i'm not sure about which way around you put the pins on, i've found the 4 sockets for the power on and reset/ hd led etc from the front panel.... these are 2 pins but i'm not sure which one is ``ground``
they all have a white wire and the other is always a different colour.... same goes for the fans too.... and it doesn't really say which case fans go where... i've put the front case fans on the matching pair under the cooler......
and the rear exit fan on the ``power fan`` socket above and to the left of the cooler.....
all the rest looks easy, the psu is fantastic, nice cables too.
they all have a white wire and the other is always a different colour.... same goes for the fans too.... and it doesn't really say which case fans go where... i've put the front case fans on the matching pair under the cooler......
and the rear exit fan on the ``power fan`` socket above and to the left of the cooler.....
all the rest looks easy, the psu is fantastic, nice cables too.