wagons/trucks etc whilst driving.

I tend to pick up on peoples accents during a conversation, then slowly begin mimicking them.

An awful lot of other quirks other people have written about here I also do.
Originally posted by Lopéz
When I used to spend a lot of time on buses, I would look out of the window for the entire journey, imagining how I would traverse the landscape on a super-duper skateboard type device. For example, imagine looking out of your bus/car window and seeing the landscape transformed into a Super Mario type 2D constantly scrolling platform game landscape. If you had a skateboard (just like in Wonderboy) you could skate along a rail, ollie up onto a telegraph pole, bounce of successive signs or car rooftops and so on. I still do this if I find myself a passenger on a long journey. How bloody bizarre.

/puts hand up
My God, I have done that! Was great fun until I hit a lorry that was reversing and lost a life...

I'm a freak when it comes to keeping things tidy. For example, all my DVD's are placed in order based on the colour down the spine, so all the reds are together, then all the blues and there's even a gradient as it moves along. Strange I know, but it brings me some kind of peace...

I hate it when there's a mess anywhere in my room, it has to be tidy and even if there's a mess it'll be made to look like it has some kind of logical structure, with larger objects stacked neatly below smaller ones. This is partly because I live with my grandparents and they don't have any sense of clealiness or structure at the best of times. I end up doing the washing up again every night as they miss bits on the cutlery and or plates (it's not just old age, they've always been like this).

People who talk through films or use mobiles really annoy me. I very often get to the point where I can go completely livid, but manage to control it. I've always contained it apart from a few months ago when a large group of kids had come to watch reloaded and they sat there texting, laughing and talking throughout the first 15 minutes of the film. I tried to hold it in but (like some kind of out-of-body experience) I found myself leaping from my chair, popcorn flying, screaming at them to shut the **** up until my voice box was practically bleeding. They didn't say another word...
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