*** Zelda: Breath of the Wild ***

I accepted defeat. Got to 117 on my own and then looked at a map for the last 3. If an admin wants to ban me from the forums.. I'd understand


Didn't make it much easier, was hard to spot the difference in the complete map and my own. And all 3 were in places I had explored and written off earlier in the week. So I may never have found them.

Will put the game to rest now, may return for both DLCs once the 2nd pack is out
I was gifted the DLC as part of my birthday last week so I downloaded that last night and checked out the new quests. My immediate priority was the Korok mask. I was able to locate this quickly. The remaining items I am fairly sure (going by the descriptions) they are in areas I have not yet unlocked. So I will work on those later.

After this I went Korok seed hunting, I have fairly quickly now found an extra 15 seeds and because of the mask I am beginning to spot Korok seeds or signs of one much faster as well. It's great because to me I felt like while I was doing very well at this game I seemed to be struggling with something which is important but others seemed to easily excel at, so it's given me a morale boost there :)

Otherwise I got the travel medallion, knew the location from the description as I had already been there, but I wasn't expecting was to be thrown in a pit of Guardians. However, thanks to this I am definitely getting the knack of taking them on, and have since revisited other areas where I knew guardians were and killed them for parts to get the remaining guardian armour and begin upgrading it :)

Oh, also took on a Blue Lynel :D - was feeling brave and cocky. Really getting the hang of the fighting mechanics now.

Haven't tried the master trials yet. I am still on 14 hearts so will wait until I am on at least 20 or so.

Did some other side quests. I also have a list of materials needed to get my armour sets up to lvl 3, I am making good use of the item locator by photographing everything, although there are some items I just haven't come across yet to do so.

I am itching to go and unlock more of the map, but determined to comb through more of the existing map first. Its given me good reason now I can find those pesky Korok seeds :)

What a game! It just continues to deliver. Also completed the Eventide Island Shrine Quest. Had a lot of fun with this, really made you think on what to do.
Yeah the game world feels a lot more alive with the korok mask. It's great when it shakes and you think there can't possible be one near here and have to hunt it down.
Yeah the game world feels a lot more alive with the korok mask. It's great when it shakes and you think there can't possible be one near here and have to hunt it down.
Yup. You're in the middle of a field and its a bit "....hang on...how the hell..." Certainly lets you sink more hours into the game...just what it needs :p :D
Alas, it is all over for me. Game is now complete. All shrines done, DB's, side quests, Memories, armour upgrades (except the Wild armour which I am not upgrading on principal of it looking poopy). DLC stuff all done.
Guess I have to wait until Christmas for the next DLC :(

What's a real bummer is I have a long wait for Xenoblade and Skyrim. Methinks my Switch will be gathering dust except when friends come round for Bomberman/MK8
Alas, it is all over for me. Game is now complete. All shrines done, DB's, side quests, Memories, armour upgrades (except the Wild armour which I am not upgrading on principal of it looking poopy). DLC stuff all done.
Guess I have to wait until Christmas for the next DLC :(

Master mode? :)
Just farm dragon scales, easy money.

The easiest way to farm money (unless they have taken it out/patched it)

Find the guy who runs the snow bowling and figure out the perfect spot to get strikes. 300 rupees every 20 seconds or so.
The easiest way to farm money (unless they have taken it out/patched it)

Find the guy who runs the snow bowling and figure out the perfect spot to get strikes. 300 rupees every 20 seconds or so.

100% not, my method above is a lot lot easier, guaranteed and more profitable.

The video above is like 500rupees every 20-30 seconds, and gaurnteed. The snow bowling takes longer, and you can mess up the shot at times.
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