It's actually retroactive, so you'll be able to use it to see where you've been since you started playing (within the last 200 hours gameplay). So the game is already tracking you're exact travelled path behind the scenes.
I'm in two minds whether it'll actually better for the exploration aspect of the game, as part of the fun for me is trying to figure out where you havent been using discovered korok markers and your own markers as a guide.
Fortunately it's use is optional.
I did notice it's retroactive, what I meant was that it seems like such a useful feature it's a shame it wasn't in from the beginning, is a bit of a weird thing to include as part of the DLC don't you think?
I don't want to rush through the game but only have limited play time so backtracking all over the map is a bit of a killer for me so this seems like a useful tool.