Poll: *** 2010 General Election Result & Discussion ***

Who did you vote for?

  • Labour

    Votes: 137 13.9%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 378 38.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 304 30.9%
  • UK Independence Party

    Votes: 27 2.7%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 10 1.0%
  • British National Party

    Votes: 20 2.0%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • DUP

    Votes: 4 0.4%
  • UUP

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • SDLP

    Votes: 3 0.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 16 1.6%
  • Abstain

    Votes: 80 8.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
28 Aug 2006
I like the voting reasons of some people :p

"I'll vote Lib Dems because I don't like GB or DC..."

Little do they know that most Lib Dem votes will keep GB as PM in a hung parliment. I don't think the Lib Dems will ever get enough for a marjority with these rigged boundaries.

I only see Conservatives to oust Labour. GB screwed the enconmy when he was chancellor, and its time for someone else (they can't be any worse).
16 Nov 2003
On the pale blue dot
Do you live in Slough? Why is it such a Labour area?

I do.

The immigrants let into the country by Labour have a tendency to vote for them (Slough is full of immigrants)

Pretty much. There's a large first and second generation black and Asian community that are pro-Labour. A lot of the local donations to Labour come from a few rich Asian businessmen in the area (the same businessmen who keep getting done for buying houses from the council and cramming them full of hundreds of economic migrants, so very dodgy). I'm not sure if the recent wave of eastern-European people are allowed to vote as they won't be naturalised? The 'indigenous' white community fall into the 'lazy bum' category so don't bother to vote.

I'm actually a second generation immigrant myself (my dad came over in the 70s) but as my dad works in the NHS we're a very anti-Labour household.
14 Oct 2009
Silicon Valley, USA
I love all the conservative supporters labelling people as stupid for supporting the Lib Dems - seems like us Lib Dem voters are all being labelled as fooled by the election debates.

Just for some justification on my pro-lib dem stance:

Tory schools policy sucks (according to my mum, a headteacher).
Lib Dem would repeal Digital economy bill.
Fairer electoral system.
Need to break the labour/tory stranglehold on power.
Dont think Trident is needed in the modern world.
General belief that Lib Dems care about personal freedoms, right to fair trial etc that Labour and Jacqui Smith seem to have forgotten is important.
Really don't like Conservative policies in general.
Think Labour have had their chance and not delivered.
Lib Dem candidate in Cambridge has better local policies than the other main candidates.

You may disagree with me, but I have at least weighed everything up.
24 Nov 2002
38.744281°N 104.846806°W
Tory schools policy sucks (according to my mum, a headteacher) And praised by hundreds of other head teachers at leading schools. But oh you don't suckle at their teat.
Lib Dem would repeal Digital economy bill. I doubt that, sadly
Fairer electoral system. PR isn't fairer on us as it will lead to hungness.
Need to break the labour/tory stranglehold on power.Which still won't happene voting LibDem
Dont think Trident is needed in the modern world."modern world" is a fickle beast
General belief that Lib Dems care about personal freedoms, right to fair trial etc that Labour and Jacqui Smith seem to have forgotten is important.Agreed, but the Tory's aren't Nazis.
Really don't like Conservative policies in general.No detail = you have a grudge
Think Labour have had their chance and not delivered.Agreed, the Tory's haven't had their chance.
Lib Dem candidate in Cambridge has better local policies than the other main candidates.The only reason I'll accept fully.

You may disagree with me, but I have at least weighed everything up.Only one I accept :D
14 Oct 2009
Silicon Valley, USA
hungness isnt "unfair".

Unfair is 2 million people voting Green and getting no representation at all etc.

I dont hold a grudge against the conservatives, im only 22, my only actual grudge is with Labour over top-up fees and the D.E.B. Is it not possible to have read all their policies and just not to like them or to agree with them?
24 Nov 2002
38.744281°N 104.846806°W
hungness isnt "unfair".

Unfair is 2 million people voting Green and getting no representation at all etc.

I dont hold a grudge against the conservatives, im only 22, my only actual grudge is with Labour over top-up fees and the D.E.B. Is it not possible, to have read all their policies, and just not to like them, or to agree with them?
Well you haven't expanded, so it's easy to jump to conclusions. A friend said exactly the same last night, and then all he could tell me was he just didn't agree with their policies/heart. He couldn't expand, which means to me it's a stupid reason/grudge/stupidity. We spoke for hours and the specifics he disagreed with were unsubstantiated.

"Fair" on one group is always "Unfair" on another sadly. PR (at least STV) isn't fairer on democracy/this country. AMS may be better. But, lets not forget the sole reason LibDems/SNP/Plaid etc. want PR is to maximise their power and egos. It is not for us, the electorate.
17 Sep 2003
Will be voting tonight - also a Slough resident. As mentioned it is a Labour safe seat, but voting nevertheless.
24 Nov 2002
38.744281°N 104.846806°W
It is for us actually. It's completely retarded that a party can get 30% of the popular vote but win 40%+ of the parliamentary seats. We absolutely need PR, end of.
Sorry, you misinterpreted. Swap Tory and LibDem - do you really think LibDem's would then want/push for PR?

Well we both know where each other stand. I did lol at your sig quote though :D
I'm tempted to keep it forever.
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