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10GB vram enough for the 3080? Discuss..

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Seems to be a sub concience high end RTX user on limited vram mentality that RT'ing is the dogs danglies, can't go back to gaming without it, spits in the face and mocks RDNA2' RT'ing capabilities....but textures don't matter.

Top end RTX users where vram isn't an issue-I want it all!

High end RTX users on limited vram-(I'll never admit this-but because I can't run it all in tandem) shouts textures don't matter-there's no difference.

Top end RTX users where vram isn't an issue-I want it all, can have it all and laughs every time a vram on a budget user repeats the above.
Seems to be a sub concience high end RTX user on limited vram mentality that RT'ing is the dogs danglies, can't go back to gaming without it, spits in the face and mocks RDNA2' RT'ing capabilities....but textures don't matter.

Top end RTX users where vram isn't an issue-I want it all!

High end RTX users on limited vram-(I'll never admit this-but because I can't run it all in tandem) shouts textures don't matter-there's no difference.

Top end RTX users where vram isn't an issue-I want it all, can have it all and laughs every time a vram on a budget user repeats the above.

I don't think anyone has stated that textures don't matter.... the point being made here is how many games really benefit going from high or some cases medium to ultra texture setting? Main ones that come to mind for me are fallout 4 with its hd texture pack (although still looks poor but is an old game now), far cry +crysis games and that's about it... unless we count mod texture packs

PS. my opinion also applies regardless of me playing on my 34" 3440x1440 or a 4k 55" display....

Feel free to list other games where there is a "noticeable" increase in texture quality when going from high to the max setting.

Should also be noted that generally when it does come to texture talk/comparisons too, we need those 300% zooms to spot the difference.... meanwhile do RT comparisons need to be zoomed in to see the difference? ;)

On a separate note, it's a good thing all those points of yours are "still" irrelevant for those peasants that own a £650 3080 too :cry:
Seems to be a sub concience high end RTX user on limited vram mentality that RT'ing is the dogs danglies, can't go back to gaming without it, spits in the face and mocks RDNA2' RT'ing capabilities....but textures don't matter.
High end RTX users on limited vram-(I'll never admit this-but because I can't run it all in tandem) shouts textures don't matter-there's no difference.

I don't think anyone has stated that textures don't matter.... the point being made here is how many games really benefit going from high or some cases medium to ultra texture setting? Main ones that come to mind for me are fallout 4 with its hd texture pack (although still looks poor but is an old game now), far cry +crysis games and that's about it... unless we count mod texture packs

PS. my opinion also applies regardless of me playing on my 34" 3440x1440 or a 4k 55" display....

Feel free to list other games where there is a "noticeable" increase in texture quality when going from high to the max setting.

Should also be noted that generally when it does come to texture talk/comparisons too, we need those 300% zooms to spot the difference.... meanwhile do RT comparisons need to be zoomed in to see the difference? ;)

On a separate note, it's a good thing all those points of yours are "still" irrelevant for those peasants that own a £650 3080 too :cry:

You just enforced what I said;):p
Power and money vs intellect.

Always the same fight.

Wouldn't even say it was "power and money", more the opposite of intellect....


;) :cry: :p @TNA

But in all seriousness, this is something that has been discussed many times and many videos on it:

Of course the same can and has been said for RT settings too and usually putting them down one notch or 2 to get the best IQ and perf.

This is just another case of people clutching at straws about this whole supposed awful vram issue or/and making a mountain out of a molehill and as per usual, posting no real evidence/substance to back up such claims.
You just enforced what I said;):p
He is attempting to help you see the details instead of you taking an outsider stance and being afraid of getting your boots muddy.
When it comes down to reality away from our armchair forensics with video games, we barely really notice these things and forums tend to reinforce a status quo of having the best of things especially being male dominated and having signatures and a need to uphold your own sense of identy which goes way deeper into Western culture, so forth and so on.

There is a cut off point where the rest is just cack most don't even care about.

RT adds a significant enough step up for most to care.

