Date Time Location Status
28 Sep 2007 18:02 Suzhou Shipped From Originating Depot
27 Sep 2007 15:50 Suzhou Consignment Picked Up
Estimated delivery is now 2nd October...
Date Time Location Status
28 Sep 2007 18:02 Suzhou Shipped From Originating Depot
27 Sep 2007 15:50 Suzhou Consignment Picked Up
28 Sep 2007 18:02 Suzhou Shipped From Originating Depot
27 Sep 2007 16:21 Suzhou Consignment Picked Up
16 gig, engraved, ordered September 8th.
Its been ready for shipment for days, I'm suprised it hasn't gone yet still.
Same my delivery date is now the 2nd too. Btw for those who want to check what week their ipod is, go to your apple account and view order details then click print all invoices and a new window will pop up, it states the serial number.
1B738****** is mine so I have a week 38which isnt as big a deal now as the screen issue has been fixed in the new firmware.
Mine shipped the same time last night... though its gone from delivery on the 9th, to the 2nd... maybe not coming from China then?
I had an iPod touch I bought from the Regent Street Apple store on 18th Sept - they had a batch in on the day that they announced the iPhone.
Unfortunately for me I got a negative screen and although it was not THAT bad I knew I had a problem.
I then decided to get a US iPhone sent over and when I compared the screens it was terrible next to the iphone.
iPhone is on the left!
So I took back the touch and not being able to exchange it (as they didn't have any others in stock last Thursday) I got a refund.
I re-ordered on the Apple site and my order shipped today and like some of you above me the delivery date changed from 9th to the 11th now.
I phoned TNT and they said it was unusual for it to take so long to a residential address and that maybe Apple was shipping it in bulk somewhere else first?
Eitherway now its been shipped and we have been charged we will just have to wait it out, personally I have an iphone to play with but I need the extra capacity of the iPod for my music!
Mine says tomorrow too but mines in the Netherlands
01 Oct 2007 14:53 Arnhem Hub Consignment Received At Transit Point
28 Sep 2007 18:02 Suzhou Shipped From Originating Depot
27 Sep 2007 14:08 Suzhou Consignment Received At Transit Point
27 Sep 2007 11:34 Suzhou Consignment Picked Up