29 million Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to live and work unrestricted in our country

28 Nov 2008
How will immigration result in anything other than increased unemployment and wage suppression in what is already a slackly utilised workforce?
I am not in a position to answer that fully - I just read around what's available to you and I and try to keep a discerning and skeptical mind. However, there's only so much skepticism I can reserve when study after study shows the same thing.

While traditionally middle class professions may well be unaffected by Eastern European immigration. It is the lower end of the jobs market (eg unskilled jobs, traditionally performed by working class people) which will be, as these types of job are accessible with few or no qualifications.
Semi/unskilled workers have suffered greatly at the hands of off shoring and mechanisation
This is where the studies show your assumptions to be wrong - all classes of profession are affected by immigration (I've said this three times now in the thread).

The lower end of the jobs marked is negatively impacted, but negligibly so - we are talking -0.5% (and has been more than made up for in government police over the last decade). The higher end of the jobs market have seen their wages positively impacted - inflated due to immigration.

I can't urge you again to simply read. I don't understand what is stopping you. Rather than doing so and then finding out why your assumptions are wrong, you just keep banging on about my not explaining to you why your assumptions have turned out to be wrong :confused: Dude, go read!
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18 Oct 2002
The Great Lines Of Defence
It doesn't matter how much people argue this as long as we're part of the EU we can't limit EU immigration.

Actually, to a degree any EU country can limit EU workers migration. It is limited in UK for the new member states, with Jan 2014 set as the expiration date for that limitation. Bulgaria and Romania joined EU in 2007 and most countries decided to show them middle finger on the workers movement front for 7 years after their accession. There was an option to make the transition period longer, but most countries decided 7 years was enough.

Funnily enough, both countries offered on these forum as an example of what Britain should become after separation from EU - Norway and Switzerland - historically and currently are actually very mild in terms of EU workers migration limits, including 2005/2007 new member states (although Switzerland won't let Romanians work until 2016).
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29 Jan 2008
If your job is under threat due to some Romanians emigrating over here then you really ought to have worked harder at school.
29 Jan 2008
Really don't see the issue tbh... they're part of the EU so have every right to come here.

As with other Eastern European migrants they likely won't be claiming benefits but rather they'll likely be economically active and contributing to our society.


wait did I say lol?

yeah I did, LOL!

you can LOL all you like but its the reality of the situation


But haven't they put our welfare system under intolerable pressure?

Most who came were young – 78% aged between 18 and 34 – and only 5% brought school-age children with them. The Home Office says they have gone where the work is, filling gaps in the labour market in administration, agriculture, hospitality and catering, and food, fish and meat-processing. Whitehall says they have made few demands on the welfare system, with just 7,000 successfully claiming tax-funded income related benefits last year.

Our home grown white trash like to blame others for their situation - few decades ago it was Indians/Pakistanis, now its Eastern Europeans and evil bankers etc...
29 Jul 2010
Furthermore, they are produced by academics, many of whom seem oblivious to the true impact of immigration. See this excerpt from Question Time for instance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QYCTDXq56w

I was in the audience for that QT :)

And anecdotal or not, for the specific area of construction & agricultural farm workers in Lincolnshire, immigration has lowered wages, by far more than the 0.5% Hatter cites from the reports (which would look at national averages and trends).

And that is evidence from both employees and employers.
29 Jul 2010
By decimated you mean... reduced no more than 0.5%, and inflated else where?

http://www.lowpay.gov.uk/lowpay/report/pdf/8990-BIS-Low Pay_Tagged.pdf

I did read this report btw, not that I'm sure what it has to do with the argument in hand but in relation to Migrant Workers it has this to say...

Academic research suggests that overall migrant workers have had a positive impact on the UK economy by filling gaps in the labour market. However, that research also suggested that there had been downward pressure on wages at the bottom of the distribution but that the NMW had prevented wages falling further

Which tends to agree with what we are saying, in low paid unskilled jobs, there has been a downward pressure on pay until it hits min wage...
7 Feb 2009
I've been unemployed for nearly 6 months, since i graduated & a lot my friends are the in the same boat.
Its so frustrating applying for entry level jobs & not getting them due to huge amount of polish & other immigrates also applying for them. They have cornered the entry level of the job market & more immigrates will only make it worse.

