
I like the mechanics of Rue Morgue, it improves the game a lot if you can get that one. Although we can play them, we've not really bothered with the others for some reason.
my wife has ordered me the 1st game in the series, decided after reading around a bit more that season 2 adds more to the game including difficulty so we will see how with get on with the original first.

if nothing else I love the minis and the idea of the game is very appealing so it will keep me painting for most of 2016 (still have space hulk & star wars imperial assault to finish)

I did look at trying to get Rue morgue but we were unable to get it guaranteed delivery before the 24th
You'll be fine with season 1, I would change the friendly fire rule though to be more inline with season 3 & Black Plague

In season 1, targeting priority with ranged always means you hit survivors first with any hits.

Change to-

Emergency situations can call for a Ranged Attack aimed at a Zone where a teammate is stuck. In that case, misses on the attack roll automatically land on Survivors standing in the target Zone. Assign these Friendly Fire hits in any way you want.

So hits hit zombies first, misses then hit survivors.

It will make sense once you read the rules.

Have fun
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^^ I'd read a lot on boardgamegeek about adding a couple of house rules greatly improves the game mechanics of the first couple of games so hopefully this will make more sense.

I'd also read that adding the zomvivors (sp?) Makes the game much more fun as it removes elimination as quickly (I'll likely be playing with my wife so it will be 90%+ 2 player)

I'm really looking forward to giving it a go as it seems like a very fun, stressful and chaotic game all at the same time.
You'll be fine with season 1, I would change the friendly fire rule though to be more inline with season 3 & Black Plague

In season 1, targeting priority with ranged always means you hit survivors first with any hits.

Change to-

Emergency situations can call for a Ranged Attack aimed at a Zone where a teammate is stuck. In that case, misses on the attack roll automatically land on Survivors standing in the target Zone. Assign these Friendly Fire hits in any way you want.

So hits hit zombies first, misses then hit survivors.

It will make sense once you read the rules.

Have fun

It just seemed a little unfair that the survivor had to die first before you could attack the Walker. Thinking about it, it might make more sense that if you roll and pass the accuracy score, you hit the Walker, but if you fail, you hit the survivor. That would make spraying a zone with something like a shotgun or assault rifle really dangerous with a survivor present as you're likely to hit them at least once, but with something like a pistol it could be worth the risk.

I feel a bit smug that I suggested that very rule change myself back in January 2014, and it finally became the official rule :D
Had a 4 player game on Black Plague last weekend and I think it might well be the best version of Zombicide so far. The addition of the Necromancers add a fun, new mechanic to the game (an enemy who is actively trying to run away, not kill you), and the addition of armour means that getting up close and personal, even when out numbered, can become a much more viable tactic. At one point we had the Dwarf (who gets a bonus to armour) with the best armour in the game tanking about 10 hits when an extra activation got us into serious trouble. Out of 10 attacks he took one hit. It was glorious!
Had a 4 player game on Black Plague last weekend and I think it might well be the best version of Zombicide so far. The addition of the Necromancers add a fun, new mechanic to the game (an enemy who is actively trying to run away, not kill you), and the addition of armour means that getting up close and personal, even when out numbered, can become a much more viable tactic. At one point we had the Dwarf (who gets a bonus to armour) with the best armour in the game tanking about 10 hits when an extra activation got us into serious trouble. Out of 10 attacks he took one hit. It was glorious!

My group agree, best version albeit we only played the core original version before I got BP. We played the first quest earlier this week and it took 3 hours, not 1! on the first or second round we had a necromancer and ambomination spawn, we let 3 necromancers escape and I was the only one to find armour in the last few turns of the game (by then it was no help) so unsurprisingly we all died!!

Very tempted to buy a paint set for this game but as I did the Knights pledge i think there will be upwards of 150+ minatures to paint....I've no idea when I will get the time to paint them all.....so might just do the main hero's for now and abombinations.

