29 million Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to live and work unrestricted in our country

I have dual nationality and i could not agree more - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

i do not enjoy it any more than you do!

EU access restrictions will be lifted in December allowing this influx. Eric Pickles, the Communities Secretary, recently admitted that any influx will put pressure on housing services but claimed that he has no idea how many are likely to come. Worst hit will be East London boroughs where housing services are already strained. Mr Pickles’s comments followed claims last month from planning minister Nick Boles that migrant families accounted for nearly half of Britain's new housing needs.

Pickles may be frightened to predict how many Bulgarians and Romanians will move here because the previous administration grossly underestimated the numbers in 2004. It predicted fewer than 20,000 eastern Europeans would arrive but Office for National Statistics figures show more than 600,000 were working in Britain last year. Already, statistics have shown that Romania's population has fallen by more than 12 per cent since 2002 as hundreds of thousands leave the poverty-stricken nation for comparatively richer countries like ours.

From the start of next year 29 million Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to live and work unrestricted in our country under European “freedom of movement” rules. The NHS, housing and jobs market is already under pressure. We are faced with austerity cuts in essential services and high unemployment.


To be honest I think this is the last thing great Britain needs right now. I am all for a bit of multiculturalism but this is too many at the wrong time.
you mean like something in the building trade where pay has been decimated care of polish builders over the past 10 years. got a few friends who have been in the trade for 30+ years and they say the pays gone down to near min wage levels in some places. so even having a trade isnt going to guarantee a good living anymore.

That's no excuse I'm afraid, plenty of people are retraining to find work.. it's unfortunate but you adapt to changes.
That's no excuse I'm afraid, plenty of people are retraining to find work.. it's unfortunate but you adapt to changes.

I feel sorry for the people who retrained from IT into being a plumber/electrician to avoid the offshoring wave, only to have their new salaries hit hard by European migration.
parks are already full of kids that never go to schools and just call me boss for w/e reason.. this will be messy.. as if we don't have enough problems here..

with love lithuanian.
I feel sorry for the people who retrained from IT into being a plumber/electrician to avoid the offshoring wave, only to have their new salaries hit hard by European migration.

The best thing someone can do is look at the growing industries, either domestically or abroad. I don't expect gas/oil employment to shrink anytime soon .
That's no excuse I'm afraid, plenty of people are retraining to find work.. it's unfortunate but you adapt to changes.

yeah adapt for a lot of tradesmen is to work for near min wage and pray it starts going back up to what it should be for a skilled job. but i doubt that will happen with large building companies trying to get every penny out of the boxes they knock out nowadays.

as for retraining its a great idea but as many have experienced on here dont expect any sort of actual help from anyone, also how does someone with a mortgage and family drop it all to become a student.

thanks to labour and the glorious eu theres thousands of people who are now royaly screwed and anyone who thinks different really need to take a look around at whats happened in some parts of the country rather than pasting extracts of gov reports in to the min wage and its impact.
I'm talking about the whole UK economy here, not one job application that may or may not have had an unusually high percentage of applications from immigrants. The point remains, all of those applicants had to go through a selective immigration process, whereas Polish people competing at the bottom end didn't. You know that sheer numbers matter here right?

Also, it'd be nice if you checked if the numbers supported your case instead of "betting" that they do.

Post some stats then to support what you think.

I still say there is MORE competition at professional level than lower level, more professionals have the funds to travel for starters.
Apparently polish is the 2nd most common language in England and Wales, with a large percent of them speaking no English at all. These Romanians will make much less effort than the Poles and will come in higher numbers.

Apparently some papers and magazines are now being published in Polish in England and Wales. The English are loosing their heritage and culture fast. I for one say we fight....

There are 3 polish shops in my home town (its a small one) they make up perhaps a third of the shops in my town.Majority of people i see walking around are polish.
I don't mind the Poles as they mostly all work and they all speak prett decent English. I know what you mean by us losing our heritage though.
Muhammad is supposed to be most common baby name in UK kinda gives you an idea how bad things have got

Few Romanians here already, one of them hangs around outside co-op begging and few other scruffy looking Romanians hang around back of my gym drinking and fighting with each other.Nasty bunch.
There are 3 polish shops in my home town (its a small one) they make up perhaps a third of the shops in my town.Majority of people i see walking around are polish.
I don't mind the Poles as they mostly all work and they all speak prett decent English.

