******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Bottom line you need a package, not a standalone ship. It should show in the package that you own:

Star Citizen Digital Download


Squadron 42 Digital Download

This ensures you have both single and multiplayer games, it'll also include insurance (in-game time that you play, no implemented yet so dont' worry) and other fluff like hangar.

You can get the starter packages here:


I'd strongly recommend this one as it's the best value for money and gives you an excellent little ship:




I recommend the Aurora LN as it's a decent fighter whilst also having a good cargo hold for a small ship
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Cool well it's about time I get involved with this I think :D

Can someone explain what "insurance" is? In game time? So this is going to be like a traditional MMO and you have to pay monthly?
Insruace is exactly that, if your ship is destroyed or stolen then you get a replacement ship with the base features insured at the time, i.e. any extra modificaitons are not covered.

We believe you can buy 3 types of insurance; base ship insurance (comes with the game packages for a period of time), ship modifications (I.e. changes to the ship from base) and finally cargo insurance. Only base insurance is understood at present.

Good news is that while most ships may say 3 months insurance or 1 years insurance, this is actual real time from what we know, so effectively 1 years insurance, assuming 4 hours per day playing time equals 6 years of actual in game insurance (8760 hours per year / 1460 hours of play time). We're still waiting for more details as the universe will have time dilation, but even so you can see the insurance for the most part will be trivial.
Insruace is exactly that, if your ship is destroyed or stolen then you get a replacement ship with the base features insured at the time, i.e. any extra modificaitons are not covered.

We believe you can buy 3 types of insurance; base ship insurance (comes with the game packages for a period of time), ship modifications (I.e. changes to the ship from base) and finally cargo insurance. Only base insurance is understood at present.

Good news is that while most ships may say 3 months insurance or 1 years insurance, this is actual real time from what we know, so effectively 1 years insurance, assuming 4 hours per day playing time equals 6 years of actual in game insurance (8760 hours per year / 1460 hours of play time). We're still waiting for more details as the universe will have time dilation, but even so you can see the insurance for the most part will be trivial.

Ah I see :) Thanks for the heads up!
It's likely to cost double what the price is at the moment, Squadron 42 is essentially going to be a stand alone AAA title. Especially after all the work FloatingDolphin has put in ;)

I hear that the work FloatingDolphin has done is why they've had to split it and make it double the price!! :D

I'd expect there to eventually be 3 packages:
Star Citizen @ $45
SC & SQ42 bundle @ $60
Squardon 42 @ $45 around the time of its release
Although expect those prices to increase as time goes on, to easily $60ea, cos $60-80 is the current going rate, so $80-100 could well be the norm in a couple years if you're waiting for SC to release (although i doubt saving a tenner would make much difference if you're wanting to wait and see).

I dont see it being twice the price, it could be, but i'd be disappointed if it was because that seems like an EA/Ubisoft publisher move. Make a game, split the SP & MP and call it 2 games. Theres no way any studio would make a single game with a SP campaign as big as SQ42 and a MP as huge as SC, but i still feel like 1 should be full price, 2 should be 1.5x or something like that, not double.
I'm half hoping they keep the price of SQ42 down and use it as a recruiting tool for SC longer term but don't entirely discount it like Frontier did with Elite: Dangerous when Horizons came out.
I cant imagine one being cheaper than the other tbh. They'll definitely hope that SQ42 will set the stage for the SC rollout, but i doubt it'd be cheaper to buy standalone vs SC s/a.

I'd just hope that if you bought SQ42 you'd have the ability to buy a discounted copy of SC so you had both. Like a 50% off voucher tied to your account. I do find it annoying that they've been talking about splitting them for about 3mo and yet with 10 days till that happens, we have no idea exactly what that means for people who havent backed yet.
Subscribers asking for additional melt tokens as a perk.. honestly I'm so fed up of the entitlement in there and concierge, it gets worse every month. :-/
I wouldnt have an issue with that tbh, anyone contributing $10/$20 a month, by choice, deserves some perks and that do nobody any harm, costs nothing, doesnt make it unbalanced or unfair and its probably pretty handy too.

I think 1/mo should be how it is anyway, applying to cash or credit. But thats me.
That's the problem though, we have perks already and it's always been about not possibly influencing end-game. It's easy to argue that giving additional flexibility to subs like this would give them an advantage any time a sale came up and seeing as right now that token idea is such a divisive topic in the community it seems borderline retarded to request it IMHO.

There are some subscribers who want a "them and us" community, which is a damn shame.
Yeah, i dont think there should be anything that divides the community, tbh ive heard more vocal opinion on stuff like Jump-point being available to all from subscribers, but perhaps thats because their opinion isnt likely to be disapproved of, whereas those wanting their perks and justification for $10/mo+ might keep their voices to where everyone else cant hear them.

