NHS=Negligent Health Service

I think that house builders/planners/etc also need to take some of the blame - they've been tasked with increasing the housing stocks; but with all the new 1000s of houses, do we ever see a new surgery or hospital go in as well? They just about manage a few road tweaks to avoid congestion pinch points - I guess there's no money in putting in buildings for public services, so they just lean on the existing infrastructure.

Though with all the cut backs, even if we had a glistening set of surgeries and hospitals - we might struggle to actually fill them with staff; catch 22 I guess
When a new housing estate goes up, let’s say 200 houses, who fills those homes, it’s not people who are new to the NHS. If they move to the area they’re freeing up another surgery. I agree the spread might disrupt areas, but 200 homes isn‘t to blame for 200 new clients on the NHS

Immigration legal and illegal is where I point my finger but it’s a hot topic with many factors. New houses go up, nobody can afford them, investors buy a few up, rent them out and the cycle continues, still nobody can afford new homes as investors are keeping the prices high
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Cause: Shortage of qualified professionals due to Brexit or population been allowed to increase too much through both legal and illegal immigration.

We don't treat illegal immigrants.
We can see them in A&E for quick fixes but if the treatment goes on longer we have to report them.
It's very rare we see illegals because let's face it they are hiding somewhere.
New housing estates need to make mandatory S106 and Infrastructure Contributions for local services. You’d be surprised just how much a lot of these are - people buying homes funding a lot of public services via house prices rather than general taxation.
We don't treat illegal immigrants.
We can see them in A&E for quick fixes but if the treatment goes on longer we have to report them.
It's very rare we see illegals because let's face it they are hiding somewhere.
I was replying to the post saying new homes do not help. Illegal immigrants still take up spaces in many houses, quick fixes in A&E is still a drain
When a new housing estate goes up, let’s say 200 houses, who fills those homes, it’s not people who are new to the NHS. If they move to the area they’re freeing up another surgery. I agree the spread might disrupt areas, but 200 homes isn‘t to blame for 200 new clients on the NHS

Immigration legal and illegal is where I point my finger but it’s a hot topic with many factors. New houses go up, nobody can afford them, investors buy a few up, rent them out and the cycle continues, still nobody can afford new homes as investors are keeping the prices high
"Freeing up another surgery" does nothing to help the one they're at now, which in the case of my town they're all massively over subscribed.

From memory we were, as a town short at least 3 possibly 4 GP's from the target way back in 2000 when my then current GP decided to take early retirement because he'd spent something like 5 years at that point trying to get new GP's into his practice but failing (his partner was retiring), from one of my last conversations with him he was quite disallusioned with it all as the local nhs trust acknowledged the "significant" shortage and kept promising to help but never did.

Our town has been promised a walk in clinic at least 3 times by the council and developers as part of the conditions of the massive new housing estates that have been built (the town has probably nearly doubled in population in the last 20 years, facilities have shrunk), IIRC two of the local GP practices merged as the only way to realistically keep going, and bought a large new premises partly on the basis that there was to be funding (which never materialised) for practices in the area to deal with more minor injuries, as a result they really struggled for a few years.

I think that house builders/planners/etc also need to take some of the blame - they've been tasked with increasing the housing stocks; but with all the new 1000s of houses, do we ever see a new surgery or hospital go in as well? They just about manage a few road tweaks to avoid congestion pinch points - I guess there's no money in putting in buildings for public services, so they just lean on the existing infrastructure.

Though with all the cut backs, even if we had a glistening set of surgeries and hospitals - we might struggle to actually fill them with staff; catch 22 I guess
IIRC if the builders had kept their promises my town would currently have something like 3 walk in centres rather than none (one of the developers from memory got more of a legal battle than they expected when they tried to break an agreement with a local historical landmark/group).

