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10GB vram enough for the 3080? Discuss..

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4 Jun 2009
So hold on a second,

hell even without HD Textures on still runs bad at times on 4K Ultra settings

did find on the DLC Vass the game still has problems with missing shadows,flickering shadow and stuff just disappearing

bad FPS and crash to desktop even with HD Textures off

You're getting fps drops and issues even WITHOUT the HD texture pack? So essentially that proves my point even more then, there is something on system end or/and game end.

Haven't tried the dlc pack myself but given it seems to only have those issues and not in the main game (at least I wasn't seeing any flickering/missing shadows or stuff disappearing).... that kind of shows something is seriously wrong on the dlc/game end or/and nvidia drivers???

Might be worthwhile posting your issues on the official forums Gerard:


Can't say I'm surprised though given that there are a few 3090 owners reporting fps drops etc. too.

Like I said a bit earlier in thread, I have yet to see any of those issues on my end except when I enabled rebar, that graphical corruption is new though since the patch a couple months back to fix texture issues so whether that is a patch since then, which introduced it or/and a nvidia driver thing, no clue.

Performance from my 3080 looks to be on par with a 6800xt unless we look at matts special 6800xt which somehow seems to get a solid 20 fps over pc gamers hardware benchmark/results (and apparently their results are the best/trustworthy.... ignoring the fact they are from release day....)
6 Feb 2019
So hold on a second,

You're getting fps drops and issues even WITHOUT the HD texture pack? So essentially that proves my point even more then, there is something on system end or/and game end.

Haven't tried the dlc pack myself but given it seems to only have those issues and not in the main game (at least I wasn't seeing any flickering/missing shadows or stuff disappearing).... that kind of shows something is seriously wrong on the dlc/game end or/and nvidia drivers???

Might be worthwhile posting your issues on the official forums Gerard:


Can't say I'm surprised though given that there are a few 3090 owners reporting fps drops etc. too.

Like I said a bit earlier in thread, I have yet to see any of those issues on my end except when I enabled rebar, that graphical corruption is new though since the patch a couple months back to fix texture issues so whether that is a patch since then, which introduced it or/and a nvidia driver thing, no clue.

Performance from my 3080 looks to be on par with a 6800xt unless we look at matts special 6800xt which somehow seems to get a solid 20 fps over pc gamers hardware benchmark/results (and apparently their results are the best/trustworthy.... ignoring the fact they are from release day....)

Runs fine on my 3090 no fps drops 24gb vram strong 1TB/s bandwidth
4 Jun 2009
Runs fine on my 3090 no fps drops 24gb vram strong 1TB/s bandwidth

Not according to this guy:


Well, its back with the Pagan update.

32gb memory
3090 24gb video card
3x M.2 cards, no mechanical drives.
HD pack installed.
900mb to 55gb pagefile dedicated.

It seems as soon as you hit Escape, or I for Inventory, or M for Map, that this starts acting up.

Its a menu ui memory leak. Or like a poster above said, something getting loaded to memory or vcard that isnt supposed to.

Obviously 3090 needs an upgrade ;)
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Modifying your page file doesn't inherently cause problems. I always modify mine so it doesn't sit on the C:\.
In my experience, it causes significantly more problems than leaving it at auto. If it works for you though, fair enough.

I've lost count of the amount of people that I've helped fix various crashing issues that thought they knew how to handle a suitable page file size rather than the default 'auto' - managed by the operating system.
7 Oct 2018
Behind Pluto
The only time I had to mess with page file was running 4GB system memory in BF4.
Any other time, leave it the hell alone.

Also LtMatt, any suggestions for a PBO OC on my 5600x?
26 Oct 2013
In my experience, it causes significantly more problems than leaving it at auto. If it works for you though, fair enough.

I've lost count of the amount of people that I've helped fix various crashing issues that thought they knew how to handle a suitable page file size rather than the default 'auto' - managed by the operating system.

I have never had any issues and I have moved it for a bunch of people too. Space is hardly at a premium any more so setting it too low is a bit weird.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
I have never had any issues and I have moved it for a bunch of people too. Space is hardly at a premium any more so setting it too low is a bit weird.
It doesn't need to be changed at all though. Auto is perfect as the OS will use whatever is needed. It's not like space is a premium anymore, so changing it from auto is a bit weird. :p
4 Jun 2009
But but but.... he has a problem therefore it must apply to all 3090s!!!!!

Not see the flaw in certain peoples logic now when it comes nit-picking results to suit a narrative.... ;)

On a more serious note, there were a few other posts in that thread and others expressing the same issues with all kinds of gpus, mostly nvidia based so I doubt it is anything to do with the page file unless those other people also messed with it....

Modifying your page file doesn't inherently cause problems. I always modify mine so it doesn't sit on the C:\.

