asrock support is good from what i hear, so had you tried plugging the card in and that was what caused it? tried resetting the cmos? also before you do post it off make you try it outside the case one final time...
PS the naughty way to deal with this issue is to buy another one and the claim it DOA and send them back your one, lot quicker than RMA'ing but i would never do that
yeah got home with the 680 opened up the case pulled old card out stuck new card in and then powered on and then it started cycling tryed old card back in same thing did a cmos reset pulled the battary and used the jumper as well and same issue. grr really anoying getting a 680 and then not being able to use it never mind new mobo here tomorrow hopefully
yes have seen that before in dell laptops, i had to rebuild 50+ and every now and then it would happen, if you have a spare drive do a quick reinstall of windows and see if it works, i take it you have run windows update? as sometimes the default windows ones go and cause issues, have you also tried 'uninstalling from device manger' and then rebooting and let windows try again?