Do I care if I can't quite see a texture sharper? most of the time I am trying to defeat the game, not the visuals.
Rofl, you literraly just laughed at high end RTX users(pic above), and posted vids that textures don't matter.

Fight fire with fire.... ;)

As for the actual relevant more "serious" topic..... you are completely missing the point here or rather putting a spin on peoples comments.... where has anyone said "textures don't matter"? The point being made is that "currently", a lot of settings even when it comes to "texture" settings and shock.... RT settings too..... don't have a huge, if any difference when dropping one notch or some cases, more than one notch hence the videos that showcase this..... or are those videos by "nvidia shills"? :cry:

Hence why I have asked these 2 points to prove otherwise:

Feel free to list other games where there is a "noticeable" increase in texture quality when going from high to the max setting.

Should also be noted that generally when it does come to texture talk/comparisons too, we need those 300% zooms to spot the difference.... meanwhile do RT comparisons need to be zoomed in to see the difference?

If you're going to make such claims or deny the points I made, post evidence, otherwise, it is just another case of this:

people clutching at straws about this whole supposed awful vram issue or/and making a mountain out of a molehill and as per usual, posting no real evidence/substance to back up such claims.
@Tired9 Iv'e got both the 70(launch day) and 80(last year), astounding cards but the vram limitations are real, already posted a vid of when the 80 runs out of vram, I suppose I could post a vid of it not running out of vram too right enough as it doesn't run out instantly.
@Tired9 Iv'e got both the 70(launch day) and 80(last year), astounding cards but the vram limitations are real, already posted a vid of when the 80 runs out of vram, I suppose I could post a vid of it not running out of vram too right enough as it doesn't run out instantly.
I am pretty sure I could smash my Vram to bits if I crank it to 4k or 5k with DSR, but at 1440P I have no games in my steam account of over 750 that currently does.

Most games at 4k-5k cripple the GPU before Vram is even a factor.
@Tired9 Iv'e got both the 70(launch day) and 80(last year), astounding cards but the vram limitations are real, already posted a vid of when the 80 runs out of vram, I suppose I could post a vid of it not running out of vram too right enough as it doesn't run out instantly.

Can't/won't comment on 3070 but with regards to the 80 running out of vram, presume you are talking about your FC 6 experience..... once again, given you are having issues with NO HD texture pack AND at 1440P AND whilst using FSR indicates something on your end or/and game issue with your combination of hardware/software.... I already stated why you may be having issues (with plenty of evidence and others reporting the same) and in that big 70+ page thread on ubi forum, I didn't see anyone mentioning these issues with those settings either and from my end, I never had any issues even with HD texture pack and not using FSR when gaming at 3440x1440.

Just so happens there were a couple of 3090 users also stating big FPS drops on that thread but just because they are doesn't mean it applies to every 3090 owner or maybe 24GB vram just isn't enough either.....
There is a post from the 8GB Vram is not enough thread saying Borderlands kills Vram on 8GB LOL.

That game is just very taxing on CPU and the way it loads assets.

My 3070 flatout destroys his 2070S.

You can still see FPS fluctuation.

Exactly same issues (same freezing for over 10 seconds now and then) I had in Borderlands 3 on 2070S (8GB vRAM) - after about 20 minutes of playing. It started fine, then the longer I played the worse it got. No such issues on 6800 as much more vRAM to play around. And BL3 doesn't have DLSS nor RT and I played it in 1440p to that - still caused issues.

Problem with people testing vRAM use in games is that they load a map, look around for a minute and say "Not a problem, works great, 8GB still enough!". But it often happens after a bit longer session of at least said 20 minutes, when game loads more assets and textures and starts chocking. I had FPS drops in few other games but freezes only in BL3, on that 8GB card.
That said, textures are the easiest and one of the best options to increase fidelity in game - it doesn't lower FPS as long as one has enough vRAM, hence can be increased in new games even on older cards, unlike RT or similar. However, with just 8GB vRAM it'll be the opposite soon enough - one will have to lower them to keep up proper FPS. :/
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