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10GB vram enough for the 3080? Discuss..

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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
A TL : DR for new readers to the discussion. :p
  1. 3080 owner asks for an example where 10gb is not enough.
  2. Example provided.
  3. Some active and existing 3080 owners on thread debate and deny provided example.
  4. Example validated by tech press, game developer and other 3080 owners.
  5. Different 3080 owner enters the thread and proclaims, but in a different example using XXX i ran out of fps grunt before i ram out of video memory / and or 3080 owner enters the thread and says but i only play XXX or XXX which are not the example provided but i have never run out of video memory.
The cycle will start over when one or both of the following happens again:
  1. A new owner/user enters the discussion to ask for an example where 10GB is not enough
  2. There is a new game released that requires more than 8GB-10GB of video memory at 4K maximum settings.
@gpuerrilla Fair to say that is an accurate summary? :cry:
Not sure about new owner/user. In a lot of cases it is people who made up their minds bumping the ageing thread up. This time it was 4K8K :cry:
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
@gpuerrilla Fair to say that is an accurate summary? :cry:

Well the thread was becoming tiresome, so happy to let it necro but if the discussion was somewhat constructive it could salvage itself...

IMO you forgot:
  • Ex 3080 owner stirs thread (multiple times). :D One of the reasons for ditching said card is he's buying a 40 series as soon as its out (but not worried about VRAM). Hasn't owned the 3080 for many months. Reading between the lines should tell you a lot here! ;)
  • Most people are gaming on 1440p displays. Hard to really push the situation unless your playing at 4k.
  • Sidestep alternative - You can tone down games settings *shocker* (avoids OP discussion) heavy sarcasm used here as its an enthusiast forum.
  • When examples are used (FC6, Godfall, a.n.other) game is shot down. Don't expect there to be many games to use - hence why 'evidence' takes ages.
  • Lots of salt. Passive insults. People forget its just a component and get very emotional.
  • If you are forward handing out the banter, accept banter in return!
Disclaimer: If any of the above offends you, this perhaps is not the thread for you.

Not sure about new owner/user. In a lot of cases it is people who made up their minds bumping the ageing thread up. This time it was 4K8K :cry:

Yes I forgot about that. Some people like the drama, light the fire and then run!
4 Jun 2009
Yep. But you know… Far Cry 6, Godfail! :cry:







13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Well the thread was becoming tiresome, so happy to let it necro but if the discussion was somewhat constructive it could salvage itself...

IMO you forgot:
  • Ex 3080 owner stirs thread (multiple times). :D One of the reasons for ditching said card is he's buying a 40 series as soon as its out (but not worried about VRAM). Hasn't owned the 3080 for many months. Reading between the lines should tell you a lot here! ;)
  • Most people are gaming on 1440p displays. Hard to really push the situation unless your playing at 4k.
  • Sidestep alternative - You can tone down games settings *shocker* (avoids OP discussion) heavy sarcasm used here as its an enthusiast forum.
  • When examples are used (FC6, Godfall, a.n.other) game is shot down. Don't expect there to be many games to use - hence why 'evidence' takes ages.
  • Lots of salt. Passive insults. People forget its just a component and get very emotional.
  • If you are forward handing out the banter, accept banter in return!
Disclaimer: If any of the above offends you, this perhaps is not the thread for you.

Yes I forgot about that. Some people like the drama, light the fire and then run!
18 Feb 2015
Well the thread was becoming tiresome, so happy to let it necro but if the discussion was somewhat constructive it could salvage itself...

IMO you forgot:
  • Ex 3080 owner stirs thread (multiple times). :D One of the reasons for ditching said card is he's buying a 40 series as soon as its out (but not worried about VRAM). Hasn't owned the 3080 for many months. Reading between the lines should tell you a lot here! ;)
  • Most people are gaming on 1440p displays. Hard to really push the situation unless your playing at 4k.
  • Sidestep alternative - You can tone down games settings *shocker* (avoids OP discussion) heavy sarcasm used here as its an enthusiast forum.
  • When examples are used (FC6, Godfall, a.n.other) game is shot down. Don't expect there to be many games to use - hence why 'evidence' takes ages.
  • Lots of salt. Passive insults. People forget its just a component and get very emotional.
  • If you are forward handing out the banter, accept banter in return!
Disclaimer: If any of the above offends you, this perhaps is not the thread for you.

Yes I forgot about that. Some people like the drama, light the fire and then run!


Damn, you just nuked all these vram ostriches!

Gif can also be taken to show vram requirements between Ampere release day & Lovelace release day. :D
20 Aug 2019
SW Florida
Nah 3090 has 24gb baby, don't cry on me now.

