Interesting you should mention this.
But out of interest. I've tried a couple of brim-brim tests. Using the same garage / pump (so as accurate as I could check it). And I think it's the first car I've ever owned (with a trip meter ... and that's a fair few cars) where it's pretty much spot on. The RS Clio I had previously, was miles out (IE. optimistic) and the Suzuki Swift sport before that, was almost laughable The trip meter was pointless ... as it was so far out!. It was a standing joke on the Suzuki forum.
From looking at the O/L Focus ST owners club (there's a huge thread on there about MPG) what I'm getting seems about average for the current model ST. But as usual, so many variables (driving style obviously being one of the big ones).
Not that I'm overly worried about MPG, else I'd driving a diesel
I think the current ST is a great car.
They just need to sort the quality control on their paintwork.
Can't really fault the handling / ride quality balance though (even on the optional bigger wheel / tyre combo).
If being picky. I would say:
- Maybe could do with just a bit more power. Maybe an upgrade that could be chosen at build time. Yes I know there is Mountune.
- SYNC 2 needs to be brought kicking and screaming into the current century (SYNC 3 may give us this).
- And why no front parking sensors on the option list?
- Why doesn't the keyless entry on the ST3 not auto-lock when you walk away? It did on my previous two cars with this sort of system.
So all told. Not a lot to moan about. It's even pretty much squeek / rattle free at the moment.