Your iPod Touch Order & Shipping

Good to see it doesn't have the recessed headphone jack like the iPhone :)
Mine's arrived - posting on it right now! This keyboard is gong to take some getting used to. Its a very lovely thing tho, very lovely indeed :)
Hmm... if it's like what Rob and SS has posted, I should get mine tomorrow?

02 Oct 2007 16:15 Arnhem Hub Consignment Received At Transit Point
30 Sep 2007 18:47 Suzhou Shipped From Originating Depot
28 Sep 2007 14:30 Suzhou Consignment Received At Transit Point
28 Sep 2007 14:30 Suzhou Consignment Picked Up

Shame I'll be out all day for Uni's Fresher's Fyre...

BTW, SS, you're right, I must have been blind when I read your post :p
Actually the consensus on the ipod forums are that the firmware tries to hide the problem by increasing the brightness and contrast, etc and does not fix it and could not fix it as it is a hardware problem.

I got a refund and ordered a new one from Apple - my order is currently waiting to leave China! but I don't mind waiting as the iphone I have keeps me happy BUT I do wonder why I won't get it till NEXT thursday when it was shipped today!

That's not what I've heard, or experienced myself (I've got a week 37). The jury is still out as to wether this is a hardware or simple firmware issue. I for one havent seen any contrast changes..
Apple told some people that it was a hardware issue off the record and this got reported back - you may have missed that one out!

Not all week 37 iPods are faulty and the firmware was definately put out to make the problem less obvious where the hardware was faulty.

There was a huge difference between my touch and iphone and it was obvious it was caused by the screen!
Unless its from an apple store id say from what ive heard a few weeks as demand for these are so so glad I preordered off the site now :).
I'd pre ordered a 16gb touch from a palce in Manchester near the triangle, and they should be getting their shipment of them in today for me to go and pick up which is good considering i only pre-ordered it on monday, so it's literally a couple of days lol.

Also it WASN'T an Apple store.
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Anyone manage to get onto the UK apple store online? I can;t get anywhere near it, just get a blank page for the ipods.
I have a sure fire way to tell if you have a good screen or a bad one on ** ipod touch!

If your touch is good the grey menu bars (on the iPod function) will have a blue tinge. If they do NOT have that blue tinge then the screen is faulty.

So to repeat:

Blue tinged grey menu bar is good screen

Grey menu bar is faulty.

I just got my week 39 touch and it has a faulty screen again - seeing as its a bit hit and miss with getting it replaced I have decided to wait a while and get the screen replaced under warranty maybe after christmas!
If you go to you will see some very useful tests for dead pixels and the negative black problem...

Below is a picture of my new week 39 touch (left) and my week 38 iPhone (right):


As you can clearly see the box is only SLIGHTLY lighter than the background on the touch BUT very light on the iPhone.

You can also just about see the blue tinge on the iPhone compared to the totally grey bar on the touch.

I have a feeling a few people who do this test may find problems with their ipods or iphones.


As I said I am going to hold off and get it serviced later on rather than play cat and mouse with Apple and hope that I get a good screen... however if anyone from Apple was reading this then I am sure you would agree this is NOT a good situation!
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If I order a Touch today, what are the chances I'll avoid the negative issue? Does the updates actually sort it out? (i.e. experience of this rather than Apple saying it will)
Ordered 16gb version on Oct 10. Current status is "Not yet shipped".

Estimated Shipping: 19 Oct, 2007 - 24 Oct, 2007
Estimated Delivery: 25 Oct, 2007 - 31 Oct, 2007

Are these estimations usually accurate?
Are these estimations usually accurate?

They probably will be now.

A few people in the thread had issues with backdating etc but that was when the product was first out and as you can expect - demand and supply can sometimes clash.

I ordered a Nano a week or so ago (not a Touch admittedly, but keeping with the iPod theme) and it was bang on time as predicted. :)
They have touches in stock on that rainforest store so I might cancel my preorder with Apple (which is taking FOR-EVER) and go with them.
They have touches in stock on that rainforest store so I might cancel my preorder with Apple (which is taking FOR-EVER) and go with them.

Don't they have any models in a store near you?

They had plenty in Cardiff a week or so ago.. not sure they'd be issue-free, but then, no one can guarantee the same if it comes from Apple I suppose.
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