I can prove a 3090 thread isn't needed, it has no issues with vram https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFZjo5PgG0

He was talking about the GPU itself.

Just because you are not running out of vram doesn't mean you can max out a every game at 4k.

My 3080 can't max out my driving sims and it has noting to do with the vram buffer. In fact, it's so far from maxing them out that 3090 wouldn't do the job either.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
He was talking about the GPU itself.

Just because you are not running out of vram doesn't mean you can max out a every game at 4k.

My 3080 can't max out my driving sims and it has noting to do with the vram buffer. In fact, it's so far from maxing them out that 3090 wouldn't do the job either.
This thread is about vram though and is it enough. That's literally the whole point of the thread.
20 Aug 2019
SW Florida
This thread is about vram though and is it enough. That's literally the whole point of the thread.

I was illustrating the folly therein. The GPU's themselves are "not enough".

It's like the 3 little pigs checking the expiration date on the milk in the fridge of the straw hut...while the big bad wolf is outside huffing and puffing.

Reduced settings got here long before the vram buffer was filled.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
Same can be said for ray tracing. Current gens are "not enough". People still buy them "as they have ray tracing". See the irony there.

The 3080 can run farcy 6 - it has 'the grunt'. It just lacks the err...

You can look at the bottom entry GPU's. The 6500XT has been slated for 'only having 4Gb VRAM'. So its a common spec talking point, certain resolutions should have an ideal amount so the hardware is not the issue.
20 Aug 2019
SW Florida
Same can be said for ray tracing. Current gens are "not enough". People still buy them "as they have ray tracing". See the irony there.

The 3080 can run farcy 6 - it has 'the grunt'. It just lacks the err...

You can look at the bottom entry GPU's. The 6500XT has been slated for 'only having 4Gb VRAM'. So its a common spec talking point, certain resolutions should have an ideal amount so the hardware is not the issue.

So turning down settings is only bad when it's due to vram limitations? Is there a thread listing all the games where the 3080 comes up short in raw grunt?
4 Jun 2009
So turning down settings is only bad when it's due to vram limitations? Is there a thread listing all the games where the 3080 comes up short in raw grunt?

Wouldn't bother wasting your time :p

Thankfully it appears to only be 2-4 (if that???) with that uneducated view point of the vram arguments where as the majority see and agree with our educated points/evidence :D :cry:
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
I was illustrating the folly therein. The GPU's themselves are "not enough".

It's like the 3 little pigs checking the expiration date on the milk in the fridge of the straw hut...while the big bad wolf is outside huffing and puffing.

Reduced settings got here long before the vram buffer was filled.
For the most part that is right, no one has ever said otherwise.

However when people tried to put the view point across that for most things it’s fine, but for some things it’s not, they were met with ridicule, moving goal posts to suit a narrative, and insults.

This is not aimed at you in particular:

Now that we have clear evidence that above is the case, anyone who pointed that out is uneducated apparently.

Honestly, I shake my head when I see the way some users of this forum engage with other users it’s completely unnecessary. I’ve got no problem with someone disagreeing with a view point, but if you cannot articulate that without insulting someone then you should really learn how to socialise and interact with people before posting on a forum.
4 Jun 2009
Goes both ways....

Weren't you also making posts about peoples "iqs being very low" too?

Maybe uneducated is the wrong word so we'll stick with the fingers in the ears expression.
1 Oct 2020
I'm a little wary of the statement that "the majority agree with me" when the thread is driven mostly by 3, and two of them are disagreeing.. . I use a 3080, and I believe that 10gb is enough for it - It certainly is for me.

Would I have liked more on it? The answer to "would you like more" is always of course, but you have to deal with what is there, I knew what I'd purchased, and was delighted. There's certainly a discussion to be had on whether more could have been offered, but I reckon that 10gb is plenty for the next few years except for some potential outliers, where a few settings can be turned down and off you go. I think that more and more games will be ported from console rather than developed for pc, and a VRAM overhead will allow for quicker (lazier, or deadlie driven) coding, which may be the bigger impact on whether ram is enough. Is it enough for the image? Yes. Is it enough for the game? Possibly not. . Someone made that point previously, but it makes sense.

Works against AMD too, currently Ray tracing will need to be turned down or off in certain cases. No one card runs everything at full power all the time, it has always been thus. You just decide what's better for you, and if 10gb isn't enough, there are other options which also can't be purchased right now.

Admittedly tongue in cheek, but is a 12gb 3080 enough? It is still absolutely fine, and will run nearly everything.... But it isn't 16gb, is it? And is 16gb enough, when you can get a 24gb 3090?
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