Not something I mess with tbf (at least since w10 came) but I've seen a few people alter this and get improved performance in some games and also seen cases where it harms performance too. Given the way FC 6 is utilising all the vram it can and a lot more RAM and for some people dropping fps and being stuck at said fps until game reboot, I wouldn't be surprised if there is some issues around messing with page file etc. since the game still appears to have issues even when not using the hd textures for some people.
16 May 2010
27 Feb 2015
Maybe it'll stabalise after a couple patches. I read a review that noted the stutters and mentioned FC6, ICARUS and Halo Infinite nothing that FF7 had fewer stutters - I found it funny how it was noted alongside other incomplete games.

In terms of resource usage, any relatively high-end PC should outdo the PS5, you just need a reference for what settings, scaling, etc. the PS5 is using. Regarding the stutters, one big difference between the PS5 and PC is that the PS5 likely has better component integration as they're using an SoC, which might add relevance to your point regarding texture streaming.

Well textures primarily need VRAM not processing grunt, and the PS5 outspec's almost everything in the PC space in that area. Times have changed significantly, in the PS3 days, console devs had a few hundred megs of ram to work with, now its the other way round, the PCs are the constrained platform.

Of course the game probably would be running fine if they had found a way to stream in textures without stuttering and to flush old textures faster.

I have since tweaked it further and in terms of stutters its a very good experience now, not as good as PS5 but easily good enough, I dropped average VRAM usage by about half a gig by enabling immediate flushes of queued texture flushes instead of going in a processing queue (which often ran at same time as new ones were loaded in), which decreased both VRAM usage and stuttering.
8 Oct 2020
Well textures primarily need VRAM not processing grunt, and the PS5 outspec's almost everything in the PC space in that area. Times have changed significantly, in the PS3 days, console devs had a few hundred megs of ram to work with, now its the other way round, the PCs are the constrained platform.

Of course the game probably would be running fine if they had found a way to stream in textures without stuttering and to flush old textures faster.

I have since tweaked it further and in terms of stutters its a very good experience now, not as good as PS5 but easily good enough, I dropped average VRAM usage by about half a gig by enabling immediate flushes of queued texture flushes instead of going in a processing queue (which often ran at same time as new ones were loaded in), which decreased both VRAM usage and stuttering.

Remember that the consoles have unified memory, so that 16GB is also used by the system for the OS and any other background processes.

Also, consoles won't be running 4K max settings as they don't have the power to do so, which means they're using less VRAM anyway. What consoles do have is the SoC design, which improves integration, as well as optimised settings to ensure that it runs within spec.
4 Jun 2009
That old ass DUNIA engine for the Farcry games has aged badly. It needs taking round back and shot. I think the Ubi studios pumping out these games on that crap engine just don't have any cash flow to bankroll any quality tech guys to make them a better game engine.

FC4 was and still is a total joke.

Pretty much!

FC 3 had beyond awful stuttering (well regarded amongst all pc gamers regardless of hardware too), which required a ton of faffing with config files to get it running somewhat smoothly (I actually tried it not so long back on my 3080 and stuttering was still present :o) likewise with fc 4. Primal and fc 5 + new dawn performed very well though and I don't recall of many issues. FC 6 on the whole has been very good for me tbf (ignoring the texture issue, which has been fixed now and the crashing after loading the start credits, which was fixed by a patch)

Hopefully they get a new engine as the game needs a serious change on the whole.

Well textures primarily need VRAM not processing grunt, and the PS5 outspec's almost everything in the PC space in that area. Times have changed significantly, in the PS3 days, console devs had a few hundred megs of ram to work with, now its the other way round, the PCs are the constrained platform.

Whilst this is true to an extent, don't forget that 16gb of memory is shared on the consoles i.e. you don't have separate vram and RAM like we do for pc so just because it has 16gb doesn't mean all that can be used for game textures and nothing else, the OS amongst other things also need access to that "shared" memory.

That and also the fact that consoles are still making big compromises on resolution i.e. adaptive resolution so ps 5 iirc is generally targeting 1200/1500p where as xbx is more like 1800p, sometimes even lower and then we have the pc gamers running at true 4k all the time (unless using FSR/DLSS) not to mention, the graphical settings are often reduced to the equivalent pc settings of "medium or high" and not using "very high/ultra".

Then we have direct storage, which sadly seems to be utilised far more than what pcs are getting... this will really be helping with memory usage.

Before the patch for texture rendering issue, DF reported that textures were also popping in and sometimes getting stuck on the xbox i.e. not rendering properly:



Remember that the consoles have unified memory, so that 16GB is also used by the system for the OS and any other background processes.

Also, consoles won't be running 4K max settings as they don't have the power to do so, which means they're using less VRAM anyway. What consoles do have is the SoC design, which improves integration, as well as optimised settings to ensure that it runs within spec.

Beat me to it :p

Yeah it is surprising just how much consoles sacrifice in terms of settings, ray tracing settings being the main thing, either turned off completely or vastly reduced effects/resolution or/and going from 60 to 30 fps
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