Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Oh please. The first quest you get from Marcus upon reaching Sanctuary explains everything to you. You just chose to ignore it. Fire = fleshy targets. Shock = shielded. Corrisive = armoured. Sl@g = damage-amp. It couldn't be more plainly stated. The way elemental effects work is also much more straight forward than it was in BL.

The only thing the wiki is genuinely good for is the details of legendaries because as you say, you'd never know where to find stuff otherwise.

Trouble is: There were several words used with more than one syllable. How on earth is anyone meant to understand stuff like that?
Oh please. The first quest you get from Marcus upon reaching Sanctuary explains everything to you. You just chose to ignore it. Fire = fleshy targets. Shock = shielded. Corrisive = armoured. Sl@g = damage-amp. It couldn't be more plainly stated. The way elemental effects work is also much more straight forward than it was in BL.

The only thing the wiki is genuinely good for is the details of legendaries because as you say, you'd never know where to find stuff otherwise.

dont you think i've tried all weapons over and over again ?????

yes fire is the best; as i said, but not by much, because both Shock and **** will kill bandits very quickly, the Amp damage from Bee is just way too high.
Oh please. The first quest you get from Marcus upon reaching Sanctuary explains everything to you. You just chose to ignore it. Fire = fleshy targets. Shock = shielded. Corrisive = armoured. Sl@g = damage-amp. It couldn't be more plainly stated. The way elemental effects work is also much more straight forward than it was in BL.

The only thing the wiki is genuinely good for is the details of legendaries because as you say, you'd never know where to find stuff otherwise.

Was that reply to me?

I'm well aware of the elemental damage types. As you say Marcus explained it plainly enough.

But Marcus says nothing about guns which heal you (and the healing effect isn't in the gun stat-card). It also says nothing about 'health-gating', something I recently found out about.

Doesn't tell you that armoured Psychos have flesh-type heads and armour-type bodies...

Doesn't tell you exactly what the modifiers are for fire/acid/shock against targets. For example, I don't think Marcus tells you that Shock is 'neutral', always doing full damage against all targets.


But ultimately it's the special, unexplained nature of the unique items that needs more detail. That could just be a 'unknown effect' label on the item, like that are 'undiscovered quests' when you travel around the map.

At least then you'd be naturally curious, but instead I just junked most of the quest rewards, thinking they were worse than what I already had. And of course I was wrong, but there wasn't any way to know that.
It's not just Evil and myself. I've seen several other people display their utter despair in this thread.

There's no despair here m8, what i've said today is fine.... it's more like you two are trolls ..

the only despair here is....other posters complaining how hard ULTRA is, this you see all the time, not just here but all over the web

i cant discuss this sensibly with you two... no you cant handle it, because BL2 has so many faults, the whole concept of the shields/ health/ weapons are wrong, it's not a quality's habit forming and addictive and that's why i cant say ``no more``, i dont like the game beating me so i come back for more.
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no these two muppets are attacking me as usual, nothing to do with you !

There is no element of "me and Evil" working together. I tend to avoid this thread as some of the posts in it are extremely frustrating to read. Unfortunately today was a day when I dipped in and then couldn't resist commenting.

I'll admit that it isn't particularly productive of me to point out certain things so it's something I'll go back to trying to avoid in future.
only does enough damage with Bee fully charged, you have to keep using the pistol or you'll die instantly, because Zero is either on fire all the time, or covered in acid, so you can not swap to another weapon :eek:

You can LOS those aoe attacks, there is not only an obvious animation he does before doing it but it's all based on timers to, like the first one doesn't come until after he does the 2nd grenade spam ability.

Just kite him around the edge of the room and when hes about to do it, just corner him from the pipes that are around the edge and you can kill him without having to use the water. Or just have a psycho come and one shot him, whatever works ^^
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No it was aimed at Mal. The Moxxi weapons healing is something you either notice while wielding it or don't. I certainly didn't notice it either. I was halfway through the Grog Nozzle quest a second time while on my Psycho and I realised it was a 'Miss Moxxi's' gun and I knew from looking at the wiki previously that Moxxi's guns heal the wielder so I looked it up and was quite surprised to find out the percentage is insanely high :p

Plus it has the hilarious side-effect of occasionally giving you multi-shot when you hiccup so you fire 6 shots instead of 1. My favourite is throwing 6 Buzz Axes as Krieg instead of 1 :D

As you say though, the details aren't there but the general behaviour of the elemental damage types is explained.
There is no element of "me and Evil" working together. I tend to avoid this thread as some of the posts in it are extremely frustrating to read. Unfortunately today was a day when I dipped in and then couldn't resist commenting.

