£10,000 And I Don't Want It!! Arrghhhh!

23 Jun 2009
Give it to charity and I'll give you a smack. :p He's quite able at giving to charity himself.

He's your friend and it's what friends do. On a smaller scale, I'd give my mate my old graphics card if I thought he could use it. This is just on a slightly larger scale.

Thank him, spend it on what YOU want (none of this investment crap). Take joy in your purchases, let him see your radiance :)p) and let him take solace in the joy it has given (what is fundementally a small amount of cash to a rich person. You think a micra would bring the same joy?)
13 Jan 2004
I have always maintained money alone will not make you happy but it can make you happier with what you can do with it.

If I was a millionaire of quite significant proportions then friends and family is where the money would be best spent. I might not be so inclined to hand out a cheque like that but I would be more than likely to take mates on ridiculous holidays or help out with cars or other work they needed doing that took cash to achieve.

Why not?
5 Oct 2008
Who would you rather have it - you who could get a ton of enjoyment out of it or the guy who it means nothing to, and would get more enjoyment out of giving it to you than he would having it sit in his incredibly large bank account for ever?

Pretty much this tbh.

I know if I were a millionaire, giving a close mate 10,000 would be a nice feeling. :)

Sadly though I'm not. :(



18 Oct 2002

To cut a long story very very short i left school in 1986 and straight after i went to college to do a 2 year BTEC course. During this time i met my mate. We ended up being best buddies. Holidays , knocking around in our cars , out on the drink every weekend. Even both our parents became friends and drinking buddies! In 1996 we went out separate ways and i can't remember why.

Right, cut to the present and through the magic of Facebook I'm back in touch with my old mate. He's now living in London in a house that cost over £1million and its turned out my old mucker is a director of a very famous company that makes pharmaceuticals.

Tonight he came up to visit us in his Maserati granturismo (which i had a sit in). Had great banter. Slagged the X Factor off, ordered a takeaway. Cracking night. Great to see and be back in touch with my mate. BUT now i have a BIG problem. He wrote me a cheque for £10,000!!!!!!. He told me he earns £4,000 a day and said "it's only 2 days pay and it makes him happy knowing I'm making other people happy and to have a holiday treat the kids". I said no. My missus said no. I know this is going to sound daft but after a heated debate of 'no' 'no' (with lots of laughing) he left the cheque on the mantelpiece .

Crikey. The cheques in the photo above. I could cash it in on Monday but it doesn't feel right to do so. I can't explain it. He's my mate. Yeah i would love £10 grand who wouldn't? I have a decent job and so does the misses lol ... my heads all over ..... so it's over to you and i know everyone is going to say just cash it in lol ...
Donate it to your favourite charity?
10 Mar 2006
Easiest way for you you to deal with this is to split the money between your children, put it in a fund for them for when they turn 18 and help them later on in life. That way your mate is helping out your kids, you're not taking his money and you can live life with a little less stress with money in the bank for when your kids want to drive/go to uni or whatever. DO NOT tell him that you don't want the money. If it really is nothing to him it would hurt him more that his friend turned down help just for being so stubborn.

Also, if he's earning that much bloody money ask him for a job!
16 Aug 2009
Luton, England
If he's working for that amount of cash it's quite safe to assume he works, and he works a lot. He's probably quite envious of you in a way that maybe he doesn't get as much family time as he would like compared to you OP. His gesture was a small thing that he wants you to do something that he, himself would love to do, but probably doesn't get the chance ("have a holiday treat the kids").

If I were you, I'd just take the money, treat yourself to a holiday, but make it known to your friend that it's not something you'd be comfortable accepting all the time for whatever reasons you have. If then you decide to become closer mates again, he won't be trying to give you cash or buy your friendship which makes it uncomfortable for yourself, but you'd also have a nice week or 2 away, have some photo's to show your friend and to let him know that his gesture was appreciated.

Or you could donate some of it to a charity which means something to you on his behalf.
8 Jan 2010
Lose misplaced pride and accept the gift in the spirit it was intended. Personally I can't stand people who refuse gifts sometimes to the point of being rude. If I came into a load of money suddenly, my parents would have a new house, my mates would wake up with new cars on their drives (with pink ribbons) and we'd be going on some awesome holidays.

Oh and donating it straight to charity isn't any better than outright refusing it. He can donate to charity himself.
5 Jun 2005
i would call him up and just say thank you. you thought about it and you will accept. treat your family. that's what he wants, he clearly has fond memoires of you as a mate. Make it clear you wanna stay friends and see him and that you won't accept any more gifts :)
4 Aug 2005
Leeds, Sheffield & LU7
I suspect the man is living a lonely life.

A life of money can bring nothing but torture. Perhaps he just wants his old mate back, who was there before the torturous whirlwind started.

Thats my bet. He's being generous, to someone that means something to him, as opposed the the leeches that probably surround him on a daily basis.
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