*** Zelda: Breath of the Wild ***

It's actually retroactive, so you'll be able to use it to see where you've been since you started playing (within the last 200 hours gameplay). So the game is already tracking you're exact travelled path behind the scenes.

I'm in two minds whether it'll actually better for the exploration aspect of the game, as part of the fun for me is trying to figure out where you havent been using discovered korok markers and your own markers as a guide.
Fortunately it's use is optional.

I did notice it's retroactive, what I meant was that it seems like such a useful feature it's a shame it wasn't in from the beginning, is a bit of a weird thing to include as part of the DLC don't you think?

I don't want to rush through the game but only have limited play time so backtracking all over the map is a bit of a killer for me so this seems like a useful tool.
Yes and no, I agree with you in part.


In terms of my opinion on DLC for games in general, as long as the base game is good value and feels complete then I have no problem with it; the more DLC the better.

No exact date yet, sometime in Summer

It will all be fairly optional I guess, I'll probably have a look and if it feels like enabling easy/cheat mode then I probably wouldn't use it anyway.

I don't go mental when it comes to marking the map, it's a nice idea but since you can't add a note to an icon after a very short period of time I have no idea why I marked something in the first place... :)

I think anything they add to give the game more of a lifespan is a good thing, but being honest it's so stuffed full of great stuff if all we had was the base game I wouldn't be disappointed.
Been playing almost exclusively in handheld mode for the past month, finally had a chance to play via the dock last night and looked glorious on my TV.

Was weird using the Pro Controller again, felt massive at first but is lovely pad.
I've probably got too much now to the point I don't really know what to do with it all now. I should really make some elixirs etc but I'm too scared to make anything in case I need to sell it for rupees later. As a result I have 4/5 pages of junk in Link's trunk now....

I was worried about that too, been upgrading armour sets and they've been using some of my stuff which is good, also flogged some gems to afford the house and upgrade it.

I'm not so worried about hording now, I have the snowquill armour which sorts me for cold, I want to get the flame-proof set next so won't need to worry about so many elixirs.

In Skyrim and Oblivion I ended up with multiple houses stocked full of stuff that I never went back to and so was essentially wasted... I'm trying not to repeat that with Zelda. I'd rather make use of stuff now and worry about what I'm missing later, that'll give me a good reason to keep playing as I might not even be bothered by then.
The stealth trial was my least favourite part about this entire game.

For me it's the Devine Beasts, so boring, I know they are like classic Zelda dungeons which some folks love but that's why this is the first Zelda game I've really enjoyed, the open world exploration is so much better.
My Mrs bought me a Switch today but couldn't get a physical copy of the game, is there any reason other than cost and resale to worry about getting the digital version?

I'd just buy it mate, is such a brilliant game, always nice to get a deal but for the matter of a tenner you could be playing it now or waiting weeks to get a physical version.
I've needed guides and hints, have avoided anything story related but found the Devine Beasts a boring slog so just followed a YouTube video for the last two to knock them out and get back to exploring the world.

I don't feel guilty about it, I have two young girls and as such limited play time so can't be wasting hours grinding.
Couldn't help myself. It was one way of scratching the itch until I got the thing :p

A complete lack of console at the time contributed to this I think.

Still, it hasn't stopped me enjoying the game any less. It's been an incredible journey so far and with 55hrs racked up in it I still have a long way to go! :)

I think the coverage of Zelda up to launch was handled really well, everything past the great plateau was embargoed so there wasn't a great deal of spoilers, that was a nice benefit of having the Switch and Zelda on launch day.

I remember those first few days running around, when you think back to how big the starting area seemed to what it is once you've opened the whole map... pretty incredible really.
Alas, it is all over for me. Game is now complete. All shrines done, DB's, side quests, Memories, armour upgrades (except the Wild armour which I am not upgrading on principal of it looking poopy). DLC stuff all done.
Guess I have to wait until Christmas for the next DLC :(

Master mode? :)
I had to look at a guide for the warm doublet. :( I just could NOT find that other shrine till now.. sigh.

