Z68 Extreme4 Gen3

This what happens when I run memtest right away errors pop up in mass. The strange thing my pc can be running great for day or more then out of no where BSOD. Even when playing games pc runs great? Only once had BSOD when playing bf3.
Can someone here who is using same ram post a screen shot of there ram bios settings please.

This what happens when I run memtest right away errors pop up in mass. The strange thing my pc can be running great for day or more then out of no where BSOD. Even when playing games pc runs great? Only once had BSOD when playing bf3.
Can someone here who is using same ram post a screen shot of there ram bios settings please.

Enable the XMP profile.

If this is the 1.50V rated Vengeance then leave it at that.

If it's the 1.50-1.65V rated Vengeance then still enable the XMP profile but try setting the DRAM voltage manually to 1.55V.
Just want into bios and set voltage manually, instead of auto to 1.5v xmp enabled and manually set timings 9-9-9-24.
What I noticed windows started faster :confused: normally I would wait at welcome screen for say 15secs this time I never seen the welcome screen.
Question about VTT Voltage and VCCSA Voltage What should theses be set to? Mine are at VTT 1.051v and VCCS at 0.925v.

Reading on another forum at post recommends 1.10v on both? what you guys use.

New beta BIOS released 1.20C anyone tried it out? Change list improve keyboard and mouse compatibility under BIOS.
I dont have problems with m&k in bios so not updating.

might be a life saver for some, im same as you and will leave this one.

MVP Lucid Virtu Utility 2.1.110a for Windows 7 x64


Installed it on my Extreme 4 Gen 3, no problems. Not played with it yet, so i don't know if it all works, but it didn't crash my PC when playing games.

what exactly does this do?
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