Looks like ill have to join my employed mates & emigrate to Australia or Canada.....

22 Nov 2005
Great Britain hasn't been great for over a decade. This will never be fixed though as anyone who opposes mass immigration is branded a racist.
yea it's pretty crazy really with the amount of immigrants in the last 10-15 years.

I remember when my ex wife first came to Nottingham with me and she was amazed at how diverse the city was with large predominantly African Caribbean areas surrounding the city centre.

I don't think she had seen many people with African origins before and when I first came to Newcastle it was pretty weird with how almost everyone were clearly white british.

Now the place is full of people from the middle east , Africa , the eastern block countries and as far as I'm aware the north isn't even an immigrant hotspot.

I've got no problems with the people that was to embrace our culture and make friends with the natives but it's not like that people stick to their own for the most part and want life to be like it was before they moved here but with the benefits of our economy/benefit system.

I suppose its the same for the places brits goto as well though like the British areas of spain.

Maybe if they werent coming here on such a mass scale they would find themselves getting involved more with the British people instead of sticking to their own groups
I firmly believe allowing immigrants to come here is a good thing but only if its a slow process and not the flood gates staying open
13 Nov 2006
I've got no problems with the people that was to embrace our culture and make friends with the natives but it's not like that people stick to their own for the most part and want life to be like it was before they moved here but with the benefits of our economy/benefit system.

I suppose its the same for the places brits goto as well though like the British areas of spain.

Maybe if they werent coming here on such a mass scale they would find themselves getting involved more with the British people instead of sticking to their own groups
I firmly believe allowing immigrants to come here is a good thing but only if its a slow process and not the flood gates staying open

Second/third generations usually do mix. For example, there are quite a few people on here whose parents were not born in this country.

In the work place I don't think I've ever worked with anyone who has not made an effort to be part of Britain.

Uni was an interesting experience, hardly any Chinese students made an effort to integrate but those that did were really no different from you and I.
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Great Britain hasn't been great for over a decade. This will never be fixed though as anyone who opposes mass immigration is branded a racist.

Sentence #1 is utterly unrelated to sentence #2. Try some history books. And the reason why most people who are anti-immigration are branded as racist is because most of them are. Not always, but enough to make the label stick. So here's a simple tester: it so happens I'm an immigrant, and have been for most of my life. Should I "go home"? If it helps, the funniest sight on Earth is the English losing at any sport.
22 Nov 2005
Sentence #1 is utterly unrelated to sentence #2. Try some history books. And the reason why most people who are anti-immigration are branded as racist is because most of them are. Not always, but enough to make the label stick. So here's a simple tester: it so happens I'm an immigrant, and have been for most of my life. Should I "go home"? If it helps, the funniest sight on Earth is the English losing at any sport.
If you don't consider the country your are currently living in to be your home then maybe you should.
If people don't want to come here to make a new life and see the country as their new home and embrace our society ( yea the last bit is pretty hard seeing as the country is ****) then why bother ?

If people want to come and make a new life for themselves great.
If people want to come here and live on as little as possible whilst saving/sending money "home" or relying on benefits kick them out
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21 Aug 2010
If people want to come here and live on as little as possible whilst saving/sending money "home" or relying on benefits kick them out

Typical brainwashed can't think for yourself 'Daily fail' dribble!
You do realize that the vast majority of immigrants are hard working tax payers that are doing jobs many of the 'native people' are either too arrogant or lazy to do :confused:
On a whole immigration is financially beneficial to our economy but don't let hard facts get in the way of your ignorant and/or racist rant :rolleyes:

Sentence #1 is utterly unrelated to sentence #2. Try some history books. And the reason why most people who are anti-immigration are branded as racist is because most of them are. Not always, but enough to make the label stick. So here's a simple tester: it so happens I'm an immigrant, and have been for most of my life. Should I "go home"? If it helps, the funniest sight on Earth is the English losing at any sport.

Seriously dude what response did you think this thread was going to get?
Overclockers have been regarded as a right-wing bigoted forum for years all across the internet.
At least they are consistent with their bigotry, if it's not racist nonsense then it's either homophobia or sexism :p
To be fair though it's not as bad as it use to be many years ago!
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