I had to use a guide at various times, doesn't bother me and glad I did.

I do love exploring but have limited time to play so wandering around aimlessly and feeling like I've achieved nothing doesn't appeal.

I hate the Devine Beasts, worst part of the game, followed a YouTube video for one step by step just to get it over.
Nice that dlc 2 is here, will wait and here a few general thoughts on the amount of content before jumping in and buying I think, the trailer left me thinking it's not as substantial as I had hoped? Wanted Zelda: blood and wine ;)

I'm liking it so far, more Zelda never a bad thing. You need to have beaten the devine beasts to do the core mission.

I don't think 15 quid is too much for the amount of content across both packs. Keep in mind that you may not see a new Zelda for some years so make the most of this one.
I have but I was pretty underwhelmed. Reused content, very easy apart from the final part and didn't introduce anything new and exciting. I think I probably had more fun with DLC 1 which itself was quite underwhelming.

I didn't like the Divine Beasts but enjoyed the Final Trial, was like a collection of shrine puzzles, and the rotating made sense in this one whereas the DBs were just a drawn out pain to me, constantly shifting this one, that one, this one again.

Gotta say I do love the bike ;)
Anyone else still playing or just me?

I just started over in Master Mode, man this is tough.

Much as I loved playing in normal mode I had pretty much everything, tons of money, good weapons, armour for every situation and limitless food. Using amiibo had also broken the game a bit as was too simple to replenish my supplies.

Barring bosses and the occasional lynel the game had become too easy and nothing felt like a threat.

I'd load my save and just ponder what to do with no clear idea, get bored and play something else. But now it almost feels like a different game as I'm having to be so careful.

I really enjoyed my first time on the great plateau discovering things and thinking about my actions as resources and hearts were so scarce.

I'm only in Kikaro village having done a few shrines but have that feeling back, it might not last and I may be overpowered again soon but until then I'm loving being back in Hyrule.
The first 20 hours of BotW was one of the best gaming experiences I've had, but after that point the game becomes far too easy and a lot of the magic disappears.

I'd like Nintendo to fix this in a future open world Zelda game, even above fixing all the other flaws such as lack of story, characters, music, bosses and dungeons (See Majoras Mask for a Zelda game where these things were done well).

Yeah the early game is very special, particularly the first time.

it reminded me of playing Oblivion, when you escape out of the sewer into the light and there is a whole world there waiting to be explored. When you walk out the shrine of resurrection and the camera pans back and the music kicks in... just stunning.

I thought the music was done brilliantly, it doesn't have a typical soundtrack but the piano kicking in when you're galloping across the open plains seemed to fit perfectly.

Most of the old Zelda games didn't do it for me, too formulaic, the dungeons especially, it always felt like there was only one solution to each puzzle.

The next game will be very interesting, will they stick with the BotW style or will they try and please the old school fans more this time?
My son tried master mode after completing everything in normal mode (apart from all the Korok seeds) and he was like 'yeah, no'. If he can't do it then I definitely can't.

You have to play it very differently, almost becomes a stealth game early on. I'm far from an expert player, I really need to get better at parrying, dodging, back-flipping etc.

Since you don't get XP for killing enemies to level up there is little incentive to fight besides getting monster parts/weapons but weapons break so quick that you have to weigh up if it's worth it, the only way I could beat 3 blue bokoblins and get Hetsu his (?) maracas was to spam bombs from up high until I could get them in position to be blown off the cliff edge... far from elegant and took a while.
Ah yes I forgot about that point. I skipped so many enemies in BotW as you get nothing worthwhile from them. Such a bizarre design.

I think I prefer it in some ways, having numbers flying about as you hit enemies is quite odd when you think about it but we're used to it.

On the bosses you do get a health bar at the top of the screen, it is a game after all but it feels less immersion breaking.
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