I'll admit that it isn't particularly productive of me to point out certain things so it's something I'll go back to trying to avoid in future.

frustrating posts all the time (from me you mean) ???? yes because the game is so frustrating to play, because you dont see these problems on the Dishonored threads..... for an example....

you will say to me ``play something else then ``, no i cant, i can only dump games like Bioshock.....BL2 is too addictive, it's like quitting smoking

no more today, i will not argue any more with you lot.
frustrating posts all the time (from me you mean) ???? yes because the game is so frustrating to play, because you dont see these problems on the Dishonored threads..... for an example....

you will say to me ``play something else then ``, no i cant, i can only dump games like Bioshock.....BL2 is too addictive, it's like quitting smoking

no more today, i will not argue any more with you lot.

Pretty sure I've not commented on Dishonoured at all.

I agree that "play something else" is a bit of a rubbish response. I do think that you could invest more effort into understanding a game's mechanics though. I'm saying that in the nicest possible way. You don't have to geek out and go through spreadsheets...just listen to/read what you're being told in-game.
Pretty sure I've not commented on Dishonoured at all.

I agree that "play something else" is a bit of a rubbish response. I do think that you could invest more effort into understanding a game's mechanics though. I'm saying that in the nicest possible way. You don't have to geek out and go through spreadsheets...just listen to/read what you're being told in-game.

yea i know what you're saying, i've actually done a lot of research lately, unfortunately all the best guns i've already dumped and i cant redo their side missions....the best gun is a level 61 Shock Bane....or an SMG that's very the head only.

but my guess is this is a waste of time now, because we're about to start levelling up to 72, we could come back to Pyro Pete later on !!!!
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So anyway, I'm level 53 Axton, and thinking of making the switch to multiplayer. Anything I should know?

Does anyone fancy teaming up? I've just started UVHM and havent yet got to Sanctuary.
Was that reply to me?

I'm well aware of the elemental damage types. As you say Marcus explained it plainly enough.

But Marcus says nothing about guns which heal you (and the healing effect isn't in the gun stat-card). It also says nothing about 'health-gating', something I recently found out about.

Doesn't tell you that armoured Psychos have flesh-type heads and armour-type bodies...

Doesn't tell you exactly what the modifiers are for fire/acid/shock against targets. For example, I don't think Marcus tells you that Shock is 'neutral', always doing full damage against all targets.


But ultimately it's the special, unexplained nature of the unique items that needs more detail. That could just be a 'unknown effect' label on the item, like that are 'undiscovered quests' when you travel around the map.

At least then you'd be naturally curious, but instead I just junked most of the quest rewards, thinking they were worse than what I already had. And of course I was wrong, but there wasn't any way to know that.

Which guns heal you? And what's health gating?
Which guns heal you? And what's health gating?

From what I've heard, all the Moxxi guns (quest-only I think) heal a % of the damage you deal, regardless of source.

Health gating was/is a way to exploit the fact that no single hit can take you from >50% health to FFYL. The idea was to have low max health and massive regen/healing, so that you'd always be above 50% health, and thus unable to be killed.
I dunno - I'm finding Maya pretty awesome with a maxed out Cataclysm tree :D

You can't kill Capt Flynt with two shots with Maya :D

But you can kill Hyperius in 3.5 seconds (if you know how)

frustrating posts all the time (from me you mean) ???? yes because the game is so frustrating to play,

The reason that so many people find you frustrating is that people give you tips and advice and you completely ignore what they tell you. For instance I told you to get a Harold and a Pimpernel two months ago. I also told you how to beat Pyro Pete easily with Zero. Now you suddenly get a Pimpernel and a Harold and realise how good they are as if you never heard of them before and you are still complaining that you can't kill Pyro Pete.

No offence meant by what I just said, just trying to explain why some people might appear to you to be trolling you, they aren't they are just frustrated that you won't listen to anyone.

Which guns heal you? And what's health gating?

Good Touch, Bad Touch (buy from Moxxi)
Rubi (Collect the beer barrels in the Dust)
Kitten (Put posters up in Torgue DLC)
Heartbreaker (Find safe in Caustic Caverns)
Creamer (complete creature arena in Wildlife Preserve)
Slow Hand (Badasaurus in Torgue DLC)
Hail (Complete Finks Slaughterhouse)
Cher Amie (Complete Robot Arena in Eridium Blight)
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I'm starting up again tonight, if anyone wants to join up give me a shout.
I've got a teamspeak server as well so voice comms shouldn't be that much of a problem either.
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