If there was a subscription that was $10/mo and was nothing more than credit being applied, i could imagine that being fairly popular. Not entirely sure why it isnt possible.
Interesting, during the Crusader PU launch funding increased dramatically, its now falling off again

Just goes to show what adding significant content does to the coffers.


ATV just went up too

00:29 - Intro
02:13 - News From Around the Verse
13:30 - Gameplay Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvS30k...)
14:25 - ATV Interview with Luke Pressley
24:34 - ATV Ship Shape: LODS
37:34 - Gameplay Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa4GJD...)
38:46 - MVP (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_E-G0...)
39:34 - Art Sneak Peek (Starfarer... OMG They killed it!!)

"We are working on the long over due 325 overhaul" YAY!!!!!!!!!! :D
Pete/Worzel will be shaking in his boots if you get your 325 improved, that hornet of his won't keep you off the top of the scoreboard in our coop matches lol
Considering jumping ship ;) to this before the starter package is split (£37 atm approx). atm its in alpha stage right now yeah? Is beta stage coming soon? How long do you think that will last? I dont really like playing games before they are actually done but i may save money by getting this now.
I wouldn't expect to be out of alpha this year, beta - probably all of next year however it's coming in parts, hence the split.

You'll almost certainly see Squadron 42, the single player campaign either late this year or early next with the multi player part coming much later.

However I've already played around 500 hours in the alpha, there's a lot of fun to be had already, just ask Humbug he recently joined us for a couple of sessions :D
Pete/Worzel will be shaking in his boots if you get your 325 improved, that hornet of his won't keep you off the top of the scoreboard in our coop matches lol

The 325A is a good ship, but. Worzel was Flying the Hornet stock, if he sticks a N4-160f Turret on the nose with a couple of repeaters no one will get anywere near him on the scoreboard.

And if he adds the Flashfire Specialty Mount and a couple more cannons it effectively becomes a Super Hornet, not one of us will even get a look-in.

The Hornet is awesome with just the N4-160f Turret, personally i don't like to use the Hornet setup too aggressively in CooP, like with the Flashfire Specialty Mount, altho i have never tried it i just know its too powerful for a friendly CooP.

As for the 325A, in handling characteristics i'm happy with it where it is, its just right for where it is, its really good and if it was any better it would match the Gladius.

Weapon / Defence configs are also just right.

Nose Mount: S2 Gimballed or S3 Fixed
Wings x2: S1 Gimballed or S2 Fixed
Missiles x2: S3
Shields: S3
Power: S3

The only changes i want are structural and cosmetic, and some fixes.

There are 4 ships in the 300 Series range, the 325A is the fighter of the bunch, therefore IMO it should be set apart from the other 3 in its amour, in-that 'it needs some' it has none, its as flimsy as the Mustang Omega, it cannot take any hits once the shields are breached, it falls to pieces after a few hits, it survives for seconds.
It doesn't need to be like the Hornet, but even the Aurora LN has some durability, it can take hits with the shields down, not as many as the Hornet but far more than the 300 series. i think its fair to make the 325A and perhaps also the 315P just as durable as the Aurora LN.

Cosmetics, the interior is nice but i think it needs updating, right now it looks like the inside of one of the old 5 series BMW's, one from the late 80's to early 90's, E34 i think? it needs to look more like a 2014 onwards 5 series BMW.
The cabin is also very dark, it needs lights that illuminate the interior. maybe some fancy colour mood lighting LED Strips n' stuff.

The exterior design is fine, sexy, although IMO the landing gear is too tall, makes it look gangly. hunkered down more would give it a more aggressive stance sitting on the pad, Like the Gladius.

Exterior textures are like place holders, very low res, they look like 0.5K, they need to be 1K preferably 2K, i think later ships like the Gladius and Constellation are at least 1K, they also need Hight and Bump mapping to give it 'A Texture' and some dimension.

Upgrading Shields needs fixing, right now you can't, the ladder does not retract so it sticks out the side of the ship when you fly about.

This is more along the lines of what the 300 series should look like inside.
Bight and luxurious.

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Just a small thanks to Halfmad for outlining how best to get started on a budget, read up a little based on your advice, aurora ln looks like a sensible way in for a newbie.

Cheers, shall be pledging with this pack on the weekend.
Also considering jumping in with a basic Aurora package. But I can't decide between the Aurora MR and the Aurora LN. Older reviews I've read seem to suggest the LN is the better of the two, is this still the case?

Since I'm not sure what role I'll want to play, I'm looking for an all-rounder to get started with, something that can handle a bit of combat but also carry some cargo.
Cern, same advice I gave to grumpybeard here. Aurora LN is a very capable little ship, has a small cargo hold but for initial pledge it's perfect and you can always upgrade later on if you want to a bigger ship.

It lacks a jump drive like the Aurora LX but to be honest that's really not a big deal and can be fitted later in the public universe. The LN is amazing value for money, the rest of the space coffins really aren't worth considering whilst it's available :D
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