Also not quite sure how the hell I'm going to store everything once it shows up!!
I bought some storage containers from B&M and then some inserts to go inside to split things up. They still take up a ton of room though as I backed Season 2, 3 and Black Plague on Kickstarter (as well as buying Season 1 and Toxic Mall separately) so I have an absolute ton of stuff. I've seen proper storage solutions online but they're about £100 so not sure if I'm willing to spend that much on it.
Another thing I enjoyed about Black Plague was the difference in characters and their skill sets being more pronounced that it felt in the past. I was the magic guy (who gets extra magic attacks) and in one game I got the awesome spell from the vault. I was causing so much carnage in that game I ended up going all the way through the Red Danger Level and back up to Yellow. I was taking out so many zombies each round it was fabulous! :D
so I've now got the 1st one, opened it up and the minis are awesome, I haven't had chance to play it yet as we were playing other games but I cant wait to give it a go.
Had a quick game with the wife last night, only played the tutorial mission but its really got us both exited to give a real mission a go too :)

really looking forward to starting the painting too but I am not starting just yet
I bought the first one to take around friends at Christmas and we all loved it, great game :cool:

I had read in this thread and took on board the change to the ranged firing into a zone with survivors, I agree it makes more sense.

We didn't do everything correctly, I kept forgetting the manhole cover symbol, and is the abomination spawn a fatty with a + on it? If so, didn't realise.

The only other rule that didn't make sense to us was the splitting of zombie groups when equidistant to survivors and adding extra zombies to balance groups :confused: Do you do this, seems odd
I bought the first one to take around friends at Christmas and we all loved it, great game :cool:

I had read in this thread and took on board the change to the ranged firing into a zone with survivors, I agree it makes more sense.

We didn't do everything correctly, I kept forgetting the manhole cover symbol, and is the abomination spawn a fatty with a + on it? If so, didn't realise.

The only other rule that didn't make sense to us was the splitting of zombie groups when equidistant to survivors and adding extra zombies to balance groups :confused: Do you do this, seems odd

I repeatedly forget the manhole cover thing.

That is indeed the abomination spawn which royally screwed myself, my wife and her brother when we played last weekend. We had an abomination spawn with one of the first cards we drew as we entered a building. Thankfully my wifes brother had a molly to deal with him. Next card drawn was the abomination card again but in the yellow rather than blue...

We have done the splitting but you have to remember to include the noise tokens when splitting. Each player causes 1 noise as standard so a group of 4 make more noise than a group of 2 meaning zombies will ALWAYS head for the group of 4 when equidistant UNLESS the group of 2 are having a rave so the only time a split should occur is if they are equidistant with equal noise.
The only other rule that didn't make sense to us was the splitting of zombie groups when equidistant to survivors and adding extra zombies to balance groups :confused: Do you do this, seems odd

Nope, we don't split groups as we felt it was one of the few rules we didn't agree with as it didn't make sense. It all the zombie stuff we watch, groups of zombies act as a herd - they move as one. If there are two routes to take, we simply assign each route a set of numbers (1-3, 4-6) and roll the dice. That's then the route they take.
Played a game of Rue Morgue and a game of the new Black Plague over the last few days. Some real nice refinements and tweaks over the older versions of the game.

I really like the Rue Morgue zombie spawns to mix things up, we had some real interesting gameplay come up through this by having all of the zombies spawn in single locations on a few occasions. Likewise the event tokens made entering buildings a bit more risky at later levels, it stops you just rushing to open all doors whilst still in yellow to get easy spawns.
I ended up getting killed and chose to resurrect as a zombivor and chose the Bloodlust Melee skill - man that's hilariously powerful. It makes no mention that you can't use it to jump out of a square with other zombies so I kept jumping between groups of zombies smashing up the runners to save my humanoid buddies. Got 10-15 kills in 2 rounds with only a Urban Mace :D - hit level 43 and chose Frenzy Combat but died before I got a chance to abuse that one!
We had an A-bomb right at the start, never managed to kill it through the entire game - but thanks to having a medic we just healed it's damage every round and ignored it. Runners are by far the nastiest thing in the game until you start hitting extra activations from running out of zombies late game.

Black Plague had some nice features too; the skip spawn card sped things up over rolling dice in Rue Morgue plus the improved player boards made the game feel a lot more polished. Armour is really nice to have (especially as the Dwarf with a shield) to tank attacks and the Necromancer is a fun thing to have on the board with it's differing gameplay to other zombies. That all being said I think I currently still prefer the standard game overall although that might just come through us only doing the training campaign.
We have only played one game of BP so far but it went very badly for us. We ended up with a the perfect storm of Double Spawn cards over three turns and just got epicly over run. The dwarf survived long enough to see the Necromancer escape but would have died the next turn anyway due three mobs about to swamp him and no walkers left to place :eek:. Our tactics went wrong very early on :D.
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