I may just get
@Purgatory to post as he can say anything without being quote spammed. Need some of that teflon!
Morning mate

This thread is funny you know why ?
A lot of salty people on here because they didn't get a 3080 10GB at MSRP and then there are some here that are just trolling people that have a 3080 10GB. The honest reality is if the card is doing what you need why does it matter ? The 3080 10GB is a great card for the money especially in the circumstances the GPU market has ended up in now, same with even the 3090 if you got one at MSRP as you did with an FE model, it's really funny how things turned out and even makes a 3090 now look "cheap"

.. The card we all screamed at "are they crazy at that price for a gaming card, that in reality is 10-15% faster than the standard 3080". To me the value was in the VRAM with the 3090 and NVLINK as that's what I need for my work, so to me was a bargain compared to a RTX Titan at £2500..
The 3080 10GB is fine at 4K and only limited by the very odd game but then all you do is lower 1 or 2 settings and all is good and in most cases you can't tell the difference (we have been doing this since graphics cards existed, anyone remember "can it run crysis" no card could at max settings when it came out even new cards). Yes we had the odd game that tried to rock the boat from one GPU maker that tried to make their 12GB/16GB cards stand out more by putting a higher VRAM limit on some games to get the full ultra experience but all these companies play these silly games as we know Nvidia is famous for it with their gimpwares and as customers of these companies we should make a noise when they do such things even if we own their product or the competitors product as it damages the gaming community and fun we all want out of the games.
I think why I have teflon on this forum as you put it .. is because most people that have been here long enough know I do not have any fanboy mentality to these companies, I just want what is best at the time or the product that does what I need, I'm only on Nvidia because my work requires cuda, if I was a gamer only then there was a very good chance I would have got a 6800xt when they came out at msrp and a 3080 just so I can see which I like best.
Also same goes with cpus, don't care who makes it as long as it's one that does what I need and proven to be good.
Also I like to joke around with you guys but some don't realise i'm joking sometimes and trying to make the mood more fun in the thread that sometimes becomes a bit too mean or taken to overly serious levels for a product that is for lets be honest "gaming", I would hate to see some of these people in really serious situations in life. Honestly I love this community we have on here because we get all sides of the conversation (even intel Dave is entertaining and AMD Matt has a lot of really good information that helps the community, even when we all don't agree on things sometimes), but sometimes we just need to step back and remember it's nothing more than a gaming product and yes some of us like to argue over them because we are tech enthusiasts and don't really care that much about the games side but love the tech.
Anyways if some of you guys are wanting a AMD 6500xt at £200 get ready for it soon, get one because you need one, if not let the people that need a cheap gpu buy them please, don't buy them to think you can scalp them later please. Post here from
@Gibbo regarding it :-
Guys todays new sub £200 graphics card shall appear here:
Ignore the memory kit that is just to make the website display the section. The new products will appear around 2pm this afternoon.
As the price is supported for limited amount of units sold (as its below trade cost), we do not expect sub £200 to last that long unfortunately (be quick), typical MSRP shenanigans we see with every GPU launch these days. Totally miss leading to the customer and just makes retailers look to been greedy, when the reality is manufacturers are setting unrealistic MSRP's or it is the board partners been too greedy, who it is, well that is unknown but it has been the usual shenanigans now for the past couple of years with GPU launches.
Those gaming at 1080P it is a very good card, it is also particular very good at some of the older Esport games and at its price point no other card currently available new comes close to it.