*** Zelda: Breath of the Wild ***

There needs to be a new thread really or a Spoiler warning tag added to the title of this come tomorrow when its in people's hands (or midnight tonight even!).

I'll update the thread title to make this a no-spoiler thread.

Although personally I'm not worried as I won't be on much after delivery from Amazon tomorrow anyway, too busy playing :D
Not everyone's cup of tea I know but Amazon have Guardian, archer, rider and bokoblin amiibo in stock as of now.
I caved and bought the two Link amiibos while they're still available.

Does anyone know if it's possible to use them in game without removing them from the packaging?

Nah, at least not with some of the older amiibo I've used, they have a bit of foil in the bottom which stops it scanning. Might be able to get at it with the Joy-Con but I doubt it.
Not got very far yet but am really enjoying it.

I've not been a hardcore Zelda fan as found many of the previous games too restrictive and lacking any feeling of exploration but this has a much more open world.

I agree the launch is light but with Zelda being such a massive release it would overshadow everything else so better for Nintendo to get this out and then the next bunch of games can take their turn in the spotlight.
Now I've just seen this hardback guide and then I saw that there's this very pricey deluxe version. £60 for a book? I must say I'm very tempted since I love collecting these guides, but a fair piece of advice to folks, prices drop fast on these books. I got the Uncharted 4 hardback Collector's guide for £15 or less last year. But then I tell myself that if I would spend £60 on a book, then why not spend £300 on a new console lol?

I bought the £25 hard back guide, not opened it, lovely cover though. Don't think Zelda stuff will drop much price wise, can't be that many Uncharted collectors.
I have all the BotW amiibo besides Zelda herself now, can't believe I got suckered in but they are nice models which will look good on my shelf.

Fish and meat raining down from above when you activate in game is pretty cool too.

Haven't bought the DLC yet totally expect I will, in total this will be the most expensive game I've ever owned by some margin!
Making my way to Rito village, god that's a long way! And I now realise since the game don't do experience points which is different to most RPG, I gain nothing by beating all these bad guys along the way unless I'm dying for monster parts.

Most of the time I'm just legging it to get to where I need to go!

I know what you mean, but I actually find the combat very satisfying, if I see a group of enemies I tackle them in different ways rather than just storming in as that would get repetitive.
Taking this to bed is dangerous when your working in the morning :D

Got my first horse last night , named him Alfred.

Quickly becoming my favourite open world game I've ever played , the scale is mind boggling !

Is fantastic, I've only scratched the surface, put in about 11 hours since launch day due to family and a new baby. Am away for work next week, can't wait to play lots of Zelda while travelling.
I didn't think there was too much lack of direction. Your shown you need to collect shrines, how to do them and how to re-claim your prizes for doing so. Your then sent to a village where your sent off from there. It's not that hard. It's a huge puzzle game, Zelda has always been this way.

Alright a few times I might've been confused, but I soon figured it out. Theres worse RPGs out there for lack of direction. It's also designed to force you to explore.

Much as I loved Oblivion & Skyrim it did sometimes feel like I was on autopilot, you could so easily traverse the landscape and hit each step in the quest that I might as well have had someone else do it.

I feel with Zelda I'm actually exploring, so few games have ever captured that feeling.
Given up on this now as all I am doing is wondering around the map aimlessly.
Had a blast for the first few hours but literally have no idea what I am supposed to be doing.
Took the advice and started exploring but not sure which way to go. Wander too far and you enter territory which is clearly meant for further along in the game.
I think I'm too used to the Witcher where although it's a huge open world, you're never stuck wondering what to do...

My advice would be to follow the captured memories quest, I don't want to give any spoilers here but if you Google this quest it will give you a hint of someone you can speak to in game who will get it going by telling you the rough location of the nearest memory.
I've tried a number of Zelda games in the past and they've never appealed to me (much as I wanted them to being a big Nintendo fan), the dungeons in particular were always very annoying with lots of backtracking.

I am loving Breath of the Wild, the scale and openness reminds me of playing Oblivion for the first time.

The only thing I haven't enjoyed is the Divine Beasts, 2 down so only 2 to go but they are very annoying, had to use a guide for Vah Naboris

Don't think I would have figured it out without one, or would have taken a bloody long time and I don't get much time to play with a 3 year old and a 3 month old around. Had I not done so I'd probably end up not playing and moving on to other games.
Hero’s Path Mode: Exploring Hyrule is exciting, but with such a large world it’s sometimes hard for players to remember where they’ve been. To help with tracking progress, the new Hero’s Path Mode will document every step players take, and mark their path in green on the map. The route taken will be tracked for the player’s last 200 hours of play time, with an included slider to track footsteps on a timeline. This even works retroactively, so players that have already put many hours into the game will be able to see where they have traveled. This feature will help in identifying the locations they haven’t visited in this vast world, and may help players find those Shrines they haven’t encountered yet.​

This sounds really interesting and very useful, shame it wasn't in the game at the start.

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