*** Zelda: Breath of the Wild ***

Are you the sort of gamer who doesn't play a game for the story because that is part of what made witcher 3 so good. The story was fantastic and had so much depth. There is almost no story to zelda. I love both games but they are very different. I had an old house mate who couldn't have cared less about the story in any game he played. It did my head in to watch him go through games like the only goal was to get to the end of the game as quickly as possible. Each to their own and all that I guess.

Witcher 3 just burnt me out with screen after screen of utterly (IMO) unnecessary padding and pointless dialogue, for the first 30hrs or so I put up with it, but as I went further in, the less I cared, when the ratio of actual gameplay to cut scenes becomes as low as it did in Witcher 3, I may as well just read a book.

With Zelda, less is more.

I'll admit it aswell.. I used a guide to get the last 7 or 8 shrines :) I don't know how I missed some of them though.

But that is the genius of it, those shrines you missed, will have been found quite easily by others just wandering around and they will have missed many of the more difficult to locate shrines that you found quite easily or by chance.
Are you the sort of gamer who doesn't play a game for the story because that is part of what made witcher 3 so good. The story was fantastic and had so much depth. There is almost no story to zelda. I love both games but they are very different. I had an old house mate who couldn't have cared less about the story in any game he played. It did my head in to watch him go through games like the only goal was to get to the end of the game as quickly as possible. Each to their own and all that I guess.

I played W3 for the story as its other elements were somewhat lacklustre and he's right IMO. The main story is a padded out, predictable mess. I really liked some of the sidequests and their outcomes etc. but I struggle to see the "depth" of the plot about finding your "daughter" and saving the world, especially handled like that. It's just typical fantasy with long dialogues just for the hell of it and all the usual tropes sprinkled with good moments here and there. It progressed exactly as I had expected and I was rarely surprised. Poor pacing with dragging segments leading to an underwhelming conclusion/final fight.

Still liked the game for the atmosphere and some of the characters (exactly two of them) etc. but the story is massively overrated, occasional good dialogues don't equal a good story.

I agree Zelda is completely different but I think it's overall a better, more varied and polished experience. A better, more open world, more rewarding exploration, puzzles etc. It may be because W3's story didn't do much for me and the rest was relatively average (gameplay mechanics etc.)
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I feel like I must be oblivious to the Korok Seeds. I've got 10 or so and always on the look out for things out of place and don't seem to find any :(

Get the DLC Korok mask. It makes the world feel much more full and alive when you see it jingle and you know that there is a Korok nearby, despite being sure that you're in a totally barren area.

It really makes the game feel alive and even though I only started using it after having 600 Koroks it makes the world seem exciting and makes you explore all the nooks and crannies.

Without it you lose a lot of the excitement as you run through an area you're sure must be empty.
Got over 100 hours on this game now and I've enjoyed every single one of them unlike the 50hrs I've put into Witcher 3, god what a padded out bore fest that is compared to Zelda BOTW.

Going to complete this game, but I can't face going back to Witcher 3 and it's interminable cut scenes, for which I just want to spam 'Press X' to get them over with TBH.

I thought I'd give Witcher 3 a go after playing this. Bored me to tears. I don't know if I can put myself through that. Might just play through Zelda again.
I'm thinking of heading straight to Hyrule Castle with 3 hearts, getting the main quest done in one go and spend the rest of my time getting all the shrines etc.

I was actually thinking about doing a 'no shrines' run on Master Mode once I get the DLC, the low stamina would suck though :p

I feel like I must be oblivious to the Korok Seeds. I've got 10 or so and always on the look out for things out of place and don't seem to find any :(

Don't worry it gets easier as you get familiar with what to look out for, they are spread out all over the place but it doesn't seem like it at first. You need to explore quite thoroughly to find the vast majority.
Often you'll need to get quite close to a Koroks location to spot that something is suspicious. Use your map to identify points of interest. Interact with things, climb them, look for patterns, and things that look interesting/different. Every lone tree, grove, forest, pond, boulder, plateau, ridge, peak, summit, ruin etc could be hiding a secret or two :).

As someone mentioned, finding all 900 is really not an intended objective per the games design which is why you need less than half of them for all the progression rewards.

If you're set on finding all 900 though, the Korok Mask and Heroes Path will save loads of time and are almost a requirement. These tools will certainly make the world seem more alive but be aware that they may also take away some of the satisfaction and element of surprise from the exploration, while also making the world feel smaller and less mysterious.
I guess it can depend on the kind of player you are but I really feel the game is best experienced, and designed to be experienced, without the mask/path. BotW is a game that continuously develops and tests you to rely on your own intuition.
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Bought this again last week with my Switch after almost completing it on the Wii U. I really want to finish it but I'm finding playing through a second time so boring :(

I'm thinking of heading straight to Hyrule Castle with 3 hearts, getting the main quest done in one go and spend the rest of my time getting all the shrines etc.
Don't you need the devine beast's?
Played from 9am till 8:30pm today. Whoa! :D

2nd divine beast done. Around 34 shrines now about about 20 korok seeds. Epic fun all along the way!

The idea of the "dungeons" now being divine beasts which are effectively big puzzles is fantastic, works really well for me. I've done the Zora and Goron beasts so far

What gets me is how much the environment changes around you. Incredible design on the game... Might have been hammering the screenshot button a lot... :o
Three divine beasts were rather disappointing for me.

I quite like the fact that they're not huge dungeons like previous games. Just a puzzle. I wouldn't mind them being a bit longer but as you're already on a pretty epic journey, I feel it works

But you can feel free to ignore the above as I am fanboying rather hard over this masterpiece right now :p
I'd have preferred more traditional dungeons but I feel almost dirty complaining about anything in such an awesome game. It's one of very few games that have taken me back to the sense of wonder that I remember from gaming as a kid (rather than a somewhat jaded 36 year old).
I have one complaint! :p

There are so many cool weapons I wish there were more weapon "displays" available in your house to save them in.

I am really enjoying the side quests in this. Usually I find side quests very annoying tasks or complete chores...or they call them "side quests" yet realistically you need to do them to actually advance in the game. But I like how the objectives are broken down into multiple categories...it pleases my inner OCD :O

I also find myself WANTING to seek out missing armour pieces to complete sets, then I rush to a fairy to upgrade them! Quite a rarity for me!

Lastly, I am liking my method of combing through each section of the map before moving onto the next one. I know a few went through and opened up the whole map straight away, I find my method is giving me good direction!

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