Your bizarre quirks/traits

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and i thought i was the only one with these quirks...

I think ive deffo got a little obsessive compulsive disorder, i will check things are off all the time, docks locked etc..

And i admit i do mutter to myself, espcially in the early mornings going to work.

Im noticing a scary patten, we all like pcs, spend a lot of time on this forum, funny quirks all over the place. :p
Thought of some more...

If I'm having a drink in the pub and my glass makes a wet ring on the table/bar, I have to put the glass back on the same ring every time I have a drink from it until I have finished at which point it goes in a different place and makes a "I've finished" ring on the table.

I bite the inside of my mouth too.

I will tap out rythms by knocking my teeth together and rubbing the front teeth together up and down(!?!) This way I can do it without anyone else hearing and getting annoyed.

When I was younger, every time I looked at my digital clock I would have to find some way of making a sum/pattern out of the numbers eg 2:34am... 2-3-4, 14:27... 2 * 7 =14 etc, kind of Countdown style and if the time was XX:59 i would have to stare at it until it changed to XX:00.

I think the counting thing that a lot of people do it the brains way of keeping occupied, keeping itself busy. Its like its idling waiting for some real calculations to come along.
sorry got to mention this one, as its partly a quirk

If anyone calls a PC tower / Chassis a "Hard Drive" I have to suppress a sudden urge to scream at them, and even repeatedly hit them with it.

Although I seem to have tracked this mis-information to those 'really well trained' (according to adverts) floor monkies in PC world etc :rolleyes:

I dont really know why that bothers me so much :confused:
I do have some werid ones. But this is by far the strangest

I have to take and chew the lid holders from bottles that I have drunken from. I do it every single time I have a bottle of coke or water. Its really really strange.
Originally posted by Bodak
People (mainly groups) who dominate the pavement, must be destroyed. Quite often, I just walk fast, and barge through them. There's no need to walk at 1 pace a min, along a long, wide pavement.

Count me in on this one. I can't stand groups of people who take up the whole pavement, so I refuse to move for them. They can either get out of my way, or get knocked out my way. Their choice.

I noticed another last night, probably a common one. Was playing games on the PS2 and found myself constantly shouting at the characters on screen, then laughing at them and calling them names when I'd beaten them. Very odd.
every night before i go to bed

i allways pick up my pillows look under them and put the back

I NEVER dont do it

weird eh
Originally posted by VDO

For me, everything must be in perfect order. On all my desks and tables, everything is always arranged in perfect order, lined up nicely. If anyone messes around with these, I throw a fit. So now people don't.
I hate unsymmetrical things. Plants, flowers, anything deviating slightly from perfect symmetry which cannot therefore be integrated into my nice ordered surfaces has to go out, or at least out of sight.

I thought I was the only one :o Everything in my room has to be lined up as well.

The volume on the TV etc MUST be an odd number.

I have never counted stairs, although I always run up them usually 2 at a time :p

Im paranoid that I always cook food for the correct length of time, I check and double check the instructions then add more time on to that, then check it before eating to make sure it is safe : /
It is why you will never see me eat a kebab etc while im out. :p
I have OCD and it manifests itself with my response to change.

I can cope with huge changes in my surroundings but small subtle changes make me itch and sometimes really quite angry.

I can cope with moving to university but if I see that a door has been painted a different colour when i get home then it really gets to me.

I cant stand it when they change the BBC news studio, even to the point where I refused to watch it for a few weeks the last time they changed it.

Even though it makes me angry and frustrated I wouldnt change me for the world
Originally posted by Kronologic
You must be my twin

I wasnt going to mention that one just incase people thought I was weird

Oddly enough after rehearsing the conversation I rarely have it with the person in question

Yep - annoying isn't it.

This is a really fascinating thread! There's one or two here that are just a little bit tooo odd (I'm not naming any names!) but I think we should all be comforted by the fact that there's clearly a lot of evidence of highly creative & intelligent thinking on these boards :)
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Originally posted by Starkillar
sorry got to mention this one, as its partly a quirk

If anyone calls a PC tower / Chassis a "Hard Drive" I have to suppress a sudden urge to scream at them, and even repeatedly hit them with it.

Although I seem to have tracked this mis-information to those 'really well trained' (according to adverts) floor monkies in PC world etc :rolleyes:

I dont really know why that bothers me so much :confused:

Oh MY GOD how could I forget that. I feel exactly the same, I have to tell them that the ******* hard drive is inside the tower!GRRRRRRRRR :mad:

This is the fault of teachers and lecturers as they're always saying "put your work on top of the hard drive" or "Turn your hard drives off" GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Also I hate when people take up the whole path so just walk at them!

I have soo many, I didn't realise. Theres loads more
Oh...and I must draw this at least once a day

Originally posted by Zoltan
Oh MY GOD how could I forget that. I feel exactly the same, I have to tell them that the ******* hard drive is inside the tower!GRRRRRRRRR :mad:

This is the fault of teachers and lecturers as they're always saying "put your work on top of the hard drive" or "Turn your hard drives off" GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Also I hate when people take up the whole path so just walk at them!

I have soo many, I didn't realise. Theres loads more

Never heard that before. And to think I get annoyed at people calling it the CPU.

Anyway, I talk to myself and workout problems or situations

I can't stand my back to people which is a bugger on stage with a pschotic drummer who aims his sticks at me.

When I see a good looking woman in a dress I try to decide if she's wearing suspenders/stockings, holdups or tights. Obviously its suspenders/stockings everytime.
Originally posted by The_morrell
I do have some werid ones. But this is by far the strangest

I have to take and chew the lid holders from bottles that I have drunken from. I do it every single time I have a bottle of coke or water. Its really really strange.

I do that, but don't chew it. Just pull it out, then put it back, then pull it out, squish it a bit and try to flip it like a coin...and repeat for at least ten minutes.

I can't stand having warmer than cold pillows. As soon as my pillow heats up from my head I have to flip it over and start on the other side, and repeat about 5 times before I start to fall asleep. Unless it's freezing I have to have a leg out the side of the duvet and over the top of it.

I let my room get into a bit of a state, then feverishly tidy it up and make everything "just so" and keep it that way for a while, then for some reason just let it get messy again.

When I'm using software that has slider bars with a numerical value attached I *have* to set it so it's either an even or divisible by 5 number, whichever suits best.

I'm always cleaning the screen of my phone. I leave the plastic protective things on things for as long as possible - I hate things getting scratched and throw a major fit if someone "removes it for me".

Milk must be drunk from a glass vessel. It just doesn't taste the same from crockery. The glass must be incredibly clean - any fluff on it whatsoever or water marks and I have to rigorously clean said glass and rinse it under cold water and dry with a lint-free cloth.

There's so many more...but ice cream is calling me...
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