I know what you mean, I live in a city and I can't think of a shopping parade that doesn't have at least one Polish Food shop on it.

Now I know some people will say "yeah but there's loads of Indian Restaurants" but the difference is they exist to serve everyone. Their menus are written in English and you are spoken to in English. The Polish shops I see have all their stuff written in Polish and clearly have a 'Poles only' feel about them. Not saying they are hostile to non-Poles but they clearly exist to primarily serve the Polish community and not like an Indian restaurant that is sharing culture with the 'natives'.

Muhammad is supposed to be most common baby name in UK kinda gives you an idea how bad things have got

To be fair this gets touted about a lot.

Firstly it's not true....

http://www.babycentre.co.uk/a1050041/top-uk-boys-names-2011 (they haven't uploaded the 2012 one yet).

'Muhammad' comes in at number 35. But secondly it doesn't mean more Muslim babies are being born than non-Muslim ones, moreover it's because Muslims don't tend to have a wide range of names they use, so whereas you might get 1 in 100 non-muslims called 'Harry' and is the most popular non-Muslim name, you probably get something like 1 in 3 Muslim men being called Muhammad.

For example if in a group of 1,000 you had two Muslims called Muhammad and 998 non-Muslims all with different names, then Muhammad would be the most popular name in that sample group, yet at the same time Muslims would make up only 0.2% of it.
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I've only really met 2 Bulgarians and 3 Romanians.

One Bulgarian (female, hot) is now doing a masters at Oxford.
The other (female, hot) has just finished her stats degree.

One Romanian (male) is currently doing a PhD in complexity science, and is extremely intelligent.
His Romanian girlfriend (average) is doing a PhD in astrophysics.
The Romanian (male) is currently doing a masters degree over here.

Bulgaria and Romania are extremely split countries, and produce some extremely talented people.
For instance, the school system in Romania is geared towards the best students. At school in Romania, you will be studying pure mathematics that isn't taught in this country until the second year of university over here (third year at a weak uni).

Of course, Romania does produce a lot of organsied beggars, and the Bulgarian mafia is nothing to sniff at. But we shouldn't be so quick to put them all down. I imagine some of the more talented people will want to move over as well to work in our more skilled industries.

p.s. I want out of the EU too, but not for immigration reasons.

edit. Whoop 5k posts.
The Poles killed the construction industry years ago but mainly down to greedy developers wanting cheap labour.

But to be fair from some that ive met on sites they are hard working and seem to be decent people.
But you tend to have only one or two that can speak English in the groups they seem to be in and have always said how having non English workers isnt against health and safety.
I've only really met 2 Bulgarians and 3 Romanians.

One Bulgarian (female, hot) is now doing a masters at Oxford.
The other (female, hot) has just finished her stats degree.

One Romanian (male) is currently doing a PhD in complexity science, and is extremely intelligent.
His Romanian girlfriend (average) is doing a PhD in astrophysics.
The Romanian (male) is currently doing a masters degree over here.

Bulgaria and Romania are extremely split countries, and produce some extremely talented people.
For instance, the school system in Romania is geared towards the best students. At school in Romania, you will be studying pure mathematics that isn't taught in this country until the second year of university over here (third year at a weak uni).

Of course, Romania does produce a lot of organsied beggars, and the Bulgarian mafia is nothing to sniff at. But we shouldn't be so quick to put them all down.

I don't think the idea here is to have a go at individuals or families, or suggest they don't work hard or are thick. The point is we are reaching breaking point when it comes to housing, benefits and jobs. If a glass is full of water, it won't take any more liquid, even if it is Champagne.

I went out with a Polish girl but I still don't like the mass immigration drive that brought her here. But again, I'm not having a pop at them personally, but rather the silly EU laws and ideologies that state countries within the EU should have no control over their borders.
The EU doesnt control the rules like benefits and tbh that is the only way they are going to try and control this is by stopping the the self employed scam to claim benefits.

True immigrants that that want to come here to work arnt the problem but we are full.
The argument that they do the crappy jobs that Brits wont is flawed because in the years before the mass open door we did ok.
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