so I'm curious where yours are listed on a fairly common search term?
My search terms are not that common, but common enough to still get decent (for me lol) enough numbers coming in, so they're pretty niche. I rank pretty well, here are some private browser shots on search:
A paypal update on crypto withdrawals.
Konvi app I rank right at the top, only second to the verified French dude. This one ebbs and flows depending on the amount of marketing the company does and that's all good with me! £10 per referral on that one, which has made me a great 30 so far, but more than the video, so...! ha
This is probably the best. It's a pretty good search term, but niche...! This means though, again with the ebb and flow of their own marketing, but I get decent traffic daily on this one. They used to offer $270 per referral, but I got 2 and they dropped it to $70 haha so already made 540 off this one and have 35 others signed up. If they ever invest over $500 in the app, I'll get my $70.
Even this one ranks pretty well up against some big guys. It's less of a push on the search but still.
I like to try and find things that competition is pretty good, but it's not always possible in a space like this! Loads of people in the same spaces these days but I am doing a video on a couple of different apps in the next couple of weeks too. One sMiles you earn BTC for walking and stuff like that. Another is one where you earn tokens listening to music? I keep a list of things I'm planning, and try and do a couple in the week I don't have the kids to make my life easier on that next week, so will try that tomorrow, too as I am in the UK Fri - Monday.
25k for 28 days is decent lol I'm on about 10% of that so

just passed $15 for those 2500, so RPM at $7.50? You must still get about $75 a month? The way I've looked at things and tried to break it down is less about the ad money, as it's not a lot, but more about the number of potential eyes to convert to get me some $ in some other way!