*** Zelda: Breath of the Wild ***

DB dungeons were disappointing, but I agree I don't want 'new item' style dungeons either. Just a nice mix of the two - puzzles from the DB, quality combats from 'traditional dungeons' - I miss being trapped in a room and having to kill a bunch of tricky mobs before getting out. One of the great things about Zelda is how it was more than just a combat focused game - the mix of puzzles and combat was a great combo. I felt this Zelda was well focused on the puzzle side, but actually dropped the ball a bit on the combat side.


Regarding Korok seeds. I have 114 shrines done and about 125 seeds. If I pass by an obvious seed I will get it, but I don't go out of my way for them, I don't need them anyway and while it was fun at first, I stopped caring about them after a while.

We are at the exact same stage then mate pretty much! The shrine hunt is getting tricky! Found 1 in an hour and a half last night :D
I've just started on master mode. I thought I would get bored really quickly but I'm enjoying it a lot
I just hate searching the snowy area as the lack of vision gets annoying after a while and the massive vertical scale. I may have found the one you are referring to. I had one somewhere going off for ages. Love that beep sound :D

I do wonder if all my remaining ones are shrine quest related but I can't find any more at stables etc. It does say I have some left but these could be ones I have already completed before finding the quest giver and if I find them after, it then completes.

Not sure
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It does say I have some left but these could be ones I have already completed before finding the quest giver and if I find them after, it then completes.
Not sure

I'm pretty sure the Shrine quests just auto-complete as soon as you've opened the related Shrine, even if you never picked up the quest.

Not all Shrine quests are found at towns/stables, some are picked up elsewhere in the world. It look me a while to find the last few Shrines but what helped me find them was
looking on my map and exploring the more empty areas of the world (portions with low density of shrines).
I'm avoiding looking up shrine locations, I might have given up if it wasn't for the introduction of Hero's Path in the DLC, thanks to that have found a few more.

Last night found Shrine 113 and hopefully a clue nearby to a few more, but saved and turned off at that point so need to have a look tonight.
104 shrines down for me , going to go on and do the final db now then onto ganon, then that leaves the master trials :)

The mine carts in goron are ace ! :D
I'm avoiding looking up shrine locations, I might have given up if it wasn't for the introduction of Hero's Path in the DLC, thanks to that have found a few more.

Last night found Shrine 113 and hopefully a clue nearby to a few more, but saved and turned off at that point so need to have a look tonight.

Thanks to heroes path I found them all without cheating. It felt great to get that last one without any help.
Thanks to heroes path I found them all without cheating. It felt great to get that last one without any help.
Some may consider the heroes path cheating.. ;) only messing I'd sooner do that than look it up.

116 now, and my shrine quest lists says I ha've 4 left so it must be those. Checked all stables and towns so it's getting tough.
The "clues" I found for other shrines just led me to ones I had already found but during another search found a couple more last night.

One of which was in one of the first areas I ever searched and right out in the open, the world can be surprisingly large.

You think you have searched an area then you realise you only ever skirted around it.
I believe the last shrines I have to do require another DB to beaten. So, kill final DB, do 3 shrines, get the last armor set, work on upgrading...then Gannon :)
Don't wear your armour for Ganon or the fight is a complete joke.

Yeah, I am already accepting to the fact he will be laughable - between having 27 or so hearts, fully upgraded gear and the 4 DB done he is barely worth fighting. Maybe I will stock up on tree branches and beat him to death with them :D
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