*** Zelda: Breath of the Wild ***

I've never really found dungeons in Zelda difficult at all, bar a few. None of the DB's where challenging enough I agree, but I'd say in order of difficulty:


I enjoyed them regardless, you still had to stop and think about what you were doing for a moment and it wasn't always immediately obvious. There was just something missing to give them that extra layer of complexity.

I hope they expand on the DB concept for the next game, no need to go back to the traditional 'new item' focused meta at this point imo - had enough of that.
I found all the DB bosses to be pretty easy which is a shame as there's some really tough enemies wandering the world which are much more challenging.

Would have liked to see more challenging DBs with tougher bosses.

Fighting the final boss was a joke after fighting some of the top tier free roaming enemies.
I hope they expand on the DB concept for the next game, no need to go back to the traditional 'new item' focused meta at this point imo - had enough of that.

You can't have that in an open world unless you restrict what you can do at each stage of the game. The closest you can get was my idea of having temporary power ups (along the lines of pegasus or iron boots) in the dungeons that you need to fight the boss but then expire after the dungeon.
I think it could work in an open world as long as the items were not required for exploration perhaps (the DB rewards in BotW were useful but not required in the open world). The tricky part I think is having power-ups that must interact with the environment, you can contain their use in a dungeon but it's extremely hard to balance their use in an open world without imposing restrictions like you say.

I feel even as temporary power-ups I wouldn't want them to go back to that formula for dungeons, it just feels like we've had plenty of item focused dungeons and I'd prefer something more original.
If they did decide to go back to that formula, the temporary approach could definitely work yeah. It might kinda suck having items/powers taken away from you though, it would essentially be a restriction in itself.
I think it could work in an open world as long as the items were not required for exploration perhaps (the DB rewards in BotW were useful but not required in the open world). The tricky part I think is having power-ups that must interact with the environment, you can contain their use in a dungeon but it's extremely hard to balance their use in an open world without imposing restrictions like you say.

I feel even as temporary power-ups I wouldn't want them to go back to that formula for dungeons, it just feels like we've had plenty of item focused dungeons and I'd prefer something more original.
If they did decide to go back to that formula, the temporary approach could definitely work yeah. It might kinda suck having items/powers taken away from you though, it would essentially be a restriction in itself.

I misread your previous post and thought you wanted traditional dungeons :p
Had a bit of a side & shrine quest binge last night. Currently only have 1 shrine quest outstanding. Also re went through Hebra and solved a puzzle of how to get access to two shrines in particular which had caused me to scratch my head a few times. There is just one outstanding in that area now from what I can tell. So will try and figure that one out. I am also tempted to revisit old areas where I am confident I missed some shrines. Stuff like the Great Plateau and original route from there through to Kaikoro village etc. I think I may have missed shrines purely due to still being all whoooaaaa to the whole game! :p :D

Anyway, 68 shrines total now, 50 korok seeds.
How do you have so few korok seeds? I don't think I ever went below having 2.5x the number of koroks compared to completed shrines.

What did you think the first time you saw the
or had you already spoiled those in advance? I think that was the biggest wow moment for me.
How do you have so few korok seeds? I don't think I ever went below having 2.5x the number of koroks compared to completed shrines.

What did you think the first time you saw the
or had you already spoiled those in advance? I think that was the biggest wow moment for me.

I feel like I genuinely suck at finding Korok Seeds. I do feel like I should have WAY more than what I do. But I go through phases of seeing none for ages and then finding 4 in an hour. Also I guess finding shrines feels more important than Korok seeds, although I do want to get enough to get all the slots.

The dragons I already knew about. Well I knew of the blue/green one. Hard not to see it online when you're trying to avoid spoilers but google the game as well through excitement. Regardless I was still very much in a "WHOA" state when I saw one for the first time. For me this was on Mt Lanayru when you free the dragon from the purple slime with arrows. Since then I've been able to get a shard from Dinraal which was needed for the Spring of Power shrine quest. That was a buzz getting that.
That's a shame, as the first time I stumbled across that and the secret at Satoru Mountain were both awesome surprises with a lovely build up within the game where you're wondering what on Earth is going on.

Next time don't watch videos or read tips about a game you are 100% sure you're going to get! :p I haven't read a single thing about Mario Odyssey for example as I am 100% going to get it so why spoil all the surprises?

I think I got my last unlock at 4XX korok seeds so you don't need to collect that many, less than half of them.
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Pretty amazed at the scale of the game. I've been bumbling around for ages now and only have 8 or 9 shrines. Keep finding new stuff!

The environmental effect continue to amaze me given the limited hardware....and all the nice design touches. Brilliant game.
That's a shame, as the first time I stumbled across that and the secret at Satoru Mountain were both awesome surprises with a lovely build up within the game where you're wondering what on Earth is going on. Next time don't watch videos or read tips about a game you are 100% sure you're going to get! :p

I think I got my last unlock at 4XX korok seeds so you don't need to collect that many, less than half of them.

Couldn't help myself. It was one way of scratching the itch until I got the thing :p

A complete lack of console at the time contributed to this I think.

Still, it hasn't stopped me enjoying the game any less. It's been an incredible journey so far and with 55hrs racked up in it I still have a long way to go! :)
Couldn't help myself. It was one way of scratching the itch until I got the thing :p

A complete lack of console at the time contributed to this I think.

Still, it hasn't stopped me enjoying the game any less. It's been an incredible journey so far and with 55hrs racked up in it I still have a long way to go! :)

I think the coverage of Zelda up to launch was handled really well, everything past the great plateau was embargoed so there wasn't a great deal of spoilers, that was a nice benefit of having the Switch and Zelda on launch day.

I remember those first few days running around, when you think back to how big the starting area seemed to what it is once you've opened the whole map... pretty incredible really.
I remember those first few days running around, when you think back to how big the starting area seemed to what it is once you've opened the whole map... pretty incredible really.

I'm not going to lie, I quite regularly still struggle to find the great plateau on the map whenever I am looking for it. Its such a small area in the whole map.
I've never really found dungeons in Zelda difficult at all, bar a few. None of the DB's where challenging enough I agree, but I'd say in order of difficulty:


I enjoyed them regardless, you still had to stop and think about what you were doing for a moment and it wasn't always immediately obvious. There was just something missing to give them that extra layer of complexity.

I hope they expand on the DB concept for the next game, no need to go back to the traditional 'new item' focused meta at this point imo - had enough of that.

DB dungeons were disappointing, but I agree I don't want 'new item' style dungeons either. Just a nice mix of the two - puzzles from the DB, quality combats from 'traditional dungeons' - I miss being trapped in a room and having to kill a bunch of tricky mobs before getting out. One of the great things about Zelda is how it was more than just a combat focused game - the mix of puzzles and combat was a great combo. I felt this Zelda was well focused on the puzzle side, but actually dropped the ball a bit on the combat side.


Regarding Korok seeds. I have 114 shrines done and about 125 seeds. If I pass by an obvious seed I will get it, but I don't go out of my way for them, I don't need them anyway and while it was fun at first, I stopped caring about them after a while.
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