Instead we're at best at the same number of GP's we had in 2000, before the town had something like 10,000+ population in just the "main" part of town, before most of the new build estates which are just outside the "town" but all rely on it (it's oddly hard to find figures on it because most of the new builds are outside the historical town limits so don't seem to be counted in the offical town figures, despite the fact they all rely on the town's services).
More patients than doctors/nurses/surgeons, we all accept that.

Cause: Shortage of qualified professionals due to Brexit or population been allowed to increase too much through both legal and illegal immigration.

Take your pick depending on what side of the fence you are on.

I think you'll find a considerable amount of NHS staff are, in fact, immigrants. 18.7% as of June this year, to be exact.
Illegal immigrants still take up spaces in many houses

Illegal immigrants don't get anything, they are in hiding.
These are the ones that come over in a boat, avoid Border Control and then disappear.
An illegal immigrant can give themselves up and become an asylum seeker.

How much do illegal immigrants get in UK?
Illegal immigrants cannot receive benefits.
While refugees are eligible to the same benefits as UK nationals, these are capped far below £29,900.
Indeed. It's the health tourists that are the real parasites.

It has been estimated that around £100 to £300 million a year is spent on deliberate health tourists and patients visiting England and “taking advantage” of the NHS.

In the scheme of the health service that is minute. Ex-pats coming back specifically to get treatmnet is about £1.8Bn.

Father in law is 75 has a problem with his shoulder out of the blue, can barely lift his arm or move one side at all, in immense pain, can't sleep.

They've given him pain killers and are saying realistically it'll be September next year before it'll get properly looked at.

He's never been one to complain, abuse the NHS and has worked and paid taxes all his life, the one time he's needed the NHS it's failing him.

It's absolutely ******* disgraceful.
Father in law is 75 has a problem with his shoulder out of the blue, can barely lift his arm or move one side at all, in immense pain, can't sleep.

They've given him pain killers and are saying realistically it'll be September next year before it'll get properly looked at.

He's never been one to complain, abuse the NHS and has worked and paid taxes all his life, the one time he's needed the NHS it's failing him.

It's absolutely ******* disgraceful.
Sorry to hear about your dad.

Unfortunately there will be more and more of this as the NHS is continually underfunded and understaffed.
Father in law is 75 has a problem with his shoulder out of the blue, can barely lift his arm or move one side at all, in immense pain, can't sleep.

They've given him pain killers and are saying realistically it'll be September next year before it'll get properly looked at.

He's never been one to complain, abuse the NHS and has worked and paid taxes all his life, the one time he's needed the NHS it's failing him.

It's absolutely ******* disgraceful.

Not a doctor, but has he been checked for a stroke? Either way, I'd be setting up camp in A&E with him.
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Father in law is 75 has a problem with his shoulder out of the blue, can barely lift his arm or move one side at all, in immense pain, can't sleep.

They've given him pain killers and are saying realistically it'll be September next year before it'll get properly looked at.

He's never been one to complain, abuse the NHS and has worked and paid taxes all his life, the one time he's needed the NHS it's failing him.

It's absolutely ******* disgraceful.

It may be a rotator cuff injury.

Look it up and check symptoms with your dad. Various treatments available, depending on severity.

You could try to get a private consultant referral to jump the trearment queue.
Over two weeks ago, my mum was running down the stairs to answer the door, lost her footing and broke both her feet.

She phoned an ambulance at the time(around 8am) and it never shower up. Luckily my grandmother lives just around the corner so she was on hand and looked after her. No ambulance showed up, eventually we got her transported to the hospital at 5pm.

She was in the hospital for 2 days before they eventually transferred her. The ankle is badly broken so required surgery which they weren’t able to do… she waited over 10 hours for transport after being informed. They were worried she’d lost circulation but didn’t think to expedite..

Cue the new hospital, put into a ward with other women with broken feet, everyone in the ward saying they had been there for well over a week prior to her arriving.

