2011 Census soon!

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24 Aug 2006
There's lots of information available to the government already and they don't seem to plan very well with that.

Wonder if the 2.5 million on benefits will fill in the census? Can hardly fine them.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I choose to make my own decisions in life, not be told what to do by others.

Then you are fresh out of luck, because you don't live in Somalia, the only country in the world with no effective government, so you don't actually choose ALL the things you do in life - you never have and you never will, and neither should you.
22 Mar 2008
[TW]Fox;18507992 said:
It isn't that simple!!
That is NOT my concern or problem. Data exists, and they constantly collect more.

If the government departments are so incompetent that they cannot find a way to share data then tough luck.
30 Jun 2007
Like say if we had a basic English test before we allowed people to stay long term in this country ... oh wait, we do have that now don't we?

People have this amazing ability to make more people once they're in the country though....
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
That is NOT my concern or problem.

Sadly it is, because you are going to fill a census form out.

If the government departments are so incompetent that they cannot find a way to share data then tough luck.

The only tough luck here is you, with your £1k fine. I hope you don't bother to fill it out, and you get fined. I'll laugh so hard, because you thoroughly deserve it for your ridiculous attitude to pretty much everything you ever post about, ever.
22 Mar 2008
I will fill out Fox, I will just take the **** with my answers.

I may turn out to be the 99 year old son of Mugabe who was born on Mars, only speaks Klingon and so forth.
Man of Honour
9 Jan 2007
There's lots of information available to the government already and they don't seem to plan very well with that.

The trouble is that it's all over the place and can't give a snapshot of the makeup of the UK.

Wonder if the 2.5 million on benefits will fill in the census? Can hardly fine them.

Why not. They are citizens of the UK and subject to fines and penalties just like you or I.
Man of Honour
27 Sep 2004
seriously tho, is everyone getting it ?
whats its purpose ? what do we gain ?

It's a census so every householder gets it. Have a look at the FAQ for the rest of the answers.

As far as I am aware, census information is not used for surveillance and have to ask how could it be ? ID cards are also being scrapped by the Coalition aren't they ?

They were indeed, there is what I'm sure is a delightful video of the last of the hard drives that contained the information being shredded.

Exactly just share the data then!
If it already exists why collect it again.

It's really not that simple, the data is stored on disparate systems which sometimes cannot talk to each other and to bodge something together which would allow them to exchange data would create the possibility of gaping security holes. At which point you'd be up in arms about your data being insecurely stored - completely ignoring the fact that it would be your unwillingness to provide the data in one form that necessitated the link which isn't 100%.

If you want to argue that the data should be stored in a system/systems which can communicate with each other more easily then be my guest but it's a useless argument at the moment because it's not taking account of what the reality of the situation currently is. I would however say that my views remain unchanged on the concept of one consolidated database - it's simply a more attractive target for data thieves than having to hack several systems which may be less secure individually but you've increased the risks of being caught by having to hack several.

For myself - I'll be interested to see what is in the Census, it's the first one I'll have had any real input into.
22 Mar 2008
It's really not that simple, the data is stored on disparate systems which sometimes cannot talk to each other and to bodge something together which would allow them to exchange data would create the possibility of gaping security holes. At which point you'd be up in arms about your data being insecurely stored - completely ignoring the fact that it would be your unwillingness to provide the data in one form that necessitated the link which isn't 100%.

If you want to argue that the data should be stored in a system/systems which can communicate with each other more easily then be my guest but it's a useless argument at the moment because it's not taking account of what the reality of the situation currently is.
Here is a suggestion, create a new system where all the data can be stored ... then migrate the data from the old system to the new
30 Jul 2006
I will fill out Fox, I will just take the **** with my answers. ...
Reluctant though I am to agree with anything at all that you say rypt, I have to agree with you on that ;)

If everyone made a few of the answers just about credible but still wrong, the census would be pretty meaningless and impossible to rectify. Amount and source of income would be a good start - how about loads of geriatric male prostitutes :D
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
I'm going to be away so going to have to do it online no doubt. What if you're staying in a hotel or away from the uk on business?

Anyway, I understand the reasons for it, I do find it a little intrusive, but then again there's so much data on me out there anyway that really it's of little importance anyway.

From having looked at the previous one to refresh my memory, a lot of the questions can be skewed a bit on interpretation. I was working abroad for 3 months at the time so never answered it.

A census is never 100% accurate, it gives a rough idea, and those that aren't followers of the law would just skew it more anyway through their own behaviour anyway.

I'm sure there are probably more accurate ways of collating this information - but probably only as much as people are willing to offer.

If I'm in the UK, I'll complete it, I don't believe there's much point in protesting as they have a huge bunch of data for me anyway (I pay my taxes, bills, I vote, have credit cards, rent, tenancy agreements, NHS, SIA, had CRB checks, credit checks and other checks, and lots of other things). So it's pointless protesting when they have lots of info on me anyway.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Here is a suggestion, create a new system where all the data can be stored ... then migrate the data from the old system to the new

Yes, just like that.

If they did that you'd cry like a baby about the cost. Or do you think that can be done for free as well?

A single data repository for every government organisation? lol
Man of Honour
27 Sep 2004
Here is a suggestion, create a new system where all the data can be stored ... then migrate the data from the old system to the new

Do you know how long it would take? Do you have any idea how much a new system of this sort would cost? Are you willing to pay for it as part of your taxes? What do you suggest we do in the meantime since this data is necessary and must be collected irrespective of your personal viewpoint?
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