So it comes tonight, shes had her op, looking like she might be getting out. She advised them that she’d had a bad night, still in pain but the two nurses insisted she try to walk with a zimmer on the less broken foot - She’s only went and fell and broke her wrist… What on earth were the nurses playing at!

Anyway, rant over, absolutely appalled at the lack of care(nurses happy to sit huddled on their phones) and general hygiene I’ve witnessed in this particular hospital, it’s shocking to see others who are in worse conditions left in that state.
So it comes tonight, shes had her op, looking like she might be getting out. She advised them that she’d had a bad night, still in pain but the two nurses insisted she try to walk with a zimmer on the less broken foot - She’s only went and fell and broke her wrist… What on earth were the nurses playing at!

That's the stuff that ends up on my desk
Hope your mum makes a good recovery Shifty.

If she hasn't, I would probably be looking at making a complaint re the fall on the zimmer as that sounds like several issues, including H&S, when my brother in law broke his arm badly the nurses wouldn't even let him go to the toilet on his own for a while (and again after his IIRC second op) as they were concerned about his balance, so I can't imagine how they let (let alone expected) a woman with two broken ankles walk to a toilet within a couple of weeks of the break/however many days since the op (I can make a guess about a possible part of the reason*).

As SGF says it's the sort of stuff that should be investigated thoroughly.

*My mother had arguments with physios who hadn't read the surgeon's notes, and assumed she'd had a routine hip op (very different aftercare needed to what she'd had - iirc one tried to get her to do something she'd been expressly told not to attempt).
As SGF says it's the sort of stuff that should be investigated thoroughly.

My colleague who lives in Wolverhampton was with her elderly Mum in Dudley Hospital and they made her Mum stand up.
My colleague told them she couldn't do it but the Nurse insisted and her Mum fell over and taken to A&E.
They X-Ray'd and sent her home with pain killers but one week later her GP sent her back and her hip was broken.
My colleague is now claiming against Dudley.

Sometimes you have to put a claim in or the absolute minimum of a complaint.
About 85% of claims get thrown out by the Claimant's Solicitor once they've read the records but in cases like @shifty_uk they are usually concrete.
Over two weeks ago, my mum was running down the stairs to answer the door, lost her footing and broke both her feet.

She phoned an ambulance at the time(around 8am) and it never shower up. Luckily my grandmother lives just around the corner so she was on hand and looked after her. No ambulance showed up, eventually we got her transported to the hospital at 5pm.

She was in the hospital for 2 days before they eventually transferred her. The ankle is badly broken so required surgery which they weren’t able to do… she waited over 10 hours for transport after being informed. They were worried she’d lost circulation but didn’t think to expedite..

Cue the new hospital, put into a ward with other women with broken feet, everyone in the ward saying they had been there for well over a week prior to her arriving.

So it comes tonight, shes had her op, looking like she might be getting out. She advised them that she’d had a bad night, still in pain but the two nurses insisted she try to walk with a zimmer on the less broken foot - She’s only went and fell and broke her wrist… What on earth were the nurses playing at!

Anyway, rant over, absolutely appalled at the lack of care(nurses happy to sit huddled on their phones) and general hygiene I’ve witnessed in this particular hospital, it’s shocking to see others who are in worse conditions left in that state.
This sounds completely incompetent tbh. A chair to take her would be faster and far less risky. Might be worth firing in an FOI about access to chairs, how many they have etc - perhaps staff had no option as none were available.
Father in law is 75 has a problem with his shoulder out of the blue, can barely lift his arm or move one side at all, in immense pain, can't sleep.

They've given him pain killers and are saying realistically it'll be September next year before it'll get properly looked at.

He's never been one to complain, abuse the NHS and has worked and paid taxes all his life, the one time he's needed the NHS it's failing him.

It's absolutely ******* disgraceful.
When you say September to be properly looked at do you mean by an orthopaedic surgeon or specialist?

I would expect a GP to be able to see him far sooner and do some basic tests